The Gamer's System

Chapter 259: The Final Plans

"Is everybody here?" Heron asked as she lead the initial parts of the meeting. Zeke was still in his room, finishing some final touches on his work before proceeding there.

One by one the elites answered her. Including Quinn who was already in good terms with his former teammates. Well, not so former anymore since he was back in the team again.

The rift created between them wasn't that bad after all. He didn't choose to leave nor was he actually doing any evil. But if they just met normally, then there would inevitably be some problems when it came to trust and cooperation. Hence the reason why Zeke needed to make them fight first.

Being in good terms with the elites also meant one thing. That there was someone who'd keep on pestering him again.

"Quinn that's my seat." 

"What are you talking about Jake? This has always been my seat. You just used it in my absence."

"Well you were gone for a long time and nobody else wanted to take it. Plus, we've got a new elf so the seats were filled." He pointed to Allesiah who chose to not partake in such a childlike squabble.

"Jake we have a spare one over there." Curio mentioned, pointing to next to him.

"Why am I the one who needs to adjust for him? Come on guys, be on team Jake for once."

"I think team Jake will get me into all sorts of trouble so no thank you." Merlin said in reply. With all the other elites agreeing.

"Fine you can have my chair." Quinn said, giving way to what Jake wanted.

"No I don't want it anymore!"

It was only at this point that Allesiah intervened. Decreasing the temperature in the room, with everyone begging to shiver to the cold.

"Zip it or I'd turn you into popsicles." This was all that she needed to say in order to calm down Jake. He proceeded to the new seat designated to him while Quinn returned to his old one.

"Did you really have to scare them like that?" Sylph asked as her sister slowly returned the temperature to normal.

"I didn't have a choice. Zeke's almost here and they need to be properly disposed before he comes."

"All I hear from that mouth of yours this past couple of days is Zeke this Zeke that. Though it's not a bad thing."

It didn't take long for the gamer to come. In fact, Heron has just finished making roll calls when the gamer arrived at the scene. Teleporting in front with the signature smile on his face and a hair that looked like he just got up from bed.

"Right. Onto the order of business." Zeke immediately began. With the lights turning off and the screen showing at the back of the gamer.contemporary romance

"First of all, Quinn will not be reassigned as the leader of the elites. He will act as an independent unit just like the Mythos dwellers."

"Why is that exactly?" Amare asked, actually wanting to drop her position.

"Well, that's because of his own powers and the powers of the Monarch sleeping inside him. Both are already way beyond what you guys can produce. If the difference in power is too great, then you cannot complement each other properly. In fact, that line was already shaky to begin with as I'm sure you've all noticed how many times Quinn did solo tasks." A crystal lit up at this point.

"Okay I accept the fact that Quinn is stronger than us. But as for the Monarch within him, isn't he supposed to be our enemy? Why are we suddenly teaming up with him then?"

"Well there's that. But you see that same Monarch has stricken a deal with me. Until the end of this mission, both Vask and Quinn will be our allies." There were some doubtful looks in the room. So Quinn did them the favor od explaining in behalf of the Monarch.

"If I may add, Vask will not remain in my body for long. As soon as we defeat Glade and finish our quest, he will be removed from my body. I can guarantee you this. If that's not enough to prove his innocence, let me add that we have never taken any life except for those of the monsters."

"Heeeeh? Is that why he almost killed me last time?"

"Miss Sylph I do not mean to be rude but, during that instance we did chose to leave right? You just insisited on fighting us."

The elf made a pout at this comment; knowing that this was true. Meanwhile, Zeke had a smile on his face as he watched the small argument of the two. As well as Allesiah's immediate interest at a specimen hosting a Monarch.

"Look Quinn, we trust you and all but. Aren't you too confident for your own good? For all we know that god could be a trickster." Kaguya asked in a worried tone to which Zeke gave an answer.

"Our chances of success isn't at a hundred percent. Even with all the preparations I made, it won't be enough for what is to come. With Quinn adding to the group however, our chances have increased exponentially and I'm not one to pass up on that." 

"And if Vask would act up, I'll eliminate him myself." Zeke said in a confident tone. Finally giving the whole group a sense of relief.

"Mister Zeke you keep on mentioning that but, isn't our mission simply to collect all the [Chaos] in the continents? I mean if it's just that, we won't be needing the assistance of a Monarch." Julia asked, not knowing what was currently happening on Mythos. 

"Ahh I'm glad that someone actually asked that. I can show this now." Zeke furthered as he finally flashed the map of Mythos on the screen behind him.

He has kept this a secret from the group. They were not aware of it nor did they have any way of confirming it. That is probably the reason why, there was a look of fear and concern on both Windsrpite's faces as they saw [Chaos] closing in on Elysium.

"Zeke…is that thing going to our continent?" Sylph asked, not wanting to believe what she was seeing before her. The same was true with Allesiah but, she decided to keep her mouth shut.

Even the Elites had horror written all over their faces. Forget the earlier fights they went through, what they were seeing was way beyond anything they have gone up against.

"First of all, I need you all to settle down." Zeke was prepared for this moment. Releasing some [Cloud of Dreams] stored within the crystals of the room in order to calm their nerves. This didn't work right away but after a few minutes, they were finally disposed.

"As of the moment there is something covering the whole of Mythos. Well, technically it's only covering half of the seas in Mythos. But I'm sure you know where this is going."

"It's [Chaos] right?" Allesiah said. Recognizing the energy type using her [Chaos Sight].

"Bingo. It seems that our dear opponent has finally been triggered by our latest feat and decided to use all his remaining cards at once. And this is a bit of a predicament for us because of one thing." Everyone thought what it could be as Zeke didn't say what it was right away. Kaguya lighted up her crystal at this point.

"Is it because we've run out of [Empty Chaos Crystals]?"

"That is the correct answer!" Zeke said, imitating the tone of a gameshow host.

"We do not have any [Empty Chaos Crystals] anymore. There is no item we can use to store all of that [Chaos]. Plus, there's the fact that our dear enemy wiped out the entirety of Rak'shan. Which, according to Quinn, was where Pier had his base of operations."

"So what do we do exactly?" Quinn himself asked.

"That's simple. We'll fight."

"That doesn't sound convincing Mister Zeke."

"Well what did you expect? There's no other option for us than to fight but that doesn't mean we are abandoning all reason. I have a plan after all." Zeke said as he snapped his fingers. Creating items for the support members of the elites. He then flashed the specs of the new item on the screen.

[Item Name: Chaos Detector]

[Information: The item works on Chaos Energy and is capable of tracking any deposit of minerals connected to this.]

"The healers and four of the defenders excluding Mordred will be in charge of finding more [Chaos Shards] on Elysium. I have a feeling that Pier isn't just targeting the continent because it is related to us."

"Understood mister Zeke." They said in reply.

"While they are at it, Curio will proceed to setting up a stronger barrier for the continent. Our enemy is only coming from one side. No matter how large it is, it cannot envelop the whole continent at once."

"No probleeemooo." Curio said in reply.

"Allesiah and Kaguya will focus on trying to find any weakness to our enemy. Both of them have skills that allow them to get a better grasp of [Chaos] after all. And while they are at it, Mordred and Sylph will protect them while Lizzie enhances all four at once." Jake was looking worried at this point. His name was still not being mentioned after all, making him feel irrelevant for the mission.

"Jake. Mirio. Gawain. Zane. Merlin. Zilg. Horus. Heron. Morpheus. Your skills complement each other. In fact you are my best bet in defeating any minions that our enemy could dish out. Work as a group and take them out. If Pier or Glade ever targets you, leave at once.

"ALLLRIIIGHT!" Jake shouted passionately.

"Wait. So what will Quinn be doing?" He commented.

"Oh that? Pier and Glade will be handled by the two of us."

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