The Gamer's System

Chapter 253: Vask Vs. Glade - End

Vask and Glade continued dueling it out. Within the confined space created by the Monarch and the layer of darkness added by Glade, there was no danger of their attacks harming the outside world. And this was a good thing because, each move they made from that point onwards was enough to wipe out a large portion of the continent.

"Dragon's Fangs!" Glade released a deadly toxin from his blade once more. This dispersed all over the area in an uneven manner because of the distortions on space created by Vask. 

"Erase." The Monarch counterattacked by sucking in all of the poison within a gap in the space. Effectively taking away all of it even before a whiff of it could get near him.

Glade then threw his weapon at the Monarch who pivoted his body to the side in order to dodge but then, Glade appeared at his back, punching the monarch on the side and sending him flying. The elf continued this combination by taking his sword and making one horizontal swing. It was one that could fly over the whole continent.

"He's not making this any easy now is he?" Vask said as he removed some space below him, pulling his body downwards.

He then proceeded to creating a distortion all around Glade, preparing to thrust his sword through his chest and paralyze him indefinitely. But then [Shadow Soldiers] came out of the darkness, attacking Vask who was forced to break the seal.

"Darkness Howling." Glade casted, making all the shadow soldiers emit a vibration that caught the Monarch in the middle of it all. This disturbed the [Chaos Energy] around Vask, preventing him from making use of any spells temporarily.

"This is beyond annoying now." The Monarch continued as he dashed toward one of the soldiers. Hitting it with is blade as his weapon absorbed the soldier. With this, the trap was disabled and Vask was free to move once again. 

But the assault of the elf was far from over.

"Heaven's Judgment!" Glade furthered, raining down swords of every kind down on the Monarch. He was just about to counter this by using space distortion but then, the [Shadow Soldiers] reappeared around him, with Glade following up by casting: "Darkness Howling"


The furious barrage rained down on Vask and there was no ability to save him that time around. However, Glade thought wrong because the Monarch's sword in itself was an extension of his own powers. 

With a single slash, Vask was able to make an opening in space, making all the weapons that could hit him enter this area instead. He couldn't sustain this for long if he made it too big. Hence, he minimized it; allowing some of the projectiles to graze and wound him as the onslaught lasted for a whole minute.

As soon as this finished however, Vask ran to the [Shadow Soldiers] again. He didn't destroy them this time around and simply jumped over them. Aiming for nobody else but Glade who was still floating up on the sky.

"Crucifix." The attack caught Glade by surprise as he couldn't move an inch and was placed on the said posture. Like he was crucified on a cross.

Yet this didn't stop the [Shadow Soldiers] who continued chasing down the Monarch. Aiming their [Howl] at him in order to free Glade. 

"This is some interesting skill set. If I met you back on Gaia, I would've had much more fun fighting you." The Monarch commented knowing that all their skills relied on [Chaos Energy] which was purer and richer back then.

The Monarch was stuck in a pickle specifically because he was just about to exhaust the [50%] mark of his [Energy]. As mentioned, this should not happen because he needed more than this in order to defeat Pier. But it couldn't be avoided because of three things.

First was the fact that there wasn't any monster to take out [Chaos Energy] from. The second was that he was trapped on a separate space. And lastly, the Monarch was constantly making use of large amounts of [Chaos Energy] to keep his opponent in check.

Aside from this he couldn't make use of many ultimate level skills at once. He already had his [Energy] focused on sustaining the space they were in. Plus there was the binding placed on Glade. If he activated one more in order to deal with the soldiers, he'd need to break one of the two former mentioned – putting him at an even greater disadvantage.

Vask admitted it to himself. That he was cornered and he needed some assistance in order to win. Hence he gambled on the only variable that has not yet been put into play.

"Quinn I need you to use one of my skills for me." The Monarch commented, trying to buy some time and restore some of his energy even if only a bit.

"How do I do that exactly? Aren't you the one in control of my body right now?" 

"Just trust me. Think of it like you're projecting yourself – like you are outside this body of yours. Like you are a pure spirit which could affect the natural forces of the world. Then picture flattening out these guys to the ground like they are nothing but insects."

"You're such a slave driver. That's a lot of instructions you know." Quinn said in reply, doing as he was told. Meanwhile, Glade continued dodging as all he had to worry about at the moment were the [Soldiers] that continued increasing.

It was not any easy of course, the move wasn't anything near what Quinn was accustomed to. He didn't even understand what a pure spirit meant but he nevertheless tried it out; thinking as if he was just outside his own body in a form that could not be damaged but could deal some himself. 

"This kid really has talent I'll give him that." Vask thought as he watched Quinn do as he was told even though the instructions were vague and something entirely new to the human. 

Then after a few more minutes, the [Shadow Soldiers] got pushed down. Kneeling on the ground as Quinn successfully activated the Monarch's skill. All that was left was for Vask to take care of the rest.

"Space piercer!" His sword extended and hit every soldier in the field. They got wiped out as they vanished into thin air - leaving nothing behind.

"I mean I did order you to squash them to the ground but I guess this much should be enough." Vask continued, praising Quinn without making it too noticeable.

"Oh come on you gotta admit that was well done for a first timer." Quinn commented on his own accomplishment.

"Yeah yeah. Keep a tab on that guy for me." The Monarch ordered as he began using another skill. 

He proceeded to emitting enough [Chaos Energy] to wipe out the darkness which Glade created. This took a heavy toll on the amount of [Energy] he had remaining, being drained rapidly as the whole area cleared up.

Vask used the same skill on the space distortion which he created. Taking back the [Chaos Energy] he used up and returning it back to [70%]. The whole sequence was well executed that it left even Glade speechless as both he and Pier were not aware of the said Monarch being capable of refunding the spent [Chaos Energy].

"Now. With that being cleared up, let's get back to our friend." Vask dropped Glade to the ground, leaving his bones broken to the point that he was heavily damaged but nowhere near the verge of dying.

"Those things you were using and your whole skill set in itself seem to have been made in order to counter me or any monarch for that matter." Glade was unable to answer because of the weight that was also put on his lips. His ribcage was also broken, preventing much speech.

"Oh I'm sorry let me get that for you." Vask furthered as he removed the seal on Glade's mouth. Thinking that this may be enough to make him talk.

"T-this will end poorly for you."

"Oh I doubt that. You don't even have any strength left to move and even if you did, I believe a limbless and armless person can do nothing in this situation."

"I w-wasn't referring to me."

The sky darkened immediately. Even Vask himself had all the hair on his skin rise as he watched the birds fly away from where he stood. Everything felt dreadful at that moment like there was a curse upon the land and, soon enough, they were caught in a black flash.contemporary romance

Pier, the God of Mischief and Deceit has made use of his secret weapon. All of the Chaos Energy he stored within the orb got released – living and breathing; consuming everything in its path in order to grow stronger. It knew no master and took out all living things within the continent of Rak'shan.

Out of this came Glade. Completely healed once again as he floated on the sky. There was no trace of Vask anymore nor can the elf detect his presence. All that he felt was the breeze that hit his skin.

"The wind has finally stopped blowing for you."

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