The Forbidden Island ✔


Jaci's POV

What just happened? Did I just kissed another man behind my boyfriend's back. What does that makes me? Oh no. Shall I tell Sam and see how he will react or should I forgot that it ever happened? How am I going to face Aku again? Shit, my lips are still tingling from that intense make out session with Aku.What is happening to me? Am I actually falling for this cave man? No no, I love Sam. We have been together for so many years. We have planned future together.

“Jaci? Where did you zoned out all of a sudden? I have been calling your name.”asked Sam. “Umn, sorry. I'm just reflecting on my actions. Did you remember me doing some kind of sin, for which we are in this kind of situation? He was trying to read my eyes. Please Sam, don't do that. “What is going on Jaci? Is something bothering you? You are acting distant. I mean, you are not completely yourself. Tell me, what is it.” This is what I like about Sam. He can read me like a book. I sighed. Should I tell him.

“Sam, you know the Chieftain of this tribe, Aku, right?”I started. He pressed his lips together, without responding. Oh shit, did he figure it out? I cleared my throat and continued. “Umn...He kind of is...Obsessed with me.”I waited for his reaction, which didn't come. He face was blank. “He proposed me today, just before you arrived.” his face morphed into something I have never seen before. “He did? And how did you respond?” his gaze were accusing. I gulped.

“I denied ofcource. They saved my life and all but, how can I merry someone, I just met?”I answered genuinely. Sam's eyes soften and he hold both my hands in his and started making gentle circles on it. “I knew, you would never give up on me, like I never did on you.”he said kissing the back of my hand. Now I feel bad for both the men. What was I thinking, leading on Aku? Sam and me are supposed to be together. But what about Aku? That kiss, the things I feel for him, what do I name it? Just an attraction?

Aku's infatuation for me is overbearing. How do I deal with two men at once? “Do you want me to talk to him?”said Sam. I shaked my head no. “No, I'm sure he figured it out already, that we are from two different worlds and can't be together.” I said. In a way, I'm convincing myself. “Ok” said Sam, letting go of my hand and hugging me to his side. I rest my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. There is this calmness with Sam, whenever I'm with him. He is not just a sweet lover, but also a great person in real. He is my home.

I felt my heart beating faster all of a sudden. Whenever I close my eyes, the kiss replays again and again in my mind. I feel so unsettled right now. I saw Nina and Waya coming toward us. I smiled at them. They reciprocated the same but when their eyes fell on Sam, it was gone. It was blank. “The dinner is ready. Everyone is waiting for you two. Come on.” said Nina. I nod my head and we all walked together toward the gathering where everyone was having small conversation around the fire.

My heart skipped a bit, when I met a familiar green eyes. It was burning me with his heated gaze. I avert my eyes to where Abedabun was sitting and walked towards her. Her face lit up when she saw me. I noticed that Sam was not with me. After sitting down, I searched around and found that both Aku and Sam were gone. In panic, I stood up and was about to go find them, when Abedabun caught my hands. “Let them sort it out. Stay away for a while, Jaci.” she said.

Letting them sort it out means, heated argument, dick measuring, punches and for sure, they will let out their animal side, which is worse. Sam is very short tempered and I have seen, how violent Aku could ger. Everyone was eating, as if they are least bothered, for the results. I couldn't eat at all. I don't have a watch but, I'm sure it's almost 15 minutes. What are they up to?

Aku's POV

Does she hate me for kissing her. No, the way she responded to my touches, she wasn't. Does that means, she likes me too? Why did she let another man touch her then? Why she refused to marry me? Is she in love with the man, Sam. How long they have been together? had he claimed her already? Rage filled my brain, when I imagined both of them naked on bed. “No, she is mine.”I don't care if she has slept with him already. She hasn't carried his children yet. A certain passiveness took over my body and I walked out of the cave, with a determination to confront her and the 'man'.

When I searched around, I could feel few of my people giving me a sympathetic look and few afraid of my next action. “Aku, wait” Baku called me from behind. “Where are you going?” I ignored him and started looking for Sam. “Misun, listin. I know you are hurt but, don't try to kill that man yet. He means something to Jaci. If you hurt him, she might hate you. Think before you do anything stupid.” he is right. The way she throwed herself on that man and didn't push him away when he kissed her, they seemed...Close. Closer than we could ever be. But I'll not let her go, without a fight.

“Don't worry Oginalii. I just want to talk. That's it.” I said, still walking. He sighed but didn't pressed me anymore. I finally found both of them, sitting outside the main cave. Both of them were holding hands and he...Did he just kissed her hands? And she liked it. Hmn, we need to have a man to man talk. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. It should be me, comforting her, not him. Why are you doing this to me Jaci? Why? I walked away from them, when, I couldn't take it anymore. My father was giving me an amused look, when I passed him.

“What?”I asked, annoyed. He simply shrugged it off. Baku chuckled but pushed me toward the people gathered around the fire. After sitting there for few minutes, Jaci and Sam came together. “They look good together.” teased Baku. When Haki glared him he said,“But, she'll look better with you by her side, misun.” I looked up at her and found her searching for something in the crowd. When her eyes met mine, we froze. This is what I was talking about. This looks she gives me, which says, 'come and devour me'. If she keeps doing it, I'm going to claim her, right here, right now.

As if feeling the heat of my gaze, she averted her eyes and walked towards grandmother, but Sam didn't. He was watching me with a warning look. Who cares. She's my woman, I can watch her anyways I want. He gestured me to walk aside. Ok, so he wants to talk too. Lets do it. I got up from the ground and followed him. After reaching to a quite place, far from my people, we stopped. Before I could asked anything, he gestured talk. “She is my lover. Don't ever look at her like that.” he warned me. I chuckled.

My words exactly. She is mine, keep your hands off her.” I counter back. He took warning steps towards me and now we are standing nose to nose. “She is not yours. Don't misjudged her responses to you as love or as such. She's just confused, that's all. But now that I'm here, she will realize soon, who she wants in her life. And don't be heartbroken if she chooses me, in the end.”he smirked. I smirked back. “If she doesn't want me, ask her why she kissed me.”his smirk fell. “Oh she didn't tell you, did she? Poor thing. confused I guess. Right?”I could see, him taking a step back.

Yes. Take yourself back, from where you came from. “She loves me, not you. We have been together for 10 years. Do you know, how much she is attached to me? I'm a very big part of her life. Friend, philosopher, companion and lover. You think, you can compete with me?” he scoffed. “Keep telling yourself that. I don't care. And for your kind information, I know her before you even met. I met her, before you. She was born in this Island. That name 'Jaci' was given by me. I have been waiting for her for 20 years. Do you know, how long is that?”I could see his confused eyes.

And finally when everything was going good, suddenly you popped up. Do you think, I will let her go again. Last time, I was just a 10 years old kid. I wasn't sure about my feelings. But now, I know and soon she will realize it too. We have a connection, you will never understand. Hope 'you' are ready to let her go.” I finished, what I had to say and walked away, leaving him behind. Suddenly, he yanked me back and before I could react, he punched me. “She is going back with me, whether you like it or not. All your speeches would be useless, when she leaves you behind. Hope, you are ready to live with that.”

I'm done being nice. You want to fight. Let's fight. The winner gets the woman.” I chalanged. He nod and then for another few minutes both of us fought like wild animals. I have never backed away from a fight. If he thinks, I'll let her go because, he warned me, than I would say, he has never met a real man before like me. We are both fighting with out a break. We are both even and tired now, but not ready to give up yet. I have punched people before and most off them can't take more than 5, but he is good. I'll give him that.

“What do you think, you guys are doing!!” That sweet voice took me off guard and I was punched to my guts hard. “Sam! are you crazy? What has gotten into you?”she scolded him. He had the decency to feel ashamed. Baku, was right behind her. “Misun, are you hurt?”I nod my head and looked to my right to see Jaci, checking on Sam. “Does it hurt?”she asked, checking his injuries. “Im hurt too, you know.” I said, frustrated. She turned her head towards me and sighed. “What did you say?”she asked. I did not respond. “He said, you could kiss his pain away, too.”Baku lied, which made her blush like crazy.

Baku throwed his head back and laughed like a mad man. I smirked when she couldn't meet my gaze. Sam on the other hand, put his arms around her shoulder and hugged her sideways. “This is not over.”he gestured. Jaci's head snap back at him. “What is not over? No more fighting. They are savages Sam. He will not think twice before killing his opponent. What were you thinking, taking part in a fight like that? I lost you once, I don't want to lose you again.”whatever she said, it made Sam look guilty.

“Im sorry babe.”he said, hugging her. She hugged him back, placing her head on his chest. Suddenly the pain in my body seems more bearable than the ache in my heart. Baku placed a hand on my shoulder and gestured me to come back. I gave one last glance at them, before walking away. They were not far behind. I met a lot of curious eyes there, but no body dared to question me. After dinner, everyone went back inside the cave to sleep.

Haki tried to take care of my wounds, but I denied because, I want to feel the pain for now. It's a good distraction, from her. She is taking care of his wound, not even bothering to glance my way. I lay down on my madeshift, but I'm sure, I can't sleep today. I got a habit of sleeping closer to her. Sleeping so far away from her, is making me anxious. Does she feel the same or maybe not, now that her lover is here.

I turned the other way and tried not to think about them. Miraculously, my eyes felt a little tired and closed it to let the sleep take over. I thought I was dreaming, when a soft hand gazed my face very gently. I know that touch but didn't want to startle her. I let her do, whatever she came to do quietly. She was holding a rag cloth and wiping my wounds. I was in a state of utopia right now. I don't want this to end. I felt her soft lips on my forehead, that's when I gave up the last control I was holding in so far.

With one hand I hold her nape and the other snaked around her tiny waist and turned our position. Now she is beneath me. The rag cloth, still in her hand and face shocked. “Did you come to kiss my wounds better?” I wishpered. I don't want to wake the others and spoil the moment. Her eyes roamed over my face and her fingers unintentionally traced over my bruised and spilt lip. Before she could realize, what she was doing, I pressed my lips on her. She closed her eyes and let me claim her beautiful petals. After sucking and chewing on them for a while, I was rewarded with a moan, that went straight to my groin.

(Adult contents* )

Wanting for more, I started kissing her cheeks, jaws, neck and finally the valley between her breast. I rubbed my self on her and made small circles on her surprisingly bare thighs. Her skin is so smooth and soft, it makes me want to bite them. Someday I'll put my claim there. She responded my touches by linking both her ankles together, behind my back, which gave me more eccess to her lady part. I could feel her dampness, where my hard-on touched her. She moaned again, digging her nails in my scalp, wanting for more. Instead of pain, a pleasure foreign to me took over my body.

Her slightly opened mouth was so inviting that I couldn't stop myself from claiming it again and again.

I moved my head towards her face and did just that. I don't know, what I was doing, but it felt so right. She arched her body towards me, asking for more and who was I to deny it. I made small circles over her pelvic bone, while making gentle bites on her arched breast. I could see, how aroused she is but I can't claim her before full moon. So I would do the only thing that would make both of us release a little tension, by touching her where she wants to be touched.

I moved my hand a little lower and started flicking her covered clit and nipple with my thumb and tongue respectively and covered her mouth with my free hands, to avoid any noise resulting of our love making. She let go my head and did something surprising. She hold my shaft in her little hand and started stroking it slowly. I am in heaven right now. I moved from her nipples and kissed her again with so much force, I'm sure her lips will bruise.

We both are rushing to our climaxes right now, least bothered that people are sleeping near by and any more sound, would jurk them awake. Just when I was thinking, it would take ages for us to come down, she started shivering beneath me her hold on me tighten, which made me lose my last ounce of control and released with a suppressed roar, in her hands.

We both were breathing heavily and now that the deed is done, realization hit her. She couldn't look at me in the eyes, which kind of hurt a little but never the less, I feel proud that, I have that sort of affect on her, that I could make her lose her senses. It's not long, that she would except me and our bond.

And I know it's going to be soon.

Ahem !Ahem! Hope you like it😉

See you soon❤️

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