The Gamer's System

Chapter 260: The Fight Begins!

The mission began right away. There was no lag nor pause because every wasted moment they took from that point onwards only decreased their chances of winning against Pier and Glade.

Zeke would have none of that. He needed the percentage to be as high as possible and so, Zeke and his allies began working. With work equally distributed to all the members.

The pressure was high for every member of the group but, this was especially pressuring to the support units. But why is that exactly? Well the reason was quite simple. No matter how many times Zeke and the others fought, things would not really end until they find the [Chaos Shards].

The sea of [Chaos] making its way to Elysium will not be erased without the proper equipment.  This, in turn, needs to be made by Zeke who was miraculously supposed to craft the item while also fighting Pier.

"Avoid getting seen by the monsters on the area. Also make sure that you avoid any form of trap." Julia commanded, getting a positive response from every member in their unit.

A natural hierarchy formed among them. With Julia leading the group as they began teleporting from area to area. Trying to find the deposits of [Chaos Shards] which Zeke hoped to find within Elysium.

"Make sure to be thorough in your search. We need to find those things."

"You're starting to sound a lot like Amare." Red commented, not actually complaining and simply teasing the other healer.

"Red. I swear to the main deities. I'm going to pluck every strand of hair on that head of yours if you make another comment like that." She said in reply, actually tensing down a bit because of Red's comment.

"Just saying, although you're not the only one who needs to loosen up." Red commented.

The supporting members were also given [Conjures] to guard them. This was necessary because, the group needed to search even the darkest areas within the continent. The same ones which only Zeke could clear.

"Guys if I don't make it out of this, I just want you to know that…I'm still a virgin." Gerard said, getting everybody on the group laughing.

"Yow you should've kept that to yourself man."

"That's just it! I mean some of our teammates would definitely think of that on my funeral right? I don't want to be remembered a virgin so please go and tell them that I had more hoes than meals in a single day." Red roared in laughter at this while others sighed at how helpless Gerard's level of priority was.

However, Julia was thankful about this. She knew deep down that, every member of the [Shard Hunting Group] also had their minds elsewhere. After all, as they began doing this, the other members of the team would've also begun their fight with [Chaos].

As support type characters, there was a deep anxiety within them. Caused by the fact that they could not join in the main battle to provide healing and defense. Their teammates were not invincible and, they've lost count of the instances where these same teammates were damaged to a critical level.

As if their thoughts could be heard, Zeke suddenly opened communications with them. With Julia speaking even before Zeke did.

"Mister Zeke what's wrong? Are you losing? Do you need healing? Backup? Barriers?"

"How about we start with you calming down Julia?" Zeke said in an amused tone.

"Anyway, I want some updates on your quest. How are things going?"

"I'm sorry to inform you sir but, we have yet to find a single [Chaos Shard]."

"Hmm I see. Well nothing we can do about that. Just go based on your own pacing."

"Are you sure mister Zeke? Don't you need us to be a bit faster than this?" Julia said, again with a bit of panic hinted in her tone.

"Look Julia, it's actually a bit peaceful on my end right now. Both Pier and Glade have yet to appear so I can watch over your teammates properly. In fact, let me give you a bit of advice."

"Advice?" Vorst spoke this time around. Thinking what it was that could be advised at that instance.

"Well yes. You see, you don't need to worry about your teammates. I am just as capable as all of you all are in healing them if necessary. I'll also make sure that they won't die in your absence."

"Mister Zeke I don't mean to be rude nor to question your intellect but, how is that an advice?"

"Oh you're right. It's actually a reminder that's mixed with an advice. Sorry about that." Zeke continued.

"But you see, your teammates are putting their lives on the line. Stalling for time and believing that you can find the [Chaos Shards] that we need. And I believe you just as much!"

"Don't you think that gives off more pressure than encouragement mister Zeke?" Red said in reply.

"You're right but, who isn't pressured right now exactly In games the support characters like yourselves are some of the most troubled ones of the bunch. In parties, supports would worry on a lot of stuff. Who to buff. Who to heal. How to conserve mana, and all those other things. But never forget that you are still human."

"Holy crap he actually sounded a bit like a monk there." Gerard thought to himself as Zeke continued speaking.

"You just need to do your best because nobody is expecting anything that you are not capable of okay?"

These were the exact words they needed. Because of the urgency of things, they forgot this basic detail. That they were limited in their capacities and, could only perform to the best that their entire beings could offer.

"Thank you mister Zeke. We'll do our best!"

"Julia you already are."

"Okay then. That would be all." The gamer finished, turning off the communication device and focusing on his end.

He wasn't lying when he said that there was nothing for him to do. Both he and Quinn were on standby. They didn't take part of the fight no matter how desperate the other elites looked because, Zeke knew that this may just very well be a trap setup by the god for him.

But Quinn wasn't as patient as him. He wanted to take part of the fighting and so, he asked Zeke once again.

"Mister Zeke."




"Can't you see…"


"Look at them!" Quinn suggested.

There were tentacles of chaos that kept on attacking at every direction. Flying horned monster were in the offensive as well as skill shots that continued firing out of nowhere. The group that handled all of this wasn't falling short in their efforts.

In fact, every move they made on both offense and defense was nothing less than perfect. However, perfection in itself would not suffice against an enemy that seemed to have an unlimited amount of power, ammunition and resources.

The summons of Horus were deployed against the tentacles and the flying monsters. These took down as many as they could because, on them were detonates placed by Zilg. Merlin and Zane focused on freezing, flames, lightning, and other elements that they fired in a balanced amount.

When it came to their defense, Heron and Morpheus had the group covered. With the [Cloud of Dreams], Heron was able to create a field around them. This prevented [Chaos] from tracking every move they made while also providing protection as it could absorb a certain threshold of damage.

Meanwhile, Morpheus was dealing some serious damage. All on his own, he could outdo all of the melee units in his team. That is how strong he was in the offensive and, this was the primary reason why he was also good in defense.

Due to the fact that Morpheus could take down a lot of enemies at the same time, the amount left for the elites to fight were at the very least, manageable. Gawain was also providing support. Ensuring that there would be not be any cheap shot or blindspot attacks that were successful.

Yet even with all of this, one could feel that the group was being worn down. They weren't computer generated characters that could get revitalized instantly. They needed to rest. But their opponent did not allow it; simply because it was too strong for them to handle.

"Don't you think it's high time for us to contribute in the fight?" Quinn asked again. Itching to go and help his comrades.

"Quinn, can you command better than me?" Zeke's temper was being tested. He didn't like idiotic ideas. Especially if this would be offered by someone whom he already viewed as an intellectual.

"N-no of course not."

"Then what gives you the right to insist on your wants? Do you think that would get us through this mission?" Quinn was thinking of a good argument but, he had nothing.

"You are not some messiah that descended from the heavens okay? If you wanna go down there then by my guest. But don't blame me if our mission falls apart later on." Zeke said coldly. And this was all that was needed for Quinn to finally shut up.

"Just calm down. We'll have our turn." Zeke said, holding back as much as Quinn on aiding the elites in their struggle.contemporary romance

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