The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 22: The Turth

"Sara, I want you in my life. I really do."

"But I am not an easy man to live with. I want a woman that can hold her own with me. I know you are that woman."

"I want to make love to you but I won't do it here. I will do it back at the clubhouse in my bedroom or yours. I don't care which."

"You have to be sure because once I make love to you, you will remain my woman forever."

"Are you ready for that?"

"I am ready that is all want to happend since I first met you."

"I kissed him again and soon I was rubbing on his cock."

Dragon slowly backed away from me."

"Sara we need to stop. You make want to do things I have not done in years."

"Soon I will give you pleasure and hear you scream my name."

"I need to go shower and get dressed. I will met you outside. Take the eggs and coffee pot to the picknick table."

"I will sit next to you and eat breakfast so save me a seat."

"I was lifted to the floor and he kissed my forhead."

"So he said breathlessly. Soon I will be inside you and tasting you."

"I watched him turn and walk down the hallway."

"I took a deep breath and carried the bowl of eggs and coffee pot out of the RV."

"I didn't realize that I had a smile on my face. Something I had not none in a long time."

"I was finally going to get what I wanted. I am going to be Dragon's woman."

"I can't wait to be back in his arms again. He can kiss and when he kissed me he made me forget about everyone and everything being kissed by him."

I looked up to see Dragon filling a plate with food and carrying it and a cup of coffee towards me and then he sat next to me.

"I needed to touch him so I put my hand on his thigh. I want every dam woman there to know he is not available he belongs to me."

"I noticed the looks he would give the bikers when they looked at me longer then he thought they should."

"He was protective of me daring any man to touch me."

"I really can't wait to get back to the clubhouse. I will climb into his bed. And I will have him inside me and giving me the pleaure. I just know that He will be the one man that can make me forget everything but him."

"I kept my hand on his thigh and he left it there."

After we all ate and cleaned up after ourselves.We all decided to walk around and do some shopping."

Psycho, Cindy, and Vengence with me and Dragon to go shopping."

I did find some jewlery I liked and when I went to pay for the items. Dragon handed the money to the man.

"I an pay for my jewlery Dragon."

"I said I will take care of you and I meant it."

"You keep your money. I am not poor Sara."

"I don't need or want your money."

"Understand me? As your man I will support you and you will have everything you want and need."

"I just looked at him and said think you, Don't get me wrong. I am not afraid of Dragon however most men were. He is strong and if you hurt what belongs to him he is coming for you."

"I have no doubs about that."

I put the jewlery on and we continued to walk around and look at all the items for sale.

"Soon we walked back to the RV and I started frying the meet before placing it in the crock pot and pouring mushroom soup over it and turning it on high."

I walked out the door and over to sit in a chair near the fire."

"I have no idea where Dragon got off too but he will be back soon."

"I walked over and lay down on the cot and dosed off to sleep."

"I soon woke up feeling someone rubbing the side of my face with their finger."

"I opened my eyes and sat up fast. "Get the fuck away from me I told the man standing over me."

"Hey, mister what do you think you are doing? A prospect yelled at him."

"You are messing with Dragons woman and he won't take kindly to that."

"Back the hell away from Sara and get out of our camp."

"Just then Revenge, Tommy, and Dragon walked into the camp."

"Who the fuck are you and what do you want Vengence asked."

"I am no one just saw this pretty little woman sleeping here and thought i might get to know her."

"I stood up from the cot and ran over putting my arms around Dragon."

"That may be but keep your hands off my woman."

"She is taken and she is not yours to touch in any way."

"And it is time for you leave our camp."

I felt Dragons' arms pulling me closer to him."

"Prospect how long was he around Sara?"

"Not long at all. I told him to back away from her but he seemed to think he didn't have to."

"Listen here you son of a bitch."

"Touch my woman again and I will cut your hand off. Now get out of our camp and don't come back."

"Dragon, he is scary and I don't trust him."

"Don't worry Sara he won't touch you again. I promise."

"Since that day Cindy and i had guards around us when Dragon, Psycho, Tommy, or Vengence was not here."

"I knew that Dragon would hurt someone over me now."

"I was slowly sat down in a chair."

"Sara it is alright."

"I promise he won't be back."

"I looked up at Dragon and smiled."

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