The Gamer's System

Chapter 245: Demon Continent Cleared!

Going berserk would not be a big of a deal on normal circumstances. Zeke had encountered countess warriors and monsters who had this state including the late King Gallio. Wielding not a normal version of this skill but something which is referred to as the [Ultimate Berserker].

Yet, there was a troubled expression on Zeke's face because, he knew that among all his subordinates, it was only Morpheus who has never actually shown his true potentials. It was true that he was strong but, the child was only able to grow based on the enemies he fought. And since there was nothing on Mythos but the normal monsters before, there was really no way for his metamorphosis to truly commence.

There was no second thought on Zeke's head as he teleported to Heron's location. The area was surrounded by the Dragon Morpher's [Cloud of Dreams]. And from the pained expression on Heron's face, Zeke instantly knew that she was doing her best to hold back Morpheus.

"Master I know that it would be rude of me to ask this but, what was going through that head of your when you told Morpheus to keep consuming the horned beasts?" 

"Well you see, I'd love to answer that but we do have more pressing matters on our hands right now yeah?" Zeke said in reply as he instantly got a sigh from Heron.

"Well could you at least explain after all this?"

"Sure thing. Now the details please." 

Zeke knew that Morpheus was like family to Heron. She treated him like his own little brother, making all the time they spent together one of the most authentic experience which she had in her life. That was why she didn't like how Morpheus was reduced to the state he was in. Adding to this was how unsettled she felt because Zeke was the one who ordered Morpheus to do this.

Yet her faith in Zeke was still there. That was why she gave what he asked immediately.

"He seemed to have eaten all the corpses in this spot. He was taking too long in absorbing the Chaos Energy on this area and when I went to check on him, he was already in that state. Hostile and dangerous."

"That's bad. This is one of the three dark areas within Helios." Zeke said in reply as things finally became clear to him. 

The reason why Morpheus has gone berserk was because, there were too many corpses on the said area. And this was not the end of it because, there were also more remains of monsters that had [Five Horns] compared to the other areas. 

"So that's his current limit huh." Zeke thought to himself as he formulated a plan for the situation.

"I actually felt the chilling amount of power being released from your previous location master. Did anything happen?"

"Oh I just caught a random big fish. Unfortunately, my net wasn't too sturdy to haul it in." Zeke simply said in reply. Giving an abstract explanation of how he encountered and fought Vask.

"Usually when you resort to explanations like that, there are stuff that you don't want me to know." Heron simply replied as she focused on maintaining the [Cloud of Dreams] the contained Morpheus.

"You know me too well." The gamer responded, going to his inventory and taking the last few pieces [Empty Chaos Crystals].

"So what's the plan master?"

"That's easy enough, take down your skill. We're gonna tire him out until his transformation comes undone." 

Heron immediately followed the instructions. The [Cloud of Dreams] dispersed, revealing a single entity in the middle of the open field. 

There were wings growing on Morpheus' back that resembled those of the gargoyles. His tail looked similar to a snake's while on its tip was a spike like object. His face was completely changed into that of a lion's while five horns stuck out on his forehead.

This form also had long ears that were longer than the mane covering the whole shape of his face. His eyes had different colors. With the left being a brilliant yellow while the other had an emerald glow. He walked on all fours with his claws looking razor sharp while his whole body was covered with thick scales. 

"That is one scary looking Mory." Zeke said as his [Analysis] showed him all the data on this form. 

It's looks did not fail to deliver as, the gamer saw Morpheus' rank shooting up to an evolved [S+] creature.

"Heron this may be a bit dangerous so stay behind me and keep a barrier up for yourself okay?"  contemporary romance

At this point, the lion already saw the two. It planted its feet on the ground as its mane began glowing. Morpheus then let out a loud roar. One which caused the earth to shake with the mere amount of vibrations it produced. 

"Conjure." Zeke summoned Horizon in front of him and, thankfully he did. Because the creature immediately turned into stone.

[Alert! Conjures that have been turned to stone cannot be used for a whole hour.]

"Oh dear that'll be a problem." Zeke noted as he proceeded to summoning some of his [Conjures] on the field.

With the warning given by the [System], Zeke chose not to summon all of his [Conjures] at once. This was because, the same move would instantly turn them into stone effortlessly. 

"Let's try chunking off your health and look for your weak spots first." The gamer furthered as his [Conjures] began their assault.

There were still a lot that the gamer needed to do and, he had all of these organized into a timetable on his head. Of course the matter at hand was of utmost priority but aside from this, he needed to form diplomatic relations with the new heroes.

There was also the problem of looking for more deposits where he could chunk out [Chaos Shards] as he would not be able to clear out the other [Continents] without this. Yet, he may not need to because of the quick pacing of events within Helios.

"Well I can think of Pier later. I'm sure he won't be sending some new plants this soon." The gamer said as he observed the fight closely – releasing new [Conjures] as soon as the first batch got turned into stone.

"Okay now let's be smart about this." He furthered.

One thing which he noticed was that it took Morpheus some time before he could roar again. This didn't weaken him in the tiniest bit because, within this interval, the [Chimera] released multiple types of spells. With his body parts also being useful in defense.

"He'd make a good vessel if I get killed again." Zeke thought to himself as he knew that even in that state, Morpheus was still far from reaching his peak. But this thought did not come with any malice nor hostility towards his ally.

He only knew that there was one fact that would stand if it came to that point. That he would have risked his own life and would even die protecting his allies. Should this fail, the succeeding events would come naturally. That being, the death of those he failed to protect.

But Zeke would not allow such a thing to happen again. His failure with the Windsprites would never reoccur. This much he promised to himself and to the current vessel that he held on to.

"Conjure." Zeke sent out the next batch which continued the fight and at this point, he himself went into the field. Filling up one [Empty Chaos Crystal] on his hand with [Chaos Energy].

Morpheus did the stance that indicate that it would roar but, Zeke didn't flinch. He waited for the monster to perform the action yet, nothing came out just as he expected.

"So the interval is real." The gamer thought as he measured the time in between the roars made.

This didn't stop Morpheus from attacking. He pounced at Zeke who immediately got out of harm's way by using [Shadow Dive]. He then brought out one pistol and shot at the scales protecting Morpheus' skin – unsuccessful in piercing through which didn't matter. 

Zeke followed with [Weapon Blink], swapping places with the bullet that was shot and proceeded to stabbing Morpheus with the melee form of his weapon.

Morpheus made a loud roar in pain as he tried to strike down Zeke. But because it was simple minded in that form, it was easy for the gamer to see the patterns of attack. Allowing him to dodge once again even in melee range.

He then made one more stab as he proceeded to teleporting behind Horizon once again. Waiting for the roar that came soon enough. The [Conjures] got turned into stone followed by the next batch of summoning right after. Giving no time for Morpheus to rest.

This process went on repeat for a whole hour. Morpheus' health pool was so huge that it surpassed even that of Horizon's. And with the armor and resilience it had, it was difficult to make any large damage to it. Yet all of Zeke's moves did their toll on him and, soon enough, the lion was left half awake. Beaten to a pulp, tired, and drained.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this Mory." Zeke looked at Heron, giving the next instructions.

"Use Somnus on him and add the effects pf [Cloud of Dreams]. Make sure that he gets a soothing dream. That'll help in calming down his body." 

"Yes master." Heron said in reply as she followed Zeke's orders.

With this the second day of their operation on Helios ended without any casualties. All of the [Chaos Energy] have been taken out from the continent completely. Which made the pacing quicker than initially planned – all thanks to Zeke who was forced to do so because of his missions.

Meanwhile, the God of Mischief watched all of this with rage as his plan not only failed but plummeted to the ground. Devoting himself to destroying the gamer before Zeke could do more damage to his plans.

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