The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 29: Three Months Later

Three months later I started to feel cramps. I grabbed my belly. No you can't die. I am to close to having you. Stop the cramping. I wobbled to the house grabbed my phone and called my DR. "Sara come to the emergency room now."

"I grabbed the care keys, my purse and held my phone walking to my car."

"I got to the emergency room and walked inside."

"I was put on a cot and rolled to another room."

"I stayed for two hours and whatever the dr gave me seemed to stop the cramps."

"You are being released from care and go home. Do not do anything rest for the next day or two. NO working in the yard. No mowing."

"Ok, Dr. I will not do anything strenuous."

"Good. I will see you again in two weeks."

"Thanks Dr. Kelly."

"You are welcome."

"That boy is going to stay up there for another three months."

"Or girl."

"OH, you are right, or girl."

"Besides Sara, you are having twins."

"We will see what comes out. In time"

I walked out of the hospital and got into my car. I drove home and parked in the garage I got out and walked to the door shutting the garage door. I unlocked the lock and walked into my kitchen."

"I started my dinner and then made an egg sandwich I sat down and ate looking out the window."

I cleaned my plate and poured another cup of coffee. I carried it out and sat on the porch." I could smell the food in the crockpot. It smelled good."

"I looked up to see a motorcycle stop next to me."

"I watched as Dragon got off and walked over to the porch."

"It is time for you to come home, Sara. You know that I love you and I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just angry."

"Sara I miss you. A lot."

"I am even going to ask you to marry me. He opened the box showing me the ring. I smiled and said. It is about time you got your head out of your ass."

"Yes, I will marry you but I will not move back to the clubhouse."

"I will go there often but not move back."

"You can move in here. It is nice and peaceful here Dragon."

"I leaned back in the chair after putting the ring on her finger."

"You are right it is peaceful and quiet here. I think I will like it."

"Good move in as soon as you can."

"I will He told me standing up and kissing me."

"I let him walk to his bike and he drove away. I hope he is going to the club and packing his stuff."

"If he lies to me one more time then we are done. and there is no going back."

I continued to rock until I got up to put potatoes on to boil."

"I then opened a can of corn and put butter on the corn before placing it in the microwave."

I then sat at the table and watched TV. Soon I mashed the potatoes and heated the corn."

I made a plate and poured milk into a glass before carrying everything to the table. I sat and ate watching Wonder Woman."

"I cleaned up after myself and put the leftovers in the refrigerator."

I then walked into the living room and stretched out on the couch. I must have fallen asleep soon I opened my eyes and turned the TV off. I stood up and walked to my bedroom. I climbed under the covers."

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 10:00 I suddenly sat up and heard knocking on the front door. I climbed out of bed yelling, I am coming to stop that shit."

"I opened the door to see Dragon standing there holding a large box. I opened the door and said come in." Soon prospects were carrying boxes in computers, and another TV, and I watched as they piled up. Soon everything was in the cabin."

We decided to put his TV in the bedroom."

Soon he was unpacked and boxes sat on the porch to be burned."

"He had moved in."

"Sorry, no beer."

"I will go buy some. Do you want anything?"

"No, I am good."

It feels funny having Dragon here at the cabin."

"It is almost like we are married and living in our own home."

"Well in a way we are. I own this cabin and the 25 acres around it."

It is ours and no one can make us move.

"I love the fact I bought this property. It took me four years to get it the way I wanted it."

"I made sure all the windows in the bedrooms faced each other. So when open the air would cool the cabin."

"And I didn't need to buy an air conditioner."

"I might one day but not right now."

I walked to our bedroom and leaned against the wall looking at the two towels side by side on the bathroom door."

I heard my SUV coming into the garage and walked out and shut the bedroom door. I then walked down to the baby's bedroom."

"I was thinking about the walls. What to hang there."

I turned and walked down the hallway and into the kitchen."

I watched as Dragon put his beer in the fridge, and took one and, opened it. He walked over to the kitchen table and sat down.

"Sara, I did not cheat on you. I am sorry for the words I said that hurt you."

"I also know that baby is mine."

"You are not going to have our baby outside of marriage."

"We are getting married next week. Legally and by the biker law."

"I hugged Dragon."

"Finally he will never leave me. And he will never cheat on me."

"He knows what it is like living without me."

"He doesn't want that I know."

"And Sara you will never walk away from me again. And we will always sleep in the same bed. No questions asked."

"Yes, Dragon. You just remember everything you promised me."

"I won't forget believe me."

"I was starting supper we were having pork chops, fried potatoes, and green beans fried." After eating Dragon said it was really good and he was going to put on weight with my cooking."

I didn't care I love to cook. While Dragon was in the garage working on his bike I started to bake apple pies and home made bread."

I was working on my bike when I smelled something really good. Sara was baking pies and bread."

"I can't wait until lunch. I wonder what she is making me."

"Soon I smelled garlic. Speggattie my favorite with garlic bread."

"I cleaned up the garage and walked into the kitchen. I washed my hands and wrapped my arms around Sara."

"I leaned down kissing her neck. It smell really good in here."

"I sat down at the table and she put my food in front of me along with a beer."

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