The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 130

Sophie’s pov
“How are you holding up by the way?” Mila questioned as my head rolled on her shoulder.
“I know the media has been shit lately towards you and now that they had Ashton’s picture circulating around....I can only
imagine the stress it has brought on for both you and Aiden.” Mila murmured.
I nod, moving my head off her shoulder and mumble. “It doesn’t feel great to be in the public eye but with Aiden al- ways being
the hot topic for blogs, it’s not surprising that they’re trying to get into everything they can about us.”
Mila looks over at me in worry. “These paparazzi and so- cial media scare me. This is why I stay far away from social media. The
way they could spin any false story out of control makes me sick to my stomach.”
I nod, agreeing with her.
Suddenly my phone buzzes on the table, catching our at- tention. I picked it up, staring at the caller and a smile spread on my
I haven’t heard from her in a hot minute and decided to call her today...only that she hadn’t answered when I did.
I’m relieved that she was at least okay.
I answered the video call quickly, lifting the phone to my
When her face emerge on the screen, I couldn’t help but be worried. There were visible stress lines on her face.
“Ingrid?” I smiled. “I tried calling earlier. Haven’t heard from you an entire day.”
I shifted around so the camera could also be on Mila who waved at Ingrid. “The girls are here.” I said and then switch the camera
to show Ria who was rocking Ashton back and forth to make him fall asleep.
Ria waves at Ingrid but Ash head was faced away and was resting on her shoulder, no doubt already sleeping.

Switching the camera back on me, I looked at Ingrid in deep worry when she hadn’t answered as yet.
“Ingrid?” I asked, a little more worried now that she seemed out of it.
Mila sent me a confused and concerned stare and I only shrugged in response because I was also lost.
“Yes,” Ingrid finally answers but her voice is low. Very low.
“What’s wrong?” I asked in deep concern. “Is it Michael?” | questioned, my voice a bit shaky with nerves and fear.
She shook her head in denial and cracked out a forced smile. “No nothing is wrong Soph. Don’t worry about us.”
Her eyes then looked around and her brows pinched. “Where are you? This doesn’t look like the apartment.”
Her question had me chewing on my lips and I nervously
looked at Mila who gave me an encouraging nod.
“I uh-
I sighed and confessed. “Aiden and I are trying out this family thing. I’m at his apartment.”
I tucked some stray strands behind my ears as I wait for her scolding.
There was no way she’d encourage me to move in with Aiden so soon, especially with our last conversation about him being a
But she surprised me by nodding and smiled. “Great.”
Both Mila and looked at each other in confusion.
And we voiced it out simultaneously. “Are you sure you are okay Ingrid?”
She takes a while to answer but she lets out a breath and spoke up. “I’ve just been worried about you Sophie lately. The media is
getting to everyone in town and people are talking over here.”
There are some truth to her words but I do notice that this is not the main thing that has her so worried.

Something was going on and she didn’t want me to be concerned about it.
But her words do make my lips press in displeasure.
I knew people back home would have a lot to say. Given that the town was small and everyone knew each other, it wasn’t
surprising if they remembered what happened two
years ago.
God only knew what they were saying about Aiden and
News travel fast back home and I was pretty sure the en- tire town knew about Aiden and me.
Carson’s parents.....
I shake my head to not think about them, especially the hostility they always sent me whenever I crossed paths with them back
My brows pinch in worry for Ingrid and Michael. Since I was not back home they were probably getting the brunt of the gossip
that I was certain were not great.
“They aren’t mean to you and Michael are they?” I asked, chewing on my lower lip in worry.
Ingrid smiled reassuringly.

It’s nothing we can’t handle
Soph. Just focus on you and your little family. Gossip back here will not last and by next week everyone will focus on something
else to gossip about.”
After talking for five minutes or so, a cough in the back- ground had Ingrid’s eyes widening a bit.

She quickly told us she had to go and ends the call before we could tell her goodbye.
This was so not like her. Her mood wasn’t chirpy like it usually was. Those smile too had not reached her eyes.
I had not failed to notice the tension in her eyes.
“Well that was weird.” Mila voiced out and I couldn’t help but agree.
“Something is definitely going on and it’s not only the gossip that’s going around back home.” I murmured and placed the phone
back on the coffee table, my brows furrow- ing.
“What’s even more worrying is that she had taken this long to call me back when I called her earlier.”
Mila hums. “You’re right, it doesn’t sound like Ingrid at all. But I think whatever is going on, she doesn’t want you to wor- ry about
it. Give her time, maybe she’ll tell you when she’s ready.” She shrugged.
I let out a heavy breath and groaned. “Honestly it’s a bit too late for that. I’m already worried.”
Mila is about to respond but Ria interrupts her by return- ing to the living room while dodging the roses so she’d not have them
“He fell asleep. Where can I put him to rest?” She asked when she reached beside us.
I gave her instruction to Aiden’s room and then watch her leave.
Mila and I continued our conversation while Ria went to place Ashton to rest.
But when she returned her eyes were wide and her foot- falls were hasty. She even managed to knock down one of the vases,
the roses falling out along with the water.
Her gaze were strictly on the phone she had grasped tightly in her hand.
Mila and I stood up quickly, panicking by her hasty ac-
“Ria, what’s wrong?” I asked urgently.
She lifts her gaze, approaching us quickly as she turns the phone screen facing us.

“I just got a notification from this popular New York gos- sip forum. It’s about Aiden and some woman.”
When I’m actually able to see the picture, my heart drops in the pit of my stomach.

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