The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Sophie’s pov
Tinhaled sharply, completely stunned by how he managed to have caught me off guard.
Aiden’s grin is stunning and completely shocks me.
My heart beat furiously in my chest and my skin tingle by his close proximity. “Aiden
I stop, luring some air into my lungs.
What the hell was I doing just standing here and not pushing him away?! I can’t have him have the last laugh.
“Get away from me Aiden! Ever heard of personal space?” I snapped and tried to reach for my scrunchie but he lifts his hand up
and looks down at me tauntingly.
He was way taller than me and he knew I wouldn’t be able to reach it, even if I tiptoe.
“Give it back you d**k!” I snapped impatiently. I just wanted to go home and bury my face in my covers and scream out my
frustration and humiliation
He raised a mocking brow. “A very big d**k?” He clicked his tongue and chuckled when he saw how frustrated I got.
Exhaling out a heavy annoyed breath I murmured, “Why? Why do you always pick on me Aiden? Why can’t you just leave me
alone and be on your merry way? If you hate me that’s fine, we don’t have to acknowledge each other
“Shut up.” Aiden’s face suddenly loses all emotion and gets cold. His stormy eyes pierce through mine.
Suddenly Aiden’s face is mere inches away from mine, so close that I can see some grey in his eyes and also see my reflection
through the windows of his soul.
I gulped. He was way too close. Too close.
Aiden lifts his hand up and his fingers brush against my neck. I shivered under his touch and felt something like fire coiling in my
lower stomach.

“Look, you can tell everyone what you caught me watching, I don’t care. Just leave me alone and let me go.” I stammered out
when his louch seem to have made goosebumps raise on my skin.
Aiden, whose eyes were on my neck, lifts and connected with mine. “And what if I don’t want to let you go puppy?” He tilts his
head, brushing some of my brown hair behind my shoulder.
This was the first time Aiden and I was alone and so close to each other. He would either have his friends when we cross paths
or I would have Mali beside me
But never were we in the same room, alone and so close it can be considered inappropriate. It was strange having him so near.
I ultered “I will scream the entire roof down if I have to if you don’t get away from me. I’ll even tell Joe you were
I stopped, not wanting to say the word assault when he clearly hadn’t assaulted me. I could get into huge trouble.
Aider’s eyes narrowed on my face with an unimpressed expression. “Is that a threat puppy?”
Putting out air, 1 hufted ‘Would you stop calling me that!? I have a name for f**k sake.”
Aiden’s eyes narrowed on my mouth. ‘You know, you have quite a dirty little mouth puppy. Filthy actually. Then again, you’re not
as innocent as you look.”
His lips spread into a smirk that taunted me. “Shy and very attentive Sophie Bell, watches porn in the library after school hours.
Hmmm. Teachers pet, I wonder what all those teachers would think of you now.”
“Tell me Puppy. Did you like the video? Did you like to watch the quy f**kthe girl so hard? I bet you wished to be f***d like that.”
He tsked, pinching the skin on my shoulder
Glaring at him, I saw that there was no way I could win an argument with him so I settled for trying to reach for my scrunchie.
When my actions were futile and met with a chuckle from Aiden
I decided that enough was enough and stomped on his foot harshly. He yelps, hissing, and drops my scrunchie ‘f**k” He groans,
shifting on his foot.
Now you must be wondering why I’m going through all this trouble for a simple scrunchie, but this was my favorite one, and I’d
be d**ed if let Aiden Xavier have it.

I quickly go to reach for my scrunchie but Aiden is quicker than me. He grabs a hold of my hand and pushes me back to the
gasp as I clumsily land on the surface. Aiden is fast to come between my legs before I could compose myself
His hands swiftly grab a hold of my hands when I was about to push him away. His grip around my wrist was firm
“You’re going to pay for that!” He sneered, pressing his body closer to mine so there would be no way I could escape.
“You deserved it!” I retorted with a sneer of my own.
“You f**g brat,” Aiden growls, his face coming closer to mine. Do you know how
“f**kyou Aiden.” I cut him off. “I’m so done with having to listen to you. f**k
With a powerful growl, Aiden’s mouth latches on to mine. I gasp, my heart leaping as he presses his lower body closer to me.
And it’s then I feel it. That hardness, brushing against my inner thigh.
He was hard as a rock. So hard that it would seem as though he was like that for more than a few seconds.
I gasp again at the feel of his hardness brushing against my inner thigh. But my actions only had Aiden thrusting his tongue into
my mouth.
When our tongues made contact, we both shuddered and I moaned. This was wrong. So so wrong.
Aiden was an a**le a bully, my bully and I was letting him kiss me.
But somehow, I didn’t want him to stop. Even though I know I should push
him away, i couldn’t get myself to
His tongue slid against mine and he growls in his throat His hands that had captured my wrists, let them go only to settle on my
bottom and tugged me closer to him until the dress I wore rode up and until his hardness brushed against my core.
i gasped and trembled at the powerful feeling that he invoked inside me. My hands were free to push him, they were, but I used
them to grab a hold of his shirt, fist them in my hand and pull him closer to me.
This wasn’t me

I should push him away.
But as the thought pushed into my mind, my hands only fisted his shirt more firmly and pulled him even closer.
Aiden grunts, squeezing my bottom and starts rubbing his hardness on my core.
It feels so good.
The way his hardness rubbed on my throbbing nub to my core. I could already feel the sleekness between my thighs. I was wet.
Very wet.
Aiden tilts his head in a way that allowed his tongue to enter deeper into my mouth and I couldn’t stop the moan that fluttered out
and joined
his groan.
“Sophie,” He groans, pulling away from my mouth only to brush his lips at the corner of my mouth and trail kisses down my neck.
I closed my eyes tightly, shivering and moaning while he wets a trail down the curve of my neck
I shouldn’t like this. I really shouldn’t. We need to stop.
Igasp, arching into him when I feel his wet tongue dart out to lick the skin of my neck.
I bundle his shirt in my fist, pushing more into him, despite my next words. “We can’t- we should sto
Aiden’s grip on my bottom turns form and he pulls me impossibly closer to him until his hardness was no longer just a brush on
my core, but until I could actually feel his entire length.
“G*d for once Sophie, shut up and just enjoy this.” He groans on my neck, lifts his head, and then looked down at me.
My breath catches in my throat at the look in his eyes. Hunger. Did the windows of my soul show the same?
My eyes leave his to drop to stare at his lips. Had I done that? Did I make his lips so red?
Did mine look the same?

Aiden seeing that I would no longer protest tilts his head and connects our lips once more.
One of his hands leaves my bottom, almost reluctantly only to tickle its way to my p**sy.
I began to pant, my breathing coming in short puffs, Aiden’s breathing is exactly the same, so rough and so
My mind goes hazy when I feel Aiden’s fingers brushing my core. He presses on my p**sy, groaning loudly.
*You’re wel. So f***ng wet Sophie.” He groans, ripping his mouth away from mine and moving his body slightly away so that
when he tooked between us, he’d get a perfect view of his hand on my p**sy.
My chest rises and falls as I try to catch my breath. But his warm hand that seeps warmth on my core wasn’t exactly helping.
Aiden has a dazed look in his eyes as he stared at his hand on my core. The only thing in our way for his fingers to touch my
bare p**sy was my black lacy panties
Alden’s bottom lip gets pulled between his teeth as he bites down on the plumpness. “Lace?’ Aiden asked, his eyes jumping up
to meet mme “Who would ve thought
ibri my hp, feeling heal settle on my cheek Something Mashes in Aider’s eyes and then so swiftly, his fingers tangle in my lace
panties and rip them off of me before my mind could even register what was happening
When the flimsy lace is on the floor, his eyes fall to between my thighs, and Aidon moans. “You have a f**ng beautiful p**sy,
Sophie.’ In a Second, Aiden is on tusknees, tus hands cupping my bottom to tug me to the edge of the desk, and then his mouth
was on my very wet Dussy

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