The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 24: The trick riding.

I was at every place she rode and each time those tricks made my heart stop. Those girls come so close to each other I think one of them is going to another one but they never do.

"Sara is good at what she does."

"I noticed she has a lot of male fans I am not jealous she always comes over to me and kisses me in front of everyone. We are not married yet. But soon I will ask her to marry me."

"I want everyone to know she is married and off the market and that none of them have a chance with her."

"Right now is not the time to talk to her about it. But soon I will talk to her."

"I want to buy her an engagement ring. A beautiful ring the ring I have been looking at is 15,000 dollars."

"I can afford it."

"I am going to take Cindy to see it and get her opinion."

"She knows Sara's taste."

"I want a legal wedding and a biker wedding."

"I want her forever and by having both weddings we will locked together for life."

"I want to see her growing with our children."

"I like how she told one of the club whores to stay away from me and the fact she told the whore at Ravens Clubhouse she would cut her tongue out."

"Sara is protective of me. And she is letting everyone know I am her man."

"I like that."

"She is not ashamed of my scar."

"She often touches it and tells me do not worry about it Dragon."

"I love you. And your scar does not bother me."

Later that night we made love several times. I can't get enough of Sara. I give her the pleasure she needs and wants.

"I will wait until the last town where she will perform until next year."

"Then back home I will ask her to marry me."

"It was the last day of their rides and we will be going home this weekend."

"I leaned against my bike as she told her friends goodbye then she walked over to me and I lifted her on the back of my bike."

"Once we arrived back to the clubhouse I noticed a truck in the compound. They had dropped off our suitcases and were leaving."

"See you all next year Sara told them."

"Take care Sara but somehow we know you are well taken care of."

"Yes, she is Dragon told them."

"And she always will be."

"We walked into the clubhouse when some of the brothers yelled out "The crazy woman is back home."

"They said the tricks she does make them nearly piss and shit their pants."

"But at least she knew what she was doing."

"I sure the fuck do but it took a lot of practice to do those jumps."

"But thank you that lets me know that I am doing my job."

"We sat down and pulled her down to sit on my lap and we opened our beer and took drinks from them."

"How is my girl Vengence asked."

"I am fine. happy to be back with the girls again."

"And having Dragon with me."

"No one dared to bother us with him there."

"Nope, they didn't dare try."

"However, I can't say I am not happy to be back home Dragon said."

"I want to sleep in my bed."

"I don't know how those girls perform like do."

"I would be exhausted."

"I am tired. But I slept well with you there Dragon."

"I had to be with you. I don't like you out of my sight."

"I looked down at Wolf and said, I don't think he likes me being gone either."

"Hell no he did. He mopped around the clubhouse I know he missed you, Sara."

"I did miss him too."

"I missed everyone How is Dove?"

"She is in town with her friends. Her boyfriend is in his room."

"Then who's car is that out there?"

"I think it is Dove's friend Kim she is most likely with Kevin."

"I don't think that is a good think Cindy. You might want to have Dove come home."

"I called Dove and told her Kim was here and she is in Kevin's bedroom."

"What the hell is she doing there? She was supposed to be with us but she told us she was sick. I am on my way home."

"Five minutes later we saw the door slam open and Dove, and three friends, Kelly, Tammy, and Shawn walked in."

"I watched Dove walk across the room and down the hallway. Then I heard screaming."

"You fucking bitch the saw Dove draging a naked girl across the room and out the front door. We all walked outside to see her beating the shit out of the girl."

"Some friend, you are not my friend or you would not be fucking my boyfriend."

"Then we saw Keving running out the door in only blue jeans."

"it meant nothing Dove, but you have yourself to blame. You would not have sex with me. I have needs."

"Fucker every fucking biker in here has needs but most of them don't fuck around on their girlfriends or wives."

"I washed her broke a chain from her neck and threw it at Kevin." Take your ring and necklace back and pack your shit and get the fuck out of this packhouse."

"I don't ever want to see you again. You fucking cheater."

"The women of this family do not cheat."

"Leave and never come back.

"I don't care what happens to you or what you do."

"Dragon looked at Kevin. You heard her pack and leave."

"Don't ever go near her again."

"I looked over at Dove and watched her storm back inside. I heard her bedroom door slam.

"As we walked back inside I heard Vengence tell Dragon and Psycho to come to the office that he and Tommy needed to talk to them."

"I wondered what that was all about."

"I walked in and sat down on a chair in front to Tommy's desk."

"We think you should know that someone has been threatening to hurt Sara."

"What the hell are you talking about? Tommy."

"We received these letter while you two were gone. Tommy handed me the letters."

"One told me to hand Sara over to the Wild Rider MC and not to marry her. or they would kill her."

"Who the hell do they think they are telling me not to marry Sara."

"She is mine. and she will stay mine."

"Here is the second letter. From the Kings from California. The man said he wants his sister returned to him or they will go to war with us."

"Vengence you know Sara's family."

"I do and she does have a brother who is the president of the Kings."

"I think we should talk to him before we get ready for war."

"I have the phone number."

"Call it now."

"Hello you reached the Kings clubhouse how can I help you?"

"I am the President of the Fire Hawk MC and want to speak to your president."

"Hello, this is Norman the president of the KIngs how can I help you?"

"Dragon leaned forward and said into the speaker. I am Dragon your sister's boyfriend and soon-to-be husband. How dare you send a letter telling me not to marry her and to hand her over to you."

"We are not afraid to go to war with you Norman. And you should ask Sara if she wants to go and live with you before trying to take her from me."

"I will kill any man that tries to take her. I don't care if that man is you Norman."

"You best be careful yourself."

"You might end up being dead yourself."

"Now if you want to be respectful you are welcome to come to our club and talk to her in person but don't think she will leave with you. I know she won't."

Give me the address. I will come to your club to talk to my sister in person."

"Tommy gave Norman the address before hanging up the phone."

"He will not force Sara to leave. I will kill him first."

"Not a good idea Dragon we don't know if this brother and Sara are close to each other."

"I don't care she belongs to me."

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