The Gamer's System

Chapter 254: The Curtain Rising

There were a lot of problems that came with what Pier just did. The first among them was that the gods were notified of the immediate and mass death of the heroes. Thirty of them in total who were located in Rak'shan.

They knew that this was a great possibility. They knew that not all of the heroes would survive in the fight. But they never imagined it to happen as quickly as this; in the blink of an eye. And the worst part about it was that, they couldn't even see what was happening to the Continent.

This was when the Pier who disguised himself as Nisha stepped in. Talking to the two remaining major deities and telling them about his plan. That is, to take away the vision impairment they have put on themselves and the minor gods.

"No!" This was the firm and resolute reply of Sinclair who was already hurt from what happened to the heroes.

"What do you mean no? Is it not our job to guide these humans to the path of victory? Don't you think that it is finally time for the gods to descend on the lands and create the change that we want with our own hands?"contemporary romance

"Nisha you have never spoken of such revolutionary ideas before. You know as well as Chrono and I do what that would entail. We would lose our immortality. Although our powers would be kept, we would be as susceptible to death, decay, illnesses and wounds as any other mortal being."

"Do you fear for your own life Sinclair? Is it above the lives of these suffering creations of ours?" Nisha said in reply.

"That's not it! You very well know what I meant with my words Nisha!" Sinclair responded, raising her voice.

"Woahh time out. Time out." It was at this point tat Chrono butted in. Making the two goddesses sit on their chairs as the god of time floated in the air.

Sinclair's fear wasn't stemming from her wanting to save her own hide. Far from it, Sinclair could care less about her own existence. It was her role that she was taking care of. The title of creator and light bringer. The sole being capable of doing what she does.

If Sinclair dies, all of the light in the universe would be extinguished along with her. She was not the same as Nisha whose bravery probably stemmed from the fact that, their circumstances were different.

Even if Nisha died, the void would remain unchanging. There was nothing that could be taken away from something that already lacks everything.

"Can we please think about this more level headedly?" Sinclair suggested, trying to reset the discussion again.

"Oh I am thinking about this level headedly. Do you think those minor gods would sit idly by as their favored champions get defeated just like that?" Nisha furthered and it was at this point that they received a loud banging on their door.

"The only reason I am forcing this is because I wanted to appease the anger of these other gods. Even if you wish to not do as I advised, they certainly will."

At this point the minor gods entered one by one. Ten in total who all had a sort of connection to the heroes that died.

"Well should we listen to what they have to say?" Nisha furthered with a smile on her face. Floating down to where the said gods where. With both Sinclair and Chrono immediately following.

"Please hear us out main deities we have a request to make." The goddess of lightning said. Being the one to lead the said minor gods.

Nisha then looked at Sinclair. Giving the que that she be the one to talk to them. As if suggesting that things will naturally flow in her favor.

"Yes? What is it that you want?"

"I believe you know exactly what it is that we want. None of us are blind here in the realm of the gods. We all know what transpired in Mythos."

More than anything else, gods and goddesses take pride in their champions. Indeed, the gods and goddesses are immortal as much as they are all powerful. But they still felt emotions and, towards the heroes that did them the favor of saving the worlds where they were sent. These immortal beings developed a deep bond.

They projected themselves to these heroes, thinking that the adventures which these humans went to where their own and, this was not that far from the truth. After all, these heroes have received their blessings as well as the close watch of the gods and goddesses at each point and turn.

"I cannot allow that." Sinclair simply said in reply. Biting her lips and trying to stay firm with this decision.

"Why not! Our heroes have died just died in a way that we have not promised them!"

Sinclair did not accept this raising of the voice lightly. She glared at them, with her eyes glowing in such a way that even they could get burned if she so ever wished. That was why they calmed down just as quick. Continuing in a more subtle tone.

"This was supposed to be a mission to take down Pier in the most heroic of ways. And we could feel it, that their deaths were far from being heroic."

"How can you even tell that? You cannot even see what is happening in Mythos right now."

"That is beside the point goddess. They died. Thirty of them at that in not less than half an hour!"

"I know how you are feeling at this moment but we must remain clam and trust them. We have no other choice but to do so."

"That's easy for you to say. You never grew attached to a hero as much as we have. In fact, you guys never individually chose your own champions to fight for you. How would you even understand what we are feeling right now?"

"This is not something we came here to negotiate with you. If you do not agree to our terms then we'll take matters into our own hands."

"Is that a threat?" Sinclair felt enraged. She was just about ready to fight the minor gods but Nisha stepped in at that moment.

"Hold up now. Let's all be calm about this." She then patted the shoulder of Sinclair as she whispered. "I told you this was inevitable."

"As of the moment we cannot afford to lose any more gods. We have already lost two and although Pier's role isn't something positive, it is still one that is necessary to keep the balance of the universe and everything we ever created. If we do drop you to Mythos right now, not only will you be susceptible to death but also, your roles will be left blank."

"Yes we know of all those things and – "

"Eh.Eh.Eh. You didn't even let me finish." Nisha furthered, raising a finger as she clarified things.

"We can allow you under specific conditions."

"Nisha what are you saying! We can't do that!" The goddess of light commented. Getting the glares of the minor gods.

"Don't be an idiot Sinclair. They'd just go down there themselves if we do not agree to their plea. And what punishment could we give them if they already sentenced themselves to the only punishment we could give to our kind?"

It was right. The three main deities knew that there was no other punishment they could bestow on an immortal being than the possibility of death itself. Ironically however, these gods were willingly choosing this in order to give justice to their heroes. Thus removing the concept of punishment entirely.

"Gather all the thirty of you; gods and goddesses. We will make an agreement that would allow the main deities to absorb all your skills and powers as soon as you die. You would still able to enjoy it until the end of your mission but, that would be it. Do you agree?"

"Fine with us. We'll go get them right now." The goddess of lightning replied. Leaving the main deities to themselves once more.

Everything didn't sit well with Sinclair. She knew that this was not the proper route to take. She knew that there should be a better option out there. But all this time, she couldn't help but feel like she was just moving according to what Nisha wanted. Like the goddess of darkness had her on strings.

"Just give up. There's nothing you can do at this point."

"Nisha, that is you isn't it?"

"Well that is a bit of a crazy question now isn't it? I mean who else could I be given this aura I possess?" Nisha said as she finally dissolved into thin air and out of the council room.

Without Chrono and Sinclair realizing it, Pier had actually induced a temporary spell on the minor gods that came. This could only work if they were in a state of great anger, frustration, or any other negative emotion. And what better way to provoke these by killing off the humans they held so dear.

Under normal circumstances they would hold their resentment towards Pier. They would sit back and watch the whole thing end but, because of the suddenness of the mass death the heroes, they got into the state which Pier wanted.

The spell took effect without them realizing it. Putting them in a temporary state where emotions get the better of them. They would not even recognize this as a form of hypnosis as the emotions felt real based on the situation. There was also no way for Sinclair or Chrono to discern this as being fake because of the same reasons.

At every point and turn, Pier's plans were still flowing smoothly. All for the sake of his goal to stand above all things that exist. The ultimate being that is and ever will be.

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