The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 25: Dragon Tells Sara of Norman's letter.

I was furious at Norman. How dare he threaten my life and Dragon He is going to get an ear full when he gets here."

"He might even end up with a black eye."

"I am angry. Very angry that Norman told Dragon not to marry me."

"It is none of his business who I marry and I sure as hell am not going back to his mansion and be under his thumb. Not going to happen."

"Dragon I won't leave you. My brother can go straight to hell."

"I told him he had to come and talk to you."

"I refuse to let him take me away from you. That is not going to happen."

"I hugged Dragon's waist. He kissed the top of my head. I told him the same thing. But we will see if he comes here for a fight."

"Don't worry Sara, I won't let him take you and neither will the members. Not if you don't want to go."

"I don't want to go. This is my home."

"I love you, Sara."

"I love you to Dragon."

"besides he would have to get through Wolf to get to you and Wolf won't let them near you."

"I know that. Wolf loves me and he is pretty protective."

" He is isn't he and he scares most of the bikers anyway."

"Just make sure you keep him close to you."

"I think his growl alone will make them shit themselves."

"Come on sit on my lap."

"I sat down on Dragon's lap and looked up as the door opened. I noticed a girl with the Southern Skulls walk inside and she was looking around. Then she turned and looked at Dragon and a big smile was on her face."

"She noticed me sitting on his lap and she glared at me."

"Hello Dragon have you missed me she asked?"

"Why the hell would I miss you, Lisa."

"I never let you sit on my lap or even talk to you very much."

"I see you have not changed."

"Oh, I have changed, my girlfriend has changed me a little. But not my attitude about other women."

"So fuck off Lisa."

"I watched as she walked over to the table with two handsome men. Then she sat down across from Dragon."

"I felt something rub against my leg. I looked down and saw she was rubbing my leg thinking it was Dragons."

"You can stop rubbing my leg bitch. I told her. You are nowhere near Dragon's leg."

"I saw her face turn red."

"You can forget trying to get into Dragon's pants only I get in them. And I plan on doing that tonight just as we do every night."

"I heard Dragon laugh."

"My woman has a temper Lisa you don't want any part of her. She will kick your ass."

"As the whore over there."

"I saw Lisa looking at the whores ass that I kicked."

"I then noticed she saw the scar on her face."

"Yes, I did that to her and I will do it to the next bitch that tries to get in Dragon's pants."

"You might not want me to give you the same treatment."

"I brought my knife from my boot and slammed it point down on the table."

"Lisa looked at it and then the President she was with looked at me in anger."

"Who the hell do you think you are to threaten my sister?"

"I am Vengence adopted daughter and girlfriend of Dragon. And it is not a threat it is a promise."

"So go fuck yourself."

"I saw him look at Dragon."

"Don't even talk to Sara like that again HotRod."

"You won't like what I do to you."

"He looked over at Tommy and Tommy grinned."

"I think you and your sister need to shut up about now HotRod."

"Those two are crazy not to mention the wolf laying under the table is very protective of Sara."

"What fucking Wolf? Hot Rod asked?"

"Look under the table and you will find out."

"Shit! What the hell is a wolf doing in here?"

"He belongs to Sara."

"No one dares tell her to put him outside. She will climb their ass so fast they won't know what hit them."

"My daughters both have anger issues. So be careful what you say to them. HotRod or you will find yourself on your knees."

"I leaned back and looked at my VP his eyes were on the woman sitting in Dragon's lap."

"Put your eyes back in you head mother fucker Dragon told the VP."

"What we can't look at a beautiful woman."

"Not my woman. Dragon told him."

"I looked over at the VP and glared at him."

"I didn't like him. there was something about him I didn't trust."

"Wolf will be staying close to me with him in the clubhouse."

I rubbed Wolf's head with my hand and he came out from under the table and stood next to me. I watched as the VP's eyes widened. That is one hell of a huge wolf."

"Yes, he is."

"I want to know how you got him to listen to you."

"I don't know he just likes me."

"I laughed as Wolf lay his head on my lap moving Dragons' hand."

"He doesn't even like Dragon touching me."

"He just puts up with it."

"Lay down Wolf."

I watched as wolf walked over to the wall and lay down where he could watch the table."

"I leaned my head back against Dragon's chest."

"I felt him lean down and kiss my neck."

"Then I noticed Cindy, Precious, and Psycho walk in the door and to the table."

"The VP looked at Precious and she told him to go fuck off."

"Since she broke up with Kevin she has gotten meaner and she has learned to fight."

"I glanced at Precious and smiled."

"She is a hard ass at times."

"Hello, aunt Sara. How are you? Good, we loved your tricks hell I thought a few times you were going to hit one of the other girls. Nope not going to happen. Love."

"I sure hope not because I don't want you to die."

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