The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 58

Amneris was first to strike.

She raced forward, spinning her staff as she jumped. Enliatu caught the strike on his sword, forcing her back. She surged forward again, pretending to strike with the butt of her stuff only to plant if firmly in the ground, swinging around. Enliatu stumbled back as she kicked his face. He recovered before Amneris’ feet hit the ground, the hilt of his blade slamming into her spine as he moved behind her in a blur. She spun through the pain, the crystal head of her staff whacking his side. He caught it with a hand and pulled forward. Amneris fell to the ground. Enliatu stood over her with his blade angled to strike. With a gasp, Amneris rolled to the side, the blade barely missing her side. She flipped to her feet.

Amneris knew the only reason she hadn’t been killed was his being out of practice. Five thousand years out of practice. Enliatu still had experience on his side. He was, after all, twice his age. At this point, they were playing. Neither was entirely serious, merely feeling out their opponent.

Amneris cursed under her breath as she flipped to avoid his next strike. This man seemed to have no weaknesses! No wonder she died the first time.

Enliatu lashed out with his sword, movements a blur as he jabbed at her body. Amneris dodged with practiced ease, slipping between the blade’s movements to punch his jaw. He took but a single step back. Amneris pivoted on one leg, taking him off-guard as she kicked his waist. Not giving him a chance to recover, she jumped over him. Her fist connected with the lower section of the Dark King’s spine. He stumbled forward, twisting his sword and thrusting it back. She jumped back, her power allowing her to move metres away.

Amneris crossed her arms thoughtfully as she reassessed her opponent. It was a miracle in itself he hadn’t commanded his army to go after her. Not that she believed in miracles. And it wasn’t like she couldn’t take on the entire army herself. It would be far from the first time.

A blink and Enliatu was gone. Amneris spun on the spot searching for him.

A crash from the side, he was pinning her down. His power surged around them, her own flaring in response. Amneris focused that power on her legs, rocking on her spike until she could bring her legs up. Her feet slammed into his chest and he went flying.

Annoyingly, the white-haired man landed right way up. As much as she hated to admit it, that skidding stop was kind of impressive.

Enliatu was now back with his army—

Where he was struck from behind by Kek, the Terpolite having quite literally stabbed the man in the back. Kek’s grin faltered as he was grabbed. Enliatu grabbed his wrists, spun, and tossed Kek at Amneris. She caught him before he hit the ground.

“Got a Plan B?” she asked, setting him down.

“That was Plan B,” he muttered.

“Ouch. How about Plan C?”

“TRAITOR!” Tara screamed across the field. “You dare turn against your King!”

Kek rolled his eyes. “He’s as much my King as she is my Queen.” He gestured at Amneris who slapped the back of his head. “The fuck, girl?”

“I’ll stab you if you’re not careful.”

“I’ll stab you in more ways than one.”

“Do you want me to let him kill you?”

“I’d rather you kill me.”


Kek held out a hand. The dagger embedded in Enliatu’s spine flew into his hand. He held it in a defensive stance, Amneris taking up a similar one with her staff.

Tara stood beside Enliatu. If looks could kill, the one she was giving them would’ve done it. She was clearly not impressed at the fact her Third abandoned her.

Amneris felt her lips twitch upward. As much as she hated Kek, he wasn’t the worst backup. Even if he would take the first opportunity to turn on her and try to take her—and Enliatu’s—power.

The Dark King roared. Silent energy rolled off him in waves. The power focused around his form, twisting in hovering bands as it moved to cover his body. His eyes flared. Amneris cringed internally. There was no way that was good.

Enliatu’s’ power shot toward them as a beam of light. Amneris—for reasons she couldn’t figure out—shoved Kek behind her. She raised her arms. A glowing white circular shield covered in ancient markings appeared. It absorbed the brunt of the attack, though enough force escaped to push them back a few feet.

The shield shattered at the impact of a second beam. Kek was unaffected. Amneris got blasted into the sky.

Before she could react, Enliatu wrapped his power around her legs. He pulled. Amneris slammed into the ground with a cry. Before she could stand, he was upon her again. His foot connected with her side. She was flung into a boulder. Amneris screamed at the feeling of her spine shattering. Enliatu stood over her. He picked her up, crushing her throat. Had Amneris needed to breath, she would be dead.

Her lower body was useless. It would need time to recover. But time was something she didn’t have.

Amneris tried to pry his fingers from her neck but he was so much stronger than her. Always had been. Possibly always would be.

A flash of silver, Amneris fell to the ground with a grunt. Kek stood between her and Enliatu, defending her. Enliatu roared, holding his bleeding wrist. Amneris felt a strange pressure around her neck. She looked down—

With a scream, Amneris tossed Enliatu’s severed hand as far as she could.

“What are you doing?” she panted.

“Protecting you,” Kek said, tossing the knife between his hands.


“The fuck if I know.”

Amneris tried to move, but nothing. Everything below the waist was gone. She couldn’t feel her legs! Not again! Amneris channelled her power to her injuries as Kek fault to hold back Enliatu. Not fast enough, her power wasn’t enough.

But there was another way.

Once Kek came closer, Amneris tugged his pant leg. He looked down.

“Kill me,” she said.


“Kill. Me.”

He shrugged. “Okay.”

Kek drove his knife through her heart.

As she fell into the darkness, Amneris heard a very familiar battle cry.

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