The Forbidden Freshman: A College Sports Romance (Nolan U Hockey Book 1)

The Forbidden Freshman: Chapter 36

I skate off the ice, dropping my stick and helmet as soon as I reach the locker room.

“What is with you today, man?” Liam slaps me on the shoulder. “It was Mistake City out there.”

“I know,” I growl, frustrated with myself.

Today has been impossible. I’ve never been consumed by a person before. I appreciate women. I love the way they look, taste, feel. I get my fill, and then I move on. I don’t tend to relive hot nights, but Mikayla’s pussy is something else. I can’t stop hearing her sweet moans in my head. I can’t stop imagining what it will feel like to bury myself inside her.

My cock’s twitching just thinking about it.

But practice today sucked, and it’s because I’m torn.

I love hockey.

Seriously. It’s all I’ve been living for these past few years, and if I follow through with Mikayla, I’m putting that in jeopardy. Not only could I get benched, but I’ll be letting my team down as well.

I’m a man of my word. I’ve got this bet to see through, and if I break it, I’ll have to walk through campus naked.

Getting busted is a guarantee, and there’ll be consequences for that.

But not following through with Mikayla will suck as well.

I should just tell her the truth and wait it out.

You’re not supposed to say anything either! If you’re gonna break the rules, you might as well go all the way.

I close my eyes when I enter the shower, dipping my head beneath the spray. I want her. I want her so fucking bad, and the idea of waiting one more week is brutal. Plus, she needs to know how much I’m into her.

I can’t believe she doubted me last night. That she went down that path of thinking she wasn’t attractive to me. I’ve never been more turned on by a woman in my life. I have to show her that. I have to wipe away every doubt in her mind.

The thought makes me antsy, and I rush through my shower, changing faster than anyone.

“Where’s the fire?” Casey snickers as I zip up my bag.

“Behind on an assignment,” I mutter.

It’s the lamest excuse in the world, but I don’t want to stick around to try and justify it.

“Have fun at Offside.” Making a beeline for the door, I race to my car and haul ass back to Hockey House.

Liam texts me to check in, and I message him back on my way to the front door.

Me: I’m all good. Just need some quiet time to catch up on everything.

Padre: Sweet. As long as you’re good. I’m DD tonight, so I’ll see you later.

I send him a thumbs-up and unlock the door, racing upstairs to clear off my messy bed and make sure the room is somewhat presentable. I stare at the duvet, picturing Mikayla on there, her legs wrapped around my hips, her heels digging into my ass as I thrust and⁠—

The doorbell rings.

My insides dip and zing. Seriously. What the hell is up with me?

She’s affecting me like no one else ever has.

Should I really be jumping down this rabbit hole?

Opening the door, I spot her nervous grin, my heart hitching at the cute line of freckles across her nose, then dipping at the hungry glow in her eyes.

I don’t bother with words. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I drag her into the house, hauling her up my body and climbing the stairs. Her legs wrap around me, her hot tongue dragging against mine as I walk her up the stairs and into my room.

I flick the door shut with my heel, placing her down so she can tug my shirt off. I throw it over my shoulder before making quick work of her tank top and bra. She’s still in that sexy denim skirt from this morning, and her standing there topless in that thing is making me horny as hell.

But I don’t want to rush this, so I force my cock to stay within his denim prison and take my sweet time exploring her tits with my tongue and fingers. Lightly pinching one nipple, I suck the other between my lips and enjoy the sounds of her pleasure. Those panting little gasps as she threads her fingers into my hair is a melody I could get used to.

Walking her back toward the bed, I lightly push her onto it, enjoying the view as she scrambles back, then beckons me with her finger.

The way she drags her teeth over her bottom lip, the excited little puff of air that comes out of her as I crawl across the mattress, is making my granite dick want to fire off right now.

Holy fuck. This woman.

Planting my mouth over hers, I run my hands up her legs, loving the quiver of her muscles as I once again rid her of her panties. I want to keep the skirt on though. Shit, that thing is sexy.

Cupping her sweet ass, I rock against her, moaning into her mouth before kissing a line from her chin to her right nipple.

Her fingers race to unzip my jeans. She yanks them open, then scrambles to free my cock. Fisting my throbbing dick, she gives it a squeeze, and stars scatter my vision. I thrust into her hand with a groan, lightly scraping my teeth over her nipple while finding her clit with my thumb.

She whimpers, whispering something incoherent as she lifts her hips while cupping the back of my head, a silent plea for my mouth to keep working her tits.

“Feels so good,” she moans, breaths punching out of her as she strokes my cock and writhes beneath my touch.

Her sweet nipples are pink and glistening as I pull away from her, taking a moment to drink in her ecstasy while my thumb continues teasing her clit. Her head is tipped back, her eyes closed, her perfect lips parted as another moan slips out of her, followed by a sweet gasp.

I lick the curve of her breast, feeling how close she is, then suck her nipple into my mouth. Her body starts to vibrate, and she arches her back, fisting my cock as the orgasm rips through her. Her mouth pops open, a strangled cry rising from her throat as she shudders and buries her face in my pillow.

It’s a thing of beauty, watching her come apart like that.

My body wants to drop, cover her, find a home in that wet heat she’s offering.

She flops back to the mattress, a limp mess as her fingers trail down my chest, her words muffled by my pillow.

“What?” I whisper, running my hand back under her ass.

“Condom,” she rasps, her expression desperate with desire. Her vibrant eyes are lit with need and damn, do I want to be her fucking deliverance right now.

I yank open the drawer beside my bed and snatch one out.

Ripping the packet open with my teeth is so familiar. How many times have I done this? How many women have I taken right here?

I pause. It’s different this time. Mikayla’s not just any woman.

The expectations for her to leave after a quick fuck are nowhere in sight. I’m gonna want her to stay. I’m gonna want to hold her against me and⁠—

Shit. What the hell has happened to me?

“Are you okay?” Her head pops off the pillow.

“Yeah,” I rasp, swallowing, but still not grabbing the condom out of the packet.

If she wakes up beside me in the morning, Asher’s gonna know. I’m gonna break the terms of our bet, and I’ll be screwed. I⁠—

Mikayla sighs, shifting away from me.

I snatch her leg. “Where are you going?”

“You don’t want to do this.”

“No, that’s not it. I⁠—”

“Forget it.” She pushes me away, jumping off the bed and grabbing her clothes off the floor. “You’re obviously not into it.”

“No, Mick. Please, that’s not it. I…”

She pulls her shirt back on, not even bothering with her bra. I stare at those puckered nipples poking at the fabric and my mouth goes dry.

Every instinct in my body is telling me to grab her, throw her back on the bed, and show her that she’s so fucking wrong right now.

But I’ve gone and killed the mood. My hesitation told her everything she didn’t want to hear, and I have to somehow explain it to her.

“Just let me explain.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she snips.

I can’t help the scoff that punches out of me. “Of course you don’t.”

Her glare could boil the Atlantic. I swallow and wince in apology, crawling to the edge of the bed, my semi swinging out of my open jeans.

She takes one glance at it, then tuts and spins out of the room.

“No, Mick. Wait!”

Her feet thunder down the steps as I scramble to do up my pants and chase after her.

But I don’t get far. Asher’s at the top of the stairs, slapping a hand against my bare chest. The look of glee on his face is punchable. “You didn’t just have sex, did you?”

“Does it look like I did?” I growl.

“You’re holding a condom packet.” He points at my hand. “It’s open.”

“But the rubber’s still in there.” I shove it into his chest, smearing the lube on his shirt.

“Ew, dude.” He jumps back in disgust, and I take the opportunity to brush past him. “Where are you going?”

“I’ve got to get Mikayla.” Snatching a jacket off the hook by the door, I shove it on and wrench the door open.

“Don’t forget the rules, man!” he shouts down the stairs.

I whip around and silence him with a glare that’s lethal enough to make him shuffle back from the stairwell.

Slamming the door shut behind me, I scan the darkened street for Mikayla but don’t see her anywhere.

“Shit,” I mutter, running for my truck, determined to find her and explain.

Screw the fucking bet. I have to tell her the truth.

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