The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 1: The New VP

I had been told one week ago that We were moving back home and my father was going to be the New VP of the "Fire Hawk"

"I am 18 years old and do not want to leave my friends."

"I didn't have a choice. I am the youngest of five. I have four older brothers who are very protective and even taught me how to fight."

"I also can ride a motorcycle and can do tricks."

"I grew up in MC's all my life so I am used to the club life."

"I also do not take shit from any man."

"I don't have a boyfriend right now and I am not looking."

"I don't want to be tied down. I love my freedom."

"I am wild and my brothers know what I am like."

"With four older brothers, you had to learn to stand up for yourself."

"It didn't make it easy on them since I am a daddy's girl."

"This is my last year of school and I am thinking about going to college."

"I want to be a nurse."

"or a child therapist."

"I have not decided which one for sure yet."

"My aunt is a mental health therapist and she loves her job."

I just have to get stronger and then I can go to school."

"I thought about doing online schooling. It would be so much simpler instead of driving to the college."

"I am leaning more towards becoming a social worker."

"I talked to Mom about it and she agrees it it up to me what I want to do."

"I have the money for school so I don't have to worry about that."

"Don't get me wrong I love my four brothers more than life itself."

"But they can be so annoying."

"Joe is 21, Pete is 22, Raymond is 23, and Kyle is 25."

"I guess when I was born they carried me everywhere and gave me anything that I wanted."

"Now all I want from them is peace and to be left alone."

"I look like I am 14 or 15 years old instead of 18. I have an anger issue since the rape."

"I hate every man but my dad and brothers."

"All men are useless, evil, mean bastards."

"They take what they want even when they are told no."

"Those men that raped Sara and me were caught by Dad, my brothers, and some of Dad's navy buddies."

"They taught those bastards a lesson they will never forget."

"One of Dad's buddies was a surgeon and he removed some of their cocks and some of their balls."

"They will never rape another girl in their lifetimes he made sure of that."

"I wish I and Sara could have been a fly on the wall when they woke up to find some missing body parts."

"Now we are on our way to the new house. It is across the street from the clubhouse."

"I am not sure I like that idea but we will see more of Dad that way."

"I was laying across my brother's lap sleeping when he gently woke me up."

"We are here Cindy time to wake up. I sat up and looked out the window. I saw Raymond and Kyle's cars parked in a driveway and they were helping to unload the moving truck."

"I stretched and got out of the back seat when Dad stopped the car."

"I ran across the yard and up onto the porch steps then into the house. I looked at all the bedrooms and chose the bedroom that looked across the street at the clubhouse."

"it had its own bathroom, and the walls were done in a camouflage pink."

"I like it. I noticed my brothers carrying my bed into the room. and Kyle started to put it together."

"Then Raymond and Pete carried the mattress in and threw it on the bed. Others were carrying in the boxes with my name on them. I opened the windows and let a breeze flow through the window and started unpacking the boxes."

I made my bed and then walked downstairs. Mom had just ordered pizza and beer."

"I love my new bedroom Mom. and I put everything away."

"I hope you will like it here Cindy."

"I know you are scared of bikers but those men over there would never hurt or harm you."

"I know that Mom but it can't be helped."

"I get panic attacks when I am around them."

"It will soon go away, Cindy."

"I don't know about that mom."

"I sure hope it does because Dad's job is to work with them."

"And I still have nightmares sometimes."

"I saw Mom sigh."

"I know that honey you have woken the whole house a time or two and only one of your brothers can calm you down."

"I am sorry Mom."

"Not your fault Baby girl. Those bastards caused that."

"Mom, do I have to go over there tonight?"

"Yes, you do."

"The members' wives have been cooking for two days to welcome us to the club."

"Oh, I guess it would not be polite to skip that."

"No, it would not be polite at all."

"So go put on something nice."

"I walked up the stairs and showered before putting my the new jeans and my shirt that said; "Tell me a rule and I will teach you to break it."

"Then went downstairs."

"Nice Raymond said looking at me."

"Always the rebel now aren't you?"

"Raymond you guys taught me to become a hard ass but those mother fucking rapists forced me to learn how to fight."

I have anxiety and PTSD. My anxiety will cause me to shake and I break out into cold sweats. I am glad I have my brothers around me they always watch out for me.

"I watched the girl sitting in the window across the street. She is beautiful. But I know I frighten girls I am a big man and she most likely comes up to my waist."

"I won't meet her though I am sure of that."

"I noticed her look over towards me."

"Then she leaned her head back and looked at the sky."

"I watched her whip her face. Was she crying I wondered."

Then she stood up and walked to the bed and climbed in then shut the light off.

"I saw you watching my sister Psycho."

"Let me tell you about her. When he told me she and a friend were raped by bikers and then they rode of both their bodies with their bikes I balled my hand into fists."

"She should never had to go through that."

"She has Anxiety and PTSD doesn't she I told Joe."

"Yes, she does."

"Sometimes she still has nightmares."

"She used to get them every night. Now she gets them 3 or 4 times a week."

Everyone was talking when we heard the screams.

"Shit Joe yelled running down the porch steps and following his brothers across the street. I looked up to see someone turned on her light and then Raymond picked her up in his arms and she started hugging him tight."

"Cindy you are safe. Your brothers are here with you."

"You are home. I finally calmed down and looked at Raymond. He stood me on my feet and wrapped a quilt around me."

"Then he lifted me again walking out of my room."

"You are coming with us to the clubhouse."

"Remember not one of those mother fuckers will even touch you."

"your brothers have your back."

"I leaned my head against Raymond's shoulder."

"Psycho went and sat in a chair near the fire. My hair was still standing from her screams."

"If I had been around those bastards would never have touched her. I can go Beserk. That is what they call my monster."

"I looked up to see they were back and Raymond was holding his sister in his arms. He sat down still holding onto her. She had her arms wrapped around one of his arms holding on tight like her life depended on it."

I wished I was holding her and she had her arms wrapped around mine."

"I took a deep slow breath and let it out."

I saw her brother Joe lean down and ask her if she wanted something to drink.

"Coffee with cream regular cream nothing fancy. She won't during flavored creamers."

And don't ever hand her a vegetable juice she will throw it back at you. She only drinks tomato juice."

"You can never go wrong with giving her coffee she loves her coffee."

"You might become her best friend if you do that."

I sat up and wrapped the quilt under my arms. I took the coffee from Joe and thanked him."

"I then looked across the fire and saw one of the biggest men in my life. He stood up and he was tall almost 7 feet tall with strong muscled arms and legs like tree trunks. I then saw him set down again and open a beer."

"I noticed he had long hair almost to his waist and then he looked over at me. He has beautiful eyes. And he is very handsome. The type of man I like."

"I swallowed my coffee and smiled at him."

"I then lowered my eyes and looked at the fire."

I felt someone combing out my hair and looked over my shoulder. It was Joe.

"I looked across the fire at Psycho. I didn't know his name until Raymond called out his name."

"I said his name softly."

"I like the sound of it."

"Whats up Raymond?"

"I want you to meet our sister, Cindy."

"Cindy that is Psycho."

"Hello, nice to meet you."

"I was shocked she talked to him."

"She doesn't talk to people she doesn't know unless she likes them"

"I looked down and saw her smiling."

"Well hell, don't tell me she is getting a crush on Psycho."

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