The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 21: One year later

It has been one year since I started talking to Dragon. We are going to sturgus and he is going to let me ride behind him.

"This will be interesting as we are still not dating."

"I wonder what all those bikers will think when they see be riding beind Dragon."

"I have learned to fight I can take down a full ass grown man and walk away."

"I have tried to let Dragon know in everyway I know how that I like him but I am getting no where."

"I told Precious that he doesn't get the hints and I am back to thinking he really doesn't like me that way. And they he feels sorry for me that is why he lets me ride behind him."

"I am starting to get depressed again."

"I was lifted from the back of Dragon's bike when a biker whistled."

"Don't worry he doesn't like me that way. He lets me ride behind him because he feels guilty for me getting kidnaped years ago."

"I walked past Dragon not even looking at me."

"I watched him walk over and talk to Precious."

"I didnt' hear him ask her why I was mad at him."

"Or that she told him he really can't be that stupid."

"She likes you but you have done nothing to get closer to her."

"You have not asked her out on a date or even really shown you like her for more than just a friend."

"Why do you think she is mad? No change that she is hurt."

"I didn't like how she avoided me all night long. And when we decided to walk around she walked between Vengence and Psycho."

"I heard the brothers talking about how Sara was avoiding me and wondered if we got into an arument."

"I have not gotten into an argument with Sara. How was I to know that Tammy would show up and try to make passes at me and set on my lap."

"I felt someone set down on me and then looked over to see Tammy setting on my lap."

"I didn't see Sara see it or her turn around and walk away before she saw me push Tammy from my lap."

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

"Stay away from me Tammy. I have another woman in mind for me."

"You are not that woman."

"I stood up and walked the way Sara did. I couldn't find her. I asked some brothers if they saw her."

"They told me she walked towards the beer tents."

"I walked into a beer tent and ordered a beer. I sat down at a table in the courner."

"It hurt that Dragon didn't push that woman off his lap."

"I guess I am never going to catch Dragon for myself."

"I need to except that he doesn't want me for his girlfriend and move on."

"I drank about six beers and headed back to the RV. I didn't see Dragon following me. Or see him warn a biker."

"I made it to the RV and Cindy stopped me at the door."

"Are you alright Sara?"

"No Dragon let some bitch set on his lap and he didn't push her off. I might as well accept that Dragon doesn't like me. And move on."

"I opened the door and walked into the RV and Went to my bedroom and took a shower before I climbed into bed. I cried myself to sleep."

"I didn't know that Dragon was verbally attacked by Precious."

"or that she told him he was one stupid son of a bitch."

"Then Dragon talked with Psycho and Psycho told him what the problem was."

"She likes you man and you are letting her slip thorough your fingers. Do not be stupid like I was. I almost lost Cindy for good."

"Get you head out of your ass Dragon."

"I will figure something out Psycho. You better Dragon before you lose her. Precious said that Sara told her. That she might as well accept that Dragon doesn’t like me. And move on.”

"Shit I need to move fast."

"I have to get her to date me."

"i just don't know how to go about it."

"I will not let another biker touch her. She is mine."

"The next morning I went to Psycho's RV to maake some coffee for Cindy and grab some eggs from the refrigerator. I heard a noise and turned to see Dragon standing behind me with no shirt on.

I looked at his chest it was an art of work with a wolf on it. I reached out and touched the wolf slowly moving my hand on his chest."

I looked at the dark shadow of stubble that roughened his jaw line. I then stood on my toes and Kissed the side of his neck. Then he grabbed me and his tounge dipped between my lips.

"I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled the back of his hair trying to get closer to me. I wrapped my arms around his back moving closer to him."

"Slowly he lifted his head and looked at me."

Then he pulled me closer to him and started kissing me again. He lifted me to set me on the counter and I wrapped my legs around his waist pushing against his hard cock underneath his jeans."

"Dragon. I want more of you."

"I want to feel you inside me."

"I want you to make love to me make me yours."

"i want to be your wife one day."

"But I don't want you to play games with me."

"Dragon if you don't want me tell me so I can move on."

"Sara, I do want you but I am not the most hansome man."

"You are handsome to me. I reached up and touched his scar. This does not bother me Dragon."

"It shows me that you will protect me."

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