The Forbidden Island ✔


Jaci's POV

Not that I have been calculating, but I think it's been almost 2 weeks, since I was rescued by these people. They are very caring and for some strange reason, I feel connected to them. I have recovered completely, thanks to Aku and his tribe. I was wondering, how Sam and Martha are doing. Hope they are safe. I'm not sure, if I'll ever be able to see them again but, I still prey that maybe, by some miracle, someone comes looking for me.

Jaci?” it's Nina. “Jaci, the sky and the sea has calmed down. Do you want to go for a walk outside?” I can't believe we are finally allowed to go out. “Sure!”I said excitedly. We both giggled and started running out of the cave, along with the others. Everyone looked so relieved and happy. It's natural. That storm was life threatening. They are very lucky to survive. Then a question which was bubbling inside me, came out of nowhere.

“Umm...Nina?”she turned towards me, with a smile. “yes”she asked. “How did your people know that, I was out there? I mean, I'm glad they reached me, but how? How did they know? It was a deadly storm.Why did your people risked their life to come out anyways?”she smiled. “Grandma gets visions. She can communicate with the holy spirits and they always give us sign for any danger or misfortune, in advance. We trust them. That is how we found out that, you needed our help.

I nodded my head to that. I know it's hard to believe, but when I'm having same kind of visions or dreams, who am I to judge them. I still remember, Mom and Dad telling me that, I was made for a purpose. People need me. But who? Did they mean, Nina and her people or some people I have yet to meet? I felt eyes on me and when I look around, I found Aku watching me with a look, I can't put my finger on, but it arouse some kind of strange feeling inside me.

I avert my eyes to Nina, who was telling me something about fishing. But I can still feel his heated eyes on me. God, what is this feeling. I saw Waya gesturing me to keep quite, while he was creeping behind Nina slowly. Nina yelp, when he suddenly lifted her from behind and starting walking away toward the shore. I shaked my head and watched the shore as well. The waves really looked calm, like the Tsunami never happened. The only sign was the wrecked trees and dead fishes around us.

By 'Fish', I suddenly remembered about blue. I'm sure he was not my imagination. Will I ever see him again or like the others, that was the last I will see him. I sighed and looked around. Everyone was happy. Some with their family, some with friends and some with...Lovers. My heart squeezed and a pain errupted from it, thinking about the time Sam and me spent together. I'll treasure it with my life. “Know that wherever you are Sam, I'll always love you.”I said, closing my eyes and letting the tears go.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. I wiped my eyes and turned around to find a concerned Aku. I gave him an assuring smile, letting him know that it was nothing. He didn't buy it though. He came closer and put a stray of hair behind my ears and stroked my chin lightly. His gesture bought some kind of sparks inside me. Why is it that everytime he touched me, a warmth fills my heart, like no other. “Why do I feel like, I know you from somewhere?”I mummered, placing my palms on his chest.

Whenever he is around, I forget everything else. I want to push him away and stay closer to him at the same time. I'm afraid, I'm developing some kind of bond with him, that is unexplainable. Or maybe, my mind doesn't want to admit it yet. He smiled and took my hands in his, without looking away from my eyes. “I have never seen someone who looks so beautiful, even if they are crying.” he said something, I didn't understand. “What?”I asked. He shaked his head and chuckled “Nothing. Come, I have to make an announcement.”he gestured talk and dragged me towards the gatherings.

Once we're there, he started addressing his people, without letting go of my hand and strangely, I don't want him to either. What is happening to me? “My people. Finally the danger is gone. The moon god have protected us again and thanks the spirits to bring me back my mate.” he said and the other's repeated the last part too.“Thanks the holy spirits.” Then he turned towards me. “Jaci, my love.” my what¡ now? “Tomorrow is full moon and by the blessings of Moon god and the spirits witnessing us, I would like to claim you and make you mine for eternity. Do I have your concent?” he finished

What the hell! Did he just proposed me? Aku? But Why? Is this what he was thinking all this time? Is this why, he was always watching me strange? Is this why the people respect me. Because they think, I'm going to be his...Wife? “Hell no!” I yelled. Everyone flinched including Aku. “What's wrong Jaci? Why did you yell?” I can feel his panic. He is afraid of the rejection, but I can't marry him. I'm not sure, what I feel for him, but I don't love him, that's for sure. “Jaci say something.” he said, dragging me from the crowd and wishpering.

“I can't merry you Aku. I'm really grateful, that you and your people are kind enough to save me and provide me with shelter but, that is it Aku. I'm not in love with you to take you as my husband...”I stopped when I saw his eyes filled with tears. O my god. What have I done? “Aku I'm sorry. But we can't be together...” he interrupted me, by grabbing my shoulders. “Why? Why can't you be mine? You are mine, Jaci. You were made for me. I waited 20 years for you. We're meant to be together. The spirit told Grandma that, you are my soulmate.” he was desperately trying to make me understand that, we are meant to be together.

The spirit never lie, Jaci. You and me are destined to be together. Don't you feel the pull we have. Can't you feel the bond, we share?” he is right. I feel the pull but, I'm not going to admit it. Because that would mean, marriage. “I have no idea, what you are talking about Aku? I don't feel anything like you feel about Me.” I lied and his hands fell from my shoulder. He took a step back, he kept his hand over his chest, where his heart was. I really feel bad for him but how can I marry someone, I just met? “Not that I don't like you Aku, but marriage is a big decision, I can't just marry anyone, who gets to propose me.”I tried to explain.

You are lying Jaci. I'm not a fool. I don't know, why you are denying it but, I'm sure you feel the sparks too, when we touch each other.”he said coming closer to me, snaking his hands around my waist. I got goosebumps, by his touch, but kept my face blank. “Tell me you didn't feel that?” he asked, hopefull. I was about to give in when we heard...choppers? Immediately, Aku let go off me and barked orders. “Men to the entrance, women and children, inside the cave. Quick.” Then he turned towards me and gave me look which says. ‘It's not over’

I started walking towards the cave, when I head a familiar voice. “Jaci!” it can't be, can it? “Jaacci!!”Sam? I ignored the people, calling my name and ran with everything, in me toward the sound. “Sam!” that bought everyone's attention, sadly including Aku's. He was frozen in his place, but I was too caught up in my excitement to see his hurt stance. My excitement turned into panic, when I saw the scene infront of me. Aku's people ware attacking the chopper and the people inside it, including Sam.

My blood went cold. “No! Don't hurt him. Aku, stop them. They will kill Sam.” The chopper flewed away,with the rest of the people, leaving Sam and another soldier, who I think is either dead or unconcious. Why are they attacking them anyways? I ran toward Sam and jumped on him like I haven't seen him for years. His hold on me tightened and we both rocked back and forth on the sand. “Jaci, I thought I lost you. I'm sorry baby, I let you go through this alone. O god thank God, you are alive.”he said placing kisses all over my face.

I didn't have words to describe my happyness. “I'm glad you're ok too, Sam. These people saved me...”that's when I realized. Everyone was watching us with wide eyes. Aku looked so heart broken, it made my heart hurt too. What do I do to mend his heart. Sam was thanking them all and saying few words of gratitudes but Aku and my eyes were locked into each other. His eyes were daring me to look away. Sam hugged me again, which made Aku growl, like literally growl. Everyone was startled. That's when Abedabun came.

She kept a hand on his shoulder, which made him calm down. She wishpered something to him and he looked back and forth between Sam and me, then he hit the nearest tree trunk with force which made me flinch. That might hurt like bitch. I so much wanted to run towards him and hug him but,..Shit, what am I thinking? I'm literally in my man's arm, who is my world, then why don't I feel the same tingling sensation, the same warmth, that I usually feel with Aku?

He turned his head to look at me one last time, when suddenly, both of our eyes widened. Sam kissed me. Why did he do that, out of the blue. It's not like, we never kissed, but this time it felt so wrong. I was too frozen to react. Aku looked furious, hurt and broken at the same time. Before I couldn reach him, he turned around and walked away. Why did it bother me so much? Like...Like I'm losing someone important. I pushed Sam gently. “Sam I'll be right back.”I said. “Abedabun?”I called her. “Yes ma dir”she said in her broken English.

“Can you make sure Sam is unharmed, untill I'm back?” she knew what I mean and where I'm about to go. She nod her head with a smile. I thanked her and ran in the direction, where Aku went. I search every where, but couldn't find him. Then I saw Baku. “Baku, where is your friend?”he avert his eyes, to avoid my question. “tell me damitt.”he sighed and pointed toward the moon god cave.

I said a small thanks and ran toward it. I could hear the sound of people yelling and arguing inside the cave. One is Aku and the other one is...Malia? What is she doing here? I took a deep breath and walked inside. I wish there was a door, I could knock, but it's a cave. I didn't like what I was seeing. Aku and Malia both were naked submerged in the water. Althought Aku was not paying any attention to Malia, she was pressed on his back and placing small kisses on his back. What hurt me more was that he wasn't pushing her away.

“What the fuck?” I muttered but they heard me. Malia tried to cover herself with her hand but was not regretting anything. She was glaring at me. Aku on the other hand looked petrified. He pushed Malia away and started making his way toward me in panic. But I don't think I'm in my right mind to take his bullshit right Now. It hurts. Why does it hurt? “Don't” I warned him, which made him halt, with a hurt face. I was trying very hard to not look at his lower region. I can see, he was regretting this act. But I feel...Cheated.

“Dont come near me.” I said,trying to run away. Yes tried. Before I could step out, I was turned around and pinned to the stone wall. I yelped, by the sudden force. “Get out Malia and don't try to take advantage of my situation to seduce me again. Or I'll throw you out of my tribe. Get lost.”he yelled. I don't know what he said, but I did not raise my eyes to look her terrified face not Aku's face,which was filled with Rage. After she walked out of the cave, "dressed", Aku turned his complete attention towards me.

We stood there like statues for a while. Nobody moving. Only heavy and quick breathing can be heard. After some time, it was quite acward, so I tried to free my hands, which didn't happen because of his steel grip. I raised my head to look into his eyes, but averted immediately, because of it's intensity. If he is not ready to ask anything then, I might just give him a clarity of what is happening right now and how I want to make it less painful for everyone.

“The thing is A...Aku...Umm..Sam and I..” my words were eaten my him. I mean literally. Before I could phrase another word, Aku's lips were sealed with mine. I was too stunned and trapped between the wall and his hard chest, that actually forgot, what I came here for. Laters then. His kiss was demanding, possessive, heavenly and so much turn on that a moan escaped my mouth unintended. Shit. He growled in my mouth, while pressing his waist with mine. I gasp when his hard as rock manhood rubbed my inner thigh. Double shit.

Why was I here again?

Aku's POV

She belongs to me. And I'll make her mine. I'm not letting her go this time.

She. Is. Mine.


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