The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Sophie’s pov
Hearing Aiden’s voice so close to my ear and feeling his presence loom behind my body had my heart dropping in my stomach.
quickly escape the tab, closed my laptop, and rip the other earpiece out of my ear. All while doing so, my breath was stuck in my
“Don’t tell me you’re going to stop now,” He mocked, his lips brushing against my ear.
My heart jumps in my throat and starts beating furiously in the cages of my chest as I stood up quickly
This is embarrassing. On a scale from zero to ten, this was eleven
Being caught watching porn by your bully was the worst thing that could ever happen
The one time I actually listen to Mali and I found myself in the worst predicament ever
A hand on my shoulder stops me from moving away ‘Sit,” Aiden demanded, pushing down on my shoulder. Not hard, but in a
way that told me I should do as he says.
My voice. It was no longer capable of pushing out of my mouth. I was completely stunned and humiliated, so I could do nothing
but obey Aiden like a puppy.
With my bum back on the chair, Aiden leans down until his mouth is practically brushing my ears. Without warning, I shivered.
“Now now puppy. You looked like you were really into it. Don’t let my little disturbance stop you from watching something so
educational.” He stressed on the word educational, mocking it and mocking me.
I could only suck in a sharp breath. Not necessarily because of his words, but by the feel of his hot breath fanning behind my ear
and so close to my neck
Aiden’s hand on my shoulder remains there while the other reaches in front of me and peels my laptop open.
I watch wordlessly as he uses one hand to search my history and clicked right back on the porn video l had been watching in
fascination just hours ago

The two couples go right back to f***g before my eyes. I looked away, now even more embarrassed since Aiden chuckled in
But he only grips my chin and forces me to look at the screen. “Don’t look away puppy. It’s only going to get good from here.” He
snorted, pinching my chin but not hard enough to cause pain. In fact, it was more so as a teasing pinch.
In a swift move, Aiden shocks me by pulling out the headphones and tossing them on the floor. I gasp in alarm as the sounds of
grunts and moans s***er and disturb the once quiet room.
I try to reach over to lower or completely mute the volume but Aiden grips my hands before I could.’ Bad puppy, wanting to spoil
the good show!” Aiden teased, chuckling beside my ear.
gritted my teeth
‘Stop!” 1 snapped finally seeming to get my voice back.
‘Stop what?” He taunted, forcing my hands back to my sides as he leans even closer.
“Someone might hear Aiden’ I sputtered out, sweeping my eyes away from the screen in complete humiliation.
“But this is only an educational video, Sophie Just look at all that youve already learned in just a couple of minutes. He teased
Again, it’s not his words that shocked me or had me catching my breath It was the way he said my name My real name and not
Aiden rarely uses my name But when he does, there’s a certain way my name rolls off his tongue that sends tingles racing down
my spine
And surprisingly they were the good kind
Not hearing my response. Aiden chuckles “Dont worry puppy, no one is in the school Joe is outside which leaves only the two of
us in the room, alone with no one close to hearing range So many possibilities
The sounds of the woman’s loud squeal rouse my attention and I looked at the screen only to look away quickly when I saw it
was another position that had her so
Aiden laughs amusement clear in his teasing voice when he speaks “Youre as red as a tomato puppy Who would’ve thought you
would be so...naughty

I snapped my head his way and had not predicted that our eyes would’ve connected. His blue eyes were stormy with so many
emotions that they almost looked grey
Yet even with the storm in his eyes my breath catches and my heart thuds. Alden was truly the most handsome guy I had ever
Too bad he was a complete d**k And he proves it by saying
“Cat got your tongue puppy? He teased, his eyes dropping to my mouth i dont acknowledge the shift of emotions in his stormy
gaze nor do I acknowledge how darker they suddenly got,
Aiden was a manipulator and a big bully. And I refuse to play into his hands today I was just not in the mood for his taunting and
teasing today
And perhaps that had to do with the fact that every time he talks, I’m reminded of how he sounded last week. The grunts he had
let out And it didn’t help that he was really close to me,
Close enough that I can feel the breath from his parted mouth brushing against my own,
Letting out an annoyed breath, I turned around and shrugged his hands off me. “Okay enough, I grumbled.
Aiden cleared his throat and then chuckled, but it comes out forced.
“You’ve had enough of watching your porn video puppy?” He teased, finally moving away from me
It was strange for him to back down so easily. In fact, Aiden Xavier never backs down. No, he would’ve continued teasing me
until I literally resemble a tomato.
But no malier, it was a good thing he backed down. The universe must be on my side today.
quickly escape the tab and shut off my laptop before he could stop me this time. “Ah, but you didn’t even get to the good part
yet.” He mocked behind me, but thankfully not close enough anymore.
I rise from the chair and quickly placed my laptop back in my bag. I still can’t believe Aiden had seen me watching porn.
And even forced me to sit back down to watch it....
He really was a bully

Turning around to face Aiden, I snapped at him while I glared. “You’re a real a**le you know that?!”
Aiden only crosses his arms over his chest and looked at me in amusement. That only irked me even more.
He always treated me like his personal toy he could play with whenever he wanted.
pointed at his chest and with a furious glare, I spat. “You’re a big d**k who thinks he can get away with everything! You’re nothing
but a bully who’s miserable. I f***g hate you Aiden!”
I was breathing heavily by the time I was done with my little speech. And as I try to control my breathing while staring into
Alden’s really blue stormy eyes, I realized that I didn’t
I didn’t hate him
And I should have. I should hate him with all my heart. Because he had been nothing but mean to me my entire life. He was my
But I didn’t hate him. I just couldn’t. No matter how many times I’ve tried, hate just never came to me when I thought about Aiden
It was another emotion entirely.
Aiden’s brow raised as he stared at me. And then he does something rarely. He smiles.
But that quickly diminishes when he noticed my shocked stare. Taking a step forward Aiden snorts. “Yes, I’m well aware I have a
big d**k puppy. No need to remind me.”
He takes another step forward which had me stepping back until the back of my thighs touched the wooden surface of the
wooden table.
He sees this and takes a step forward again until he knew he had trapped me. He could easily just reach out, and place his
hands on the desk on either side of me and I would have nowhere to go but stay in his cage.
Tilting his head, Aiden stared at me with deep amusement. “But miserable. I don’t think I am. Not when I get to see your face
every day” His mouth curved into a grin and he does what I feared he’d do.

He completely traps me with both hands placed on either side of me. He was so close that I could smell his cologne. He smelled
of spice and something else. Something more calming. Which was strange for a guy like him to emanate off.
My breath catches in my throat as I leaned away from him, shivering strangely when his body heat brushes against the length of
my body.
Aiden dips his head and tilts it slightly until the air from his mouth brushes against my neck. I gasped when Aiden grunts. “And
hate me. I don’t think you hate me, Sophie,”
Trying to get my voice back, I murmured. “But I do. I really do.”
Suddenly Aiden’s nose is on my skin and he chuckles. “No you don’t. And you want to know how I know?”
My hands tremble as they tried to grip the edges of the table. Aiden was way too close. I couldn’t seem to think properly when he
was this close
I started, on the verge of telling him to back off but Aiden had other plans. He removes his face away from my skin, to stare down
at me.
And when his stormy eyes stared down at me, I felt my heart rate s***e. “Because I know you Sophie, more than you think. And I
know you don’t have a single bone in your body to ever hate anyone
I sucked in a sharp breath, staring into his eyes with shock
“Also,” Alden’s lips curt into a smirk in a fast movement, before I could even register what he was about to do, Aiden had
reached behind me and lugged the scrunchie from my hair
My long chocolate colored tresses fall around my shoulders and my back. So long that they brushed my tailbone. With a teasing
grin: Aiden
murmured. “You look way better with your hair down puppy.”

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