The Gamer's System

Chapter 195: A God vs. A Monarch

Black flames covered Quinn as Vask continued healing through his wounds. Every second that passed created one more wound on his body with the damage varying in destructiveness and force.

The [Monarch] didn't mind because he loved how brazen the elite was. He also liked the fact that Quinn didn't bother exploiting him in order to win. Forcing the [Monarch] to fight at the terms set by Quinn for him.

"You sly bastard. I'm going to get you back for this." Vask said, enjoying the fight for the moment as he saw the god getting heavily damaged by the attack. Unable to escape as blows keep pilling up on his body.

Indeed, the skill was an uncontrollable force of nature; like the gods themselves have decided to smite the land and destroy everything on it. This perfectly describes the skill that came at the cost of all Quinn's remaining mana which could've potentially killed him if Vask was not there.

Yet the skill couldn't last forever. Slowly, the area got smaller while the strength of the attack dwindled. Then, it abruptly came to a halt; not having enough mana to sustain it.

Quinn and Pier both dropped to the ground or rather, what was left of it. As soon as the human noticed that he was still alive, he began laughing. Although these were forced as, the amount of air on his body seemed to be limited.

"I have to admit, that was a good move." Vask began. Commending Quinn who was still trying to fight his body from blacking out.

"Thanks, you saved me back there." Quinn began watching the destruction that came with his skill.

"Oh don't thank me just yet. I'm planning to give you enough torture for you later." Vask said in reply; enjoying the amount of destruction more than anything else.

Both Vask and Quinn had the same idea running through their mind as they looked at the aftermath. That: [Calamity] was the perfect name for the skill. Nothing was left of the shore and even the waves have just began filling in the gaps where the land once was. Even the entrance of the forest got destroyed. Dust covered a certain level of vision, caused by the mixture of all the sand and dirt nearby.

Yet, even with all this, Quinn was not at ease. All his senses got dulled – strained from the skill that was just used and, the abnormal rate of regeneration that was needed in order to survive its onslaught. But even in that tired state he could feel a dangerous presence closing in.

Pier did not go down from the attack. He was alive; although on the state of being gravely wounded by the attack. There was nothing of the calm expression of the god on his face anymore. Nothing of his relaxed cockiness also showed on his face. There was nothing but utter rage from the fact that a mere insect was able to push him to that state.

"Oh my, it looks like the swap is needed now." Vask began, with Quinn not able to respond anymore. He was forcing himself to stay conscious at that point.

The [Chaos Monarch] took this opportunity to begin the swap. Without knowing this however, Pier charged in. Kicking the human who was blown away once again and, this time, in the middle of the sea.

Quinn's body skipped like a flat rock thrown on a lake. Tumbling over and over again only for Pier to stop it as he appeared in mid-air; right above Quinn. He then punched the human down. Creating a huge wave of water to rise from all directions.

"Be grateful that you have forced me to release a skill on your insignificant life. Nothing has ever escaped this move so I hope you remember it well in hell." The god proudly declared as he charged an attack; creating a violet flame on top of his hand.

He didn't even wait for the water to cover his prey. Pier released the attack just as the waves closed in on Quinn. An explosion soon followed. With a pilar of water suddenly rising like a geyser and a thick steam forming on top of the ocean. Meanwhile, the god got himself wet from the dispersing of the water that came from the attack.

"We are done here." Pier said, turning his back on the supposed dead enemy and yet; he felt something.

It was a sensation which was unfamiliar to a god like him. Something which only mortals could feel because of their fleeting lives. All the hair on his skin rose and, he felt his body tremble from the unknown. 

It was fear. A normal human reaction when faced with forces of larger magnitude and, right there and then, this was what he felt. Genuine mortal fear automatically responded by his body from the direction of the supposed dead enemy.

Pier couldn't move. He could only stare at the ocean as a figure soon rose. It was the same mortal and yet, there were linings all over his body. And from the aura alone Pier knew that, it was not the same person that he faced moments ago. This was a different enemy altogether. One of a higher caliber.

"We are done?" Vask said in a rhetorically questioning tone.

"I do not know who you are but I'll give you the same chance as I did to that child. Run away." Pier thought that a little intimidation tactic would work. He was the God of Mischief and Deceit after all. He could fool almost anyone he wishes.

Yet his enemy didn't budge. In fact, there was only a bored expression on the face of his opponent. As if his eyes suggested that Pier was too weak to be taken seriously.

"Don't look at me that way!" Pier began firing god level skills at his enemy. Creating clones which continued attacking the opponent that refused to reply.

He wasn't used to it. Pier was not accustomed to getting belittled. All his life he was looked up on. Even the [Minor Gods] had such a high regard for him that he felt like one of the [Main Deities]. That's why he was so furious and frustrated at the same time.

He still had no idea why his body was reacting the way it did but, Pier decided to just focus on attacking. He went all out knowing that he'd probably die if he doesn't.

Meanwhile Vask was enjoying himself. Getting even more entertained because the level of skill shown by the clones transcended anything that a mortal could achieve. Indeed, it was truly a god whom he was facing and yet he wasn't satisfied. The one he needed was not Pier but the [Chaos Monarch] hiding within him and so, he decided to show a bit of seriousness. Destroying all the clones without Pier understanding how.

Vask only stood there and, with his play things gone. His face reverted back to boredom. This angered Pier who began firing more of the purple flames that he released earlier.

As soon as these made contact with the water, more geyser like pillars of water rose up. Thickening the steam created which was not the end of the combination. Pier followed through by charging one of his most powerful spells. Creating twenty layers of spell circles that had Vask as its target.

"Die!" The god uttered. Releasing the attack which created enough heat to vaporize the whole ocean. Yet Vask was unimpressed.contemporary romance

"Your spells are strong but they're boring." He said, making the skill shoot up instead of down. Shooting out of Mythos and exploding soon after.

This was followed up by the smaller sized flame spells. All of which were easily dodged by Vask as his mere force deflected them way from him. A thicker amount of steam rose from this as the attack continued firing without end.

Vask wasn't one to tolerate such a monotone attack. Hence, he blew away all the accumulated steam Taking the opponent which was floating in the sky as he commanded:


Pier couldn't control it. His whole body immediately followed, feeling a crushing weight on top of him as he submerged to the depths of the ocean. Reaching its bottom before Vask followed up by casting once again. This time commanding:


There was not enough oxygen at the bottom of the sea. The pressure was also enough to crush Pier's bones to the point that he looked like wreck. Nothing like the appearance that he had a little while ago. There was no way for him to escape as Vask placed the god right in front of him.

The clouds have already darkened at this point. With a storm coming due to the earlier attacks of Pier. There was thunder roaring in the sky and the streaks of lightning reflected the face of Pier's opponent like a nightmare.

Yet it was at this point that Vask understood the real intentions behind the attack. As he looked at the entity in front of him, he noticed that, it wasn't Pier anymore. Only an illusion created at the highest tier and probably requiring the god to use up some of his lifespan just to fool Vask.

"His actions fit him quite well." Vask said; forming a fist which crushed the fake Pier to the point that he was the same size as a pebble.

"Well, I guess there's nothing I can do if my opponent isn't here anymore." Vask furthered; looking at the pebble and dropping it to the ocean.

This fight didn't go unnoticed from Zeke's radar. In fact even the elites felt were able to feel that a battle on a larger scale than anything they could handle was ensuing. This was probably the reason why Zeke decided to change some parts of his plans altogether. Beginning with figuring out how Allesiah's new ability could develop even further.

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