The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 129

Sophie’s pov
“So you’re saying that Aiden Xavier. Thee Aiden Xavier bought you a hundred red roses and wrote you a love note?” Mila asked,
looking baffled as she looked around the apart- ment that was still....littered with red roses.
I had better clean them up but my heart didn’t want to get rid of them.
I was in a tug war, one side knew I had to get rid of a good amount because I can’t possibly have so many in one room....yet the
other part want to see them everyday even when they’ll be wilted.
That’s how much I want to cherish these roses Aiden had given to me. Such a sweet that made him break down
any remaining walls I had left around my heart.
I chewed on my nails and nod while trying to fight a smile.
Mila’s eyes widen. “You’re kidding. This cannot be the same Aiden in high school.” She gasped looking around the entire room
that still looked like the red sea even though I tried my best to push the roses to one side.
“You’re so lucky Soph. Aiden’s a charmer and a romantic. Lucky bit-” Ria stopped when I sent her a glare that told her to shut it
before she said the bad word.
She smiles shakily and looks down at Ash who was curled -in her arms.
He had woken up a few minutes after Aiden’s second call
We had resumed to watching some television and then played a little with the orange small ball Aiden had gifted to him. We had
been at it for hours until the girls arrived.
But now in Ria’s hold, my baby looked exhausted.
Ria rocked him and pointed at the outside deck, telling me silently that she’d be over there with Ash.
I nod and she’s quick to rush away from my glare.
“I still can’t believe it.” Mila said in awe as she crotched down and brushed her fingers over the red petals.

“I’d never take Aiden for that kind of guy....but I’ll admit he is trying.” She tilted her head up and smiled at me happily.
“As long as you are happy Soph, I’m happy.” The creases lined the corner of her eyes deepened as she smiled widely.
I sighed and fell onto the sofa, breathing out lightly as I tilt my head up to the ceiling. “It feels like a dream Mila.” I ad- mitted.
“A really good dream that I don’t want to ever wake up from. It’s crazy that we were arguing just a few days ago and now we’re
together. Trying out something we were once scared to admit we wanted to try out.” I sighed and snapped my head down to
She’s still crotched down and skimming her fingers over the petals in awe.
It takes a lot to impress Mila and this seemed to have -done the trick.
Aiden had definitely played his cards right. Getting my
best friend’s approval was something he seem to be on his way accomplishing.
“I always knew he loved you Soph. I saw it back then in his eyes and I’m seeing it now,” She stands up and looks down at
“I think you made the right choice by trying this out,” Her grin then starts to curled into a teasing smirk that had me groaning
“Sophie Bell, hmmm the girl who’s accomplishing what many others have failed to accomplish before her.” Mila teased and
walked over to the sofa and plopped beside me.
I looked at her a but confused, until she beamed. “You’ve accomplished making the blue eyed devil cold heart beat. You’ve done
the unthinkable.” She snorted and pulled me into a hug.
“Can we now call you the blue eyed devil’s wife?” Mila joked earning her a slight push from me.
She giggles and I join her.

When we’re both sobered up, she sighs and then mur- murs. “I’m really happy for you Sophie. You deserve this. You deserve
even more happiness.”
She stops and I freeze when I hear the word but. That word is never good when it is used.
And now she had used it....anxiety kicks in.
Mila draws in a breath and lets it out.
“I can’t help but be worried that you two are moving way too fast. First the engagement being real and now you two wanting to try
out for baby number two? Sophie.....are you even sure you want these things now? I don’t want to see you get hurt if you regret
doing those things down the line.” Mila whispered looking down at me in worry.
Like any normal friend, she was worried about the fast pace Aiden and I were going at.
I tore my eyes away from hers and then swept them over to the little boy in Ria’s arms.
“I thought about it a lot today actually, last night too, a lit- tle. And then as I thought about the cons...I realized that there were
more pros. You see Mila,” I started softly, gulping the lump in my throat.
“There was absolutely nothing I’ve ever done with Aiden that I’ve regretted. The only thing I wasn’t happy about was the fact that
we could’ve been together sooner and avoided such a tragedy. But everything else....I have never regretted and would do again
in a heart beat. I love him Mila. I always have....and it’s about time we both stop running away from each other.” I whispered with
Mila looks at me fixedly, searching my eyes and then nods. She smiles and pulls me in her arms to hug me tightly. Then I’ll
support you Soph.”
Sergio’s pov
I tapped the cigar bud and let the ashes fall on the tray.

I smirked, whirling in my chair and kicking up my legs on the desk. Crossing my ankles, I brought the cigar to my mouth and took
in a huge puff.
When I breathed it out, my door swings open.
“Is it published?” I asked, removing the cigar and tapping the bud again.
“Yes Mr. Harrington. I’ve also sent your request to Barwick and he has agreed to it. He has promised to not, on any con- dition,
remove the post on any platform until you give him the go.”
“Good.” I waved my hand to tell him to get out as I draw the cigar back to my lips and take another lung full of smoke.
I smirked when I withdraw the cigar away from my mouth.
Ah Aiden and Sophie....
Let’s see how long you two would last.
It’s time for grandpa to play chess.

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