The Gamer's System

Chapter 196: Zeke and Allesiah

Back on Mythos, nobody was yet to understand the full weight of the events that were unfolding. Of course, Zeke already had some clue of it. With an attack as obvious as the one fired by Pier; the gamer was able to notice it. Understanding quite well that something of that caliber would not be an attack that the elites could withstand.

There was a worried expression on his face. One which showed that he was deep in thought. So much so that he didn't even notice Allesiah coming in.

"Hey." She began, getting Zeke out of his train of thought and focusing right away on the elf.

"Hey to you too." The gamer said in reply as he looked at her. His expression quickly changed which got Allesiah smiling.

"Look at you pretending that everything is okay." She continued, sitting beside Zeke and offering the food and drinks she had with her.

"I don't know what you're talking about everything is perfectly fimmhhf." Zeke couldn't finish his sentence as Allesiah forced a sandwich on his mouth. 

"Stop lying and just eat that. It's easy to get hungry when you're thinking and as for your case, you need to continue filling that stomach of yours." She said; sounding like an over-caring mother preaching to her son.

"I'm not lying at all." Zeke furthered, making the whole sandwich disappear in a matter of seconds. Surprising Allesiah who handed another one.

"Seconds?" She suggested. With Zeke taking the sandwich and munching it down slower than the first one.

Nobody on Mythos knew Zeke as much as Allesiah did. In fact, she understood him even more after she was rescued. Knowing that on top of everything else, Zeke prioritized the life of his allies. Cruel as his methods of training and improvement might be, everything was always for the betterment of his allies. 

Allesiah was thankful for this. Especially when the situation on the [Labyrinth] arose. She knew that without the skills taught to her by Zeke, then she wouldn't even be able to place the spell on her mind. One which was both sophisticated and delicate. contemporary romance

"Forget even reaching the [Labyrinth]. I would've died on many occasions if not for all that Zeke trained me to be." She thought to herself. Watching the man of her dreams put for pieces of bread on his mouth at the same time. Miraculously chewing on all of them effortlessly.

She couldn't help but smile at the memories she spent with him. They were difficult but, since they've already passed, all these did was to leave a smile on Allesiah's face. Zeke didn't let this go unnoticed and flicked his finger on her forehead. 

"You're the one spacing out now idiot." He commented, with Allesiah giving him an irritated look for doing so.

"You really don't know how to treat a lady don't you?" The elf commented, sipping on the cup of tea she prepared for herself.

"Of course I do. You need to train to be able to defend yourself against any opponent that comes at you. There's no treatment better than that." Allesiah sighed at the words said by Zeke. Thinking that he was probably a secluded human to begin with. A thought that held true to Zeke's first life on earth as the number one gamer.

The two of them talked for a while longer. Casually of course because Allesiah thought that Zeke should get his mind off the missions every once in a while. This proved to be advantageous to the elf who wanted to know more about him. 

With their contract expired, it meant that being in a relationship was an open possibility. Something which Allesiah thought she should strive on.

But before this, she needed Zeke to look at her as a proper woman. And the only way she could make this happen was for her to get stronger. Powerful enough to be a useful and reliable ally on Zeke's side. That's why, right after they ate, the two proceeded to the training which Zeke prepared for her.

The two of them were actually within another training room. One which was developed by Zeke after getting the advanced barrier he crafted which shielded all the continents. This was strong enough to withstand any attack up to the level of any [Count] without the full transformation's power level. 

"So how are we going to do this exactly?" Allesiah asked, ready to begin any moment. Zeke was happy because she was eager of course. Wanting to start just as much as Allesiah does.

"First of all, we'll need these." Zeke presented the shards to Allesiah, those that they got from the caves down the rift. 

The gamer decided to collect all these as he feared what could happen when they fell to the wrong hands. Plus, he wanted to test out their applications and see if there was a method to making anything useful out of them without actually having the harmful side effects.

"You can see what they contain right?" Zeke asked, raising one up and throwing it at Allesiah to catch.

"Yeah." Allesiah began, observing it and making use of her newfound powers.

"It's similar to the power released by Sylvia's ultimate form. The same goes with whatever it was that mixed with our teleportation years ago." Allesiah deactivated her skill right away, feeling the strain beginning to form on her eyes already.

"Exactly. So it means that those shards generate the same type of energy." Zeke furthered.

"Well, that is what it seems. What about it?" Zeke smiled at this point. The same crazy smile which Allesiah was used to. One which meant that something really tiring or painful was about to come.

"I'll need you to use your power on that crystal for as long as you could. That's what we'll be doing for your training." Zeke said; with things not being as crazy as Allesiah thought them to be. Except for the fact that, of course, the idea could very much take away her sight forever.

"Did you forget the part where I almost got blind or do I need to remind you?" Allesiah asked. Remembering that Zeke needed to make use of a god's skill in order for her to heal.

"Of course I know it quite well. That's why I'm telling you to do it again. Because I can probably heal you a couple more times with my skill and, while you're at it, I'll be collecting data."

"Data for what?" 

"For starters, my [Analysis] can't seem to work on that new skill of yours. From that alone I know that it's not something which would normally be found of Mythos because my [System] was perfectly made to synch with this world. I'm guessing that both these shards and your eyesight are on a different level. One which is directly related to some place that is outside Mythos."

"You mean another Mythos exists?" Allesiah asked.

It was at this point that Zeke realized how the inhabitants of the world were not taught of astronomy; to look beyond their world in search for another. Maybe this was also due to the fact that they had all the wonders they needed and many more. So there was no point in gazing up the sky and asking what lies beyond it.

"Yup that's exactly what I'm saying." Zeke furthered. With a smile still worn on his face.

"Disregard that information for now. Just do as I say and trust me." 

"When haven't I done that?" Allesiah rhetorically asked.

"Well that is true." Zeke said, moving at a distance and watching Allesiah intently as he nodded at her. A signal which Allesiah took as she began using her powers.

[Skill unidentifiable.]

[The System is trying to integrate the data regarding the skill.]

[System synchronization failed. Trying again…]

[System synchronization failed. Trying again…]

[System synchronization failed. Trying again…]

[Congratulations! You have began unlocking skills and features connected to the skill.]

[Collecting basic data on the skill. This may take a while.]

These were the notifications that came up as soon as Zeke began using [Analysis] on Allesiah's skill. He knew that something like this could occur which was better than the other possibilities. This meant that, his [System] was not as limited as he thought. It was just that the data required for it to [Update] needed both materials to start with and time for the data to be synched with the existing one.

Both Allesiah and Zeke were focused on their tasks. Making sure that they helped each other out in order to get even stronger. At her current level, Allesiah could wipe the floor even against her older sister Sylph. Yet she knew that this was not enough if the level she aimed for was Zeke's. One which seemed to be bottomless.

[20% of the data has been loaded.]

[20.09% of the data has been loaded.]

"Okay that's enough for the first run." Zeke said, making Allesiah close her eyes which were nearly bleeding once again. He had a timer set up which allowed him to accurately stop Allesiah before her eyes begin regressing to dangerous stage.

"So how does it feel?" Zeke said as he walked towards the elf.

"What do you think? It burns like a [Chaos Dragon] deciding to pour all its flames on my eyes." This got Zeke laughing a little bit, holding on to Allesiah's cheek as he began chanting the spell for the [Phoenix Flames].

Allesiah thought that the situation would be romantic if not for her eyes hurting like literal hell. Yet still, there were butterflies on her stomach as Zeke did this. Knowing that there was probably no other way for him to do what he was doing except through the training. 



Allesiah wanted to ask him about romantic stuff. She wanted to begin flirting with him as much as possible. But she knew that it wasn't timely and it was uncalled for. She couldn't be selfish. Not while Zeke was doing his best to save the whole of Mythos. So she decided not to proceed.

"Nothing. Never mind." She continued. Feeling his warmth through the skill that healed her eyes. The elf held to his wrist while the gamer performed this. Wishing the moment would last longer.

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