The Forbidden Mate

Chapter Chapter Thirteen – Interview


We arrange to meet Alex’s grandfather the next day. I am so nervous he is a proud imposing man, well respected among the pack and a true Alpha. Alex is so confident that he will like me, and support us, but I am not so sure if he could welcome an Omega into his family, as an equal.

It is too risky for Alex and myself to arrive together, so I don’t have his company to comfort me and give me confidence as I make my way to his grandfather’s house.

I knock on his grandfather’s door, and he opens it. He looks me up and down, assessing me, I am not sure if he likes what he sees but he welcomes me in.

“Alex is already here” he says showing me into his living room, where I can see Alex waiting with a big smile on his face. Alex beckons to me to sit beside him on the sofa.

“So Katy, tell me about yourself” he says.

“There isn’t much to tell” I say self-depreciatingly. I am a servant in the packhouse, an Omega. I have a younger sister Emma, and both our parents died recently.”

“There is more to you than that” he says seriously. “You are the only Omega that has been allowed to finish school. My daughter has taken a great interest in you, even trying to get you into a human university.”

“She is very kind” I respond.

“Surely there is more to it than that?” Tell me honestly what interest my daughter has in you” he commands. I can feel the Alpha dominance coming off him in waves.

I need to be polite, show the proper respect, but I cannot tell him the truth. I bow my head, and say “Sorry sir, I do not know why.”

He looks surprised but lets it go.

“And you are unable to shift, is that correct?” he asks.

“Yes, I have a rare condition that only affects Omega’s that means that my wolf is too weak for me to shift” I tell him lying again. I really hope he can’t see through my lies. He doesn’t look convinced. I feel that this meeting is going badly, he is not going to accept me.

“And my grandson, when did you realise that you were mates?” he asks.

“During the rogue attack, as soon as I saw him that day I knew.”

“That must have been a surprise to you” he says.

“Yes, as an Omega I never expected to be mated to an Alpha.

“Of course. It is very unusual. Are all your family Omegas? He asks.

“Yes” I lie again. “We are all Omegas.”

“Very well. Thank you my dear. It has been nice to meet you. I need to think about your situation and what I should do next. Alex, I will tell you what I decide in a couple of days’ time” he says dismissing us both.

It has been a short, uncomfortable meeting, he wasn’t unkind but and I am not confident that he will help us.

We get up to leave and Alex squeezes my hand. He shows me to the door and kisses my forehead.

” You did very well” he tells me.

I would like to feel reassured by his words, but I don’t think this meeting went well.


I am having a quiet night in. It has been a tiring day at work, and it feels great to finally relax. I am surprised when the doorbell rings.

I don’t get many visitors; I don’t encourage them. I live alone in the forest for a reason, and most pack members are considerate enough to give me my space.

I hesitate before answering the door, maybe I could just leave it and pretend I am not in. It rings again, and I abandon any idea of ignoring it.

When I open my door, I am stunned to see my father. We haven’t spoken in twenty years. I see him sometimes from a distance when I am forced to attend pack events but that is very rarely.

“Can I come in?” he asks me quietly.

I don’t respond but open the door wider so that he can enter the house.

“I know that you are still angry with me, that you have every reason to be furious with me, but I need your help. I need to know more about Katy” he says.

“Why ask me? I don’t know her well.” I lie. “She is a former pupil, a bright girl for an Omega. If you want to know more about her speak to one of the other Omegas.”

He looks at me for a moment before saying “I am sorry for what I did to you. It was a mistake that I have regretted bitterly ever since. In choosing your brother to be the next Alpha over you, when you were the stronger, better wolf was a mistake. I followed tradition. This pack has never had a female Alpha, and I didn’t feel strong enough to break that tradition.

He has been a terrible Alpha, his neutrality during the war cost many lives and destroyed the reputation of our pack. The royal family would still be alive if you had been Alpha instead of him.”

I nod at him. I accept his apology, I am glad that he regrets his decision, but I am not in a place yet where I can forgive him.

“But now Ellen” he continues, “I need you to tell me the truth about Katy. She is not an Omega. I have spoken to her today. I questioned her, tried to exert my Alpha dominance over her. It had no effect she didn’t feel it as an Omega should.

Don’t get me wrong she went through the motions of bowing and being submissive, but it was an act. I am guessing that she doesn’t realise that it is an act, that she doesn’t understand that an ordinary wolf will feel an Alpha’s dominance and be forced to submit and do exactly what the alpha wolf demands. I assume you and her Omega parents have taught her how to act as if she is being forced to submit. It was very clever of you; I am sure it would fool most Alphas but not me.

She even managed to lie to me about who she is. Not many wolves would be able to do that. So, I ask you now to trust me, to believe that I mean her no harm and to tell me the truth.

Who is she really?”

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