The Gamer's System

Chapter 246: A Moment of Rest


Pier was more furious than he has ever been in his life. Nobody has ever made him look foolish in his whole immortal life. Even the main deities failed to do this. Yet, he was sullied not by an all-powerful being such as himself but a mortal nonetheless.

"All those Chaos Plants got taken out like he knew exactly how to deal with them!" Pier furthered as swept all the flasks on the table with his arm. The fragile objects broke as soon as they hit the ground. With the liquid they contained and the shards of glass scattered everywhere.

"And why does he have Calitha's flames! Nobody fucking told me that he was blessed by that fool!" 

The level of infuriation which he felt was beyond anything that he ever felt before. Even after he sent out enough [Chaos Plants] to fill the whole continent, this proved to be insufficient in stopping the gamer and his allies. And, as if adding insult to injury, Zeke even wiped away all the [Chaos Energy] on the continent.

"Within a single fucking day! That human took away all those centuries of preparation and effort in a SINGLE FUCKING DAY!" Pier continued screaming his heart out. He needed something, anything to vent out his anger on but all he had were the flasks that he already broke. Leaving only the tables and the screens displaying the four continents. 

"My whole plan is ruined now! How the hell am I supposed to move from this point!" Pier furthered and, it seemed like the heavens answered this plea because Glade suddenly entered.

"Master – " Glade dodged a glass that was thrown at him.

"KNOCK DUMBFOUNDED!" Pier screamed but, seeing the calm expression on Glade's face made him rethink of his action. Making a deep sigh and slouching on a chair which had a sword pierced through it.

"I apologize for intruding like this. However, I did not. It was just that your screaming was louder than my action."

"Are you talking back to me?" Pier said in reply, forcing himself to stay collected.

"No master. I am simply saying that it is uncalled for." 

"Oh?" Pier stood up from the chair, took the sword and walked towards Glade.

"Say that again." I dare you." He furthered, with his intentions being clear to his elf servant. 

"There is clearly a way out of this. You just feel so defeated by the same methods that you take pride on that, your own judgement is clouded."

"You really added more insult huh? I guess forfeiting your own life is not that big of a deal to you then." Pier furthered, pointing his weapon at Glade's neck.

"I do not know everything about you master but, I do know enough."

"Okay then smartass. If you know me so much, then what is this method that you speak of?"

"I do not know. But because you are Pier, I know that you can still pull this together." Glade said in reply. Without a shred of fear expressed on his face but instead, what was written all over it was his faith in the god.

"You disgust me." Pier began – throwing his weapon away as he screamed.


With this Glade left the scene. Yet his words stuck on Pier's head. Echoing over and over again until, it finally became true. With a twisted smile on his face, the god of mischief and deceit knew exactly what it was that he could do.

"I'd get you back for this humiliation that you gave me." Pier furthered as he began plotting not the next phase of his plan but, the endgame of it. 

"You are playing with fire boy and soon enough you'll burn."


"Master Zeke do you have a cold?"

"Nah, I think some pretty lady remembered me or something."


"It was a joke. Don't take it seriously Heron."contemporary romance

Zeke and the Dragon Morpher were inside his room. It was still early in the morning but both of them were already up because of their own reasons. The gamer planned to craft using the [Chaos Plants] while Heron went to his room. Knowing that her master would not wake up later than 5:00 in the morning.

Zeke explained everything to her up to the point concerning Quinn and Vask. One which surprised Heron immediately but was able to calm down just as quick.

"So you mean to say that he's in the Demon Continent?" 

"Well not necessarily. He was able to use some sort of teleportation spell and, judging from how it looked like, I believe that Vask could just as easily jump through the continents as I do. The only difference is that he isn't limited to the areas where he could appear."

"Wouldn't that be bad? I mean how do we catch him if he continues doing that?"

"Relax." Zeke slumped down on his bed. Proceeding to his next words.

"I already made him come out once didn't I? Plus, he made a promise with me so I'm sure that we'll be meeting again soon."

"And what is that?"

"Well it's not really a promise. It's just that he wants to fight me again. Saying that he wishes for it to be when he was already out of the vessel." The last words rang on Heron's ear as she turned to face Zeke.

"So does that mean that – "

"I'm not sure yet. It can be either of the two things that you're thinking of because I myself can't think of anything else." Zeke said reading Heron's mind.

"He could have a way to exit Quinn's body as soon as he reaches a certain condition. And this gives way to two possibilities regarding Quinn himself. It would either be that he lives or dies due to this process."

"But wouldn't the latter be tragic?"

"Oh it would of course. That is if I allowed it anyway." Heron's brows furrowed at this notion. As if Zeke was an omnipotent being capable of choosing who lives and who dies.

"I know that you are strong master. But claiming something like that is beyond arrogant don't you think?"

"I guess so. But if I need to believe stuff like that, not because I'm proud but because I have no other choice but to be that strong." Zeke said, remembering the events after defeating Morpheus.

On the evening of the second operation, everyone came home more beaten up than usual. They were drained physically largely due to the fight against the [Chaos Plants]. Even their mental state was drained with all the talking and negotiation with the heroes.

As soon as Zeke saw this state of theirs, he allowed them to have a whole day of rest. Saying that they could spend it any way they wanted to. This was the least he could do in order for the humans to recover. After all, their operation wasn't even halfway done. Thus Zeke needed to make sure that even the strain and pressure would not build up on them.

He also wanted them to reflect on their fight with the [Chaos Plant]. Telling them that they need to pick up on what they lacked during that fight – that they should try their best to improve even more.

"This'll remind them that that there are even more variables to a fight than they could count." Were the thoughts running through his head as he looked at the expression of the elites.

"Do you plan to go on a solo mission again master?" Heron brought Zeke back to the present. Asking a question which the gamer didn't even need to think about.

"There's always something for me to do right? So I guess you can say that I do have missions even on these rest days that I declare." The gamer responded. Finally deciding to rise from his bed and sit next to Heron.

"Anyway how's Morpheus? Has he woken up yet?" Zeke furthered.

"It's too early even for him. You know how spoiled that brat is. He'd wake up when he wants to."

"Well yeah there's that." Zeke said as he chuckled on the observation of Heron.

"But fi he's sleeping soundly, that at least assures us that he's okay. Thank you master Zeke."

"Now there's need to be all sentimental about these things. We're family right? I'd never abandon you no matter what." At this there was a surprised expression on the Dragon Morpher's face. It was like there was a spell casted by Zeke's words – making her blush as she commented:

"That's the first time you even mentioned that master." 

"Which one?"

"That we're family."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yes. You never referred to either me or Morpheus as family before."

"Hmm…Odd. I thought I've already said this countless times now."

"That is perhaps the effect of being too smart. They say that smarter people tend to be forgetful."

"Oh? And who told you that exactly?" 

"Mordred did. That's her excuse every time she loses her shields."

"Don't you think that kinda makes the statement an excuse?" 

"Ahh don't argue with me over this master!" Heron said in reply.

Although Zeke wanted the conversation to last a bit longer. He still had things to do. In fact, the notifications from yesterday's missions were not yet opened. 

With that being said, he asked Heron to leave his room. A plea which Heron was more than happy to oblige – knowing that her master would begin that day's work.

"The food will be prepared by seven. Please master, at the very least, eat on time." Heron said like a strict mother.

"That depends on how fast I can finish this."

"M.A.S.T.E.R…" Zeke laughed at Heron again as she has just about reached the limits of her temper.

"Okay okay. I'll be there so make sure that the food is delicious."

"Of course it would! Who do you think you're talking to?" Heron finally left the room. Closing the door shut as Zeke had nothing but a smile still worn on his face while opening the [Notifications].

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