The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 28: The pregnancy

I got into my car after hugging Precious we were both crying. My because Dragon basically called me a slut, and Precious because I was moving out of the club."

"I drove the five miles from the clubhouse and turned onto the dirt road I drove until reached my Cabin. I got out of the car and carried things and put them on the front porch. Once everything was out of my car I unlocked the door and carried them inside.'

"I sat the TV up and hooked it up before putting everything else away. Then I made a sandwich and had chips and coffee at the kitchen table looking out the window."

"I thought this would be Dragaon's and my getaway but now it looks like mine and the baby's."

I picked up my phone and called a construction company. They came out to see where I wanted to add a new bedroom onto the house."

"I also called a company to put a driveway into the cabin. I didn't want to get stuck in the mud if it rained."

I paid them half down and then two months later everything was done. It improved the look of the cabin.

I was just starting to show now. I didn't think I would show at three months but I am. I heard my phone ring and it was Precious. She is headed to the cabin."

"I looked up from my chair and saw Precious riding her bike up the driveway."

"We hugged and walked into the cabin. I made us both a cup of coffee."

As we walked out to sit on the porch I smiled. "So what has been happening at the club I asked her."

"Dragon is in a bad mood. He has been fighting with the other brothers over you and what he said to you about finding your baby's daddy."

"We have all told him he was one fool. Hell I told him your brother is looking for you and plans on taking you back home with him when he does find you."

"That pissed him off. I then told him it serves him right for how he treated you."

"That president that was at the club two months ago said If he finds you first he will encourage you to start dating him. He doesn't care if you are pregnant or not. He would raise the child as his."

That set Dragon off and he nearly destroyed the clubhouse."

"That is his problem, not mine. He should never have said that I should find the father of my child and tell him."

"I did tell the father of my child I was pregnant. He didn't want the baby or me."

"So he can go to hell."

"You know that you love Dragon."

"That may be but he chose to say the things he has said to me."

"I Can't forgive him for that."

"Not yet anyway."

"He has not learned his lesson."

"So anyway I am going shopping next weekend for a baby bed and things I will need for the baby."

"I am going with you she told me. No not say no."

"Fine, you can go with me."

"But if I say no it is no."

"Fine, I will agree with that."

"watched as she walked down the stairs to her bike. She waved before starting it and driving down the driveway."

"I sat on my bike behind the bush as Precious drove out onto the street."

"I have to find out if Sara lives here or not."

"I walked down the long driveway and sat near a tree and watched the front door."

"I was inside watching TV and didn't notice anyone watching the house."

"I soon thought about leaving as no one seemed to be coming out the door."

"I soon watched as the inside front door closed. I didn't see who was behind that door."

"I soon saw lights going on and then some of them off."

Then a light lit in the corner back half of the house. I could see someone walking around in the room behind the curtains but I could not tell it it was a man or woman."

"Dam it. I need to come back and watch."

"I sighed as week four passed by."

"No one came or want from the cabin."

"Then just as I was about to give up I saw Sara, a very pregnant Sara walk down the porch steps to the garage. She soon drove past me in a SUV."

"I wanted to reach for her and hold her but I couldn't do that."

"I drove back to the clubhouse and sat down next to Psycho."

"Well did you finally find her?"

"I did."

She is five miles from here living in a cabin."

"She is getting really big."

"I want to go to Walmart come on let's go."

"I and Psycho got off our bikes and watched as Precious and Sara walked into the baby store."

"We walked over to look in the window without being seen. We watched her point out a baby bed, a jumper, a swing, a high chair, and some clothes and sheets and blankets."

"She walked up to the desk and paid for the items. I noticed she didn't get a stroller so I bought one without her knowing it."

I grinned as Sara didn't even notice what I had done."

I at least get to buy her something for the baby."

We then carried the clothes, blankets, and sheets to the car."

I hoped into the passenger seat and Sara drove to Casdores so we could eat.

"After eating we drove to the cabin and carried everything inside. I helped her put them in the baby's room."

"You don't have a changing table or dressers not even a rocking chair."

"I know I will get them later."

"I walked into the store and asked her what the woman there didn't buy. I bought everything she had not bought and gave the address to send them to."

I didn't write a note I just sent them. I figure she will try to find out who sent them."

"Then may she won't care."

"I know that is my child."

" I don't know why I told her she better find the daddy."

"I hurt her and this time she won't give me the time of day because of that."

"One month later I was told by Cindy to come to the clubhouse today at 3:00."

I arrived to find a baby shower was being held for me. I started to cry I was so shocked."

"They had not forgotten me."

"I had a really good time. And once it was over the prospects carried everything to my car. I was walked to my care by the Valkyrie and Cindy."

"I had everything I need for the baby now."

"I was happy today and I didn't look towards the garage not once."

"I long for Dragon though. I want him beside me doing all of these things. I want him there when I give birth but that is not going to happen."

"I sat on the rocking chair with my head leaned back and eyes closed. I opened them when a truck stopped at the steps of the cabin."

"I didn't know who it was."

"Are you Sara?"

"Yes, I have a delivery for you."

"I signed for it and watched them unload the truck and carry the big boxes into the cabin."

"Thank You, I told them."

"I walked inside to see they were from the baby store in town. I didn't see any name of who had sent them."

"I started to put the changing table together after pulling the box to the nursery."

"I then put the rocking chair together and sat down gently rocking."

"The last was the book shelf"

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