The Forbidden Mate

Chapter Chapter Twelve – Telling the Truth


I love my grandfather, but I have never been more nervous of seeing him than I am now. Mine and Katy’s fate hangs on what he will do when I tell him that she is my mate. I am pinning all our hopes on him supporting us, and if he doesn’t, I don’t know what I will do.

When I reach his house, it takes me a minute to knock, I am still trying to figure out the best way to tell him. I will just have to come out with it.

When he answers the door, he must be able to see the turmoil in my face.

“You look serious Alex, has something happened?”

“Yes, I need to speak to you, confide in you, about something important” I tell him.

“You better come in then” he says.

Once we are settled in his study, I tell him “I have found my mate.”

“Congratulations, but I can see from the look on your face that there is more to this” he says shrewdly. “Are you not happy with who Luna has chosen for you?”

“Yes, very happy but there are complications” I tell him.

“Well spit it out boy” he says.

“She is an Omega” I tell him.

“An Omega, how unusual I have never heard of an Alpha being mated to an Omega before. I take this Omega is Katy Wilson?” he asks me.

I am shocked how does he know about Katy. My astonishment must have shown on my face because he says.

“Don’t look so surprised. Your protection of her during the rogue attack was an obvious indicator that you had feelings for her. All the pack know about this. Then there are your other actions that are less well known, confronting her and her boyfriend at the cinema, blocking her move to a human university. Yes, I know about those. I may not spend much time socialising with the pack, but I have my sources, and I keep a close eye on my family” he tells me.

“So, what do you plan to do now” he asks.

“I don’t know what to do” I confess. “I won’t reject her I can’t live without her. I want my father and the rest of the pack to accept her, but I know how they feel about Omegas. I need your help.”

“Hmmm, it will be very difficult even with my help. Their prejudices are so ingrained.”

“But you will help me?” I ask hopefully.

“Let me meet the girl first. I am interested in speaking to her. You are not the only one that seems to find something special about her, my daughter has also gone to great lengths to help her. Above and beyond what I would have expected from a normal teacher student relationship. Once I have spoken to her then I will decide what the best course of action will be.”

He nods his head at me and stands up. My visit is over. I haven’t got his backing yet, but I am relieved that he didn’t refuse to help us. Once he meets Katy, I am sure that he will see how right she is for me.


I am so nervous waiting for Alex to come back I can’t think straight or settle down to do anything. I just want to sit at home and wait for him, but I need to check on Lily. She wasn’t in work today or yesterday, and I am worried about her. It is not like her to be off work. We are werewolves and we rarely get sick, not like humans, so I know there must be something wrong.

I make my way to her house, her father will be out at this time of day, so I am not worried about bumping into him.

When I arrive, I manage to sneak in the back door without being seen and make my way up to her bedroom.

I knock on the door and whisper “Lily, it is me, are you there?”

“Yes” she whispers back.

I open the door. She is lying on her bed facing away from the door. This doesn’t look good. I wander over to her and touch her shoulder.

“Hey are you OK?” I ask her.

She still doesn’t turn round. I move round so that I am facing her. She has a black eye, and her cheek has a nasty bruise.

I am horrified. Who would do this to her? I can’t believe that anyone would hurt Lily. We heal quickly, but that doesn’t take away the pain of being hit.

“What happened, who did this to you?” I ask her.

“My father” she tells me.

“Why?” I ask. Her father adores her what had made him do something so abhorrent.

“He has decided that Alex is a lost cause, and that he wants me to mate Jordan. I told him I would never take Jordan as my chosen mate. I will never abandon my destined mate.

He was so angry, he told me that I was a disobedient daughter. That I would do as I was told or suffer the consequences. When I didn’t back down, he hit me.

But I will never take Jordan as my mate, I would rather die. There will only ever be one wolf for me” she says vehemently.

“Of course, you should not settle for a chosen mate, and definitely not Jordan. How could he expect that of you?” I ask.

“He is determined that I will marry into the alphas family, and that I will be the next Luna. He is very close to Jordan. He has been helping him train as the next Beta of the pack, but he wants to make him the next Alpha. He wants us to be even closer, but I can’t do it, however many times he hits me I won’t give in. I won’t mate with Jordan.”

I hug her. I am lost for words. I can’t believe her father would do this to her. Lily is such a lovely person she doesn’t deserve to be forced to take a chosen mate. I had always believed that her father doted on her, would do anything for her, but now to see how he had hurt her. I had to find a way to help. Surely Alex would be able to stop this.

“If Alex knew, then I am sure he would help you. If we could find a way to let him know…..” I start to say but she interrupts me.

“No, he mustn’t. I will deal with this myself. I have a plan” she says though she doesn’t sound confident, but I can tell there is no point trying to argue with her.

I stay with Lily for the next two hours trying to comfort her. I have decided that I will tell Alex. I can’t keep this a secret. He has to know what Carl is planning, if he doesn’t already, and I need him to protect Lily. He cannot let him get away with this. I always knew he treated Omegas badly, but so do a lot of the pack, I never thought he would be so cruel as to hurt Lily his only child.


I can’t wait to tell Katy about my conversation with my grandfather, so as soon as it gets dark I rush to her house and sneak in the backdoor which she has left unlocked for me. I take this as a good sign that she is beginning to forgive me for the way I have behaved.

She is sitting in the living room, waiting for me.

“How did it go? She asks.

“Pretty good” I tell her. “He had already guessed that you were my mate.”

“Really how?” she asks.

“He keeps a close eye on what goes on in the pack, and knew about my behaviour during the rogue attack, and that I had blocked your move out of the pack to attend a human university.

He hasn’t agreed to help us yet, he wants to meet you first, but I am hopeful that once he has, he will support us. He didn’t tell me that it was impossible, that my mate couldn’t be an Omega which was my biggest fear” I tell her.

“That may change when he meets me. He might not like me. He might think that I am not good enough to be the pack’s Luna” she says.

“He won’t, once he meets you, he will know how perfect you are” it tell her confidently.

She sighs “I hope so.”

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