The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 57

Naturally, she lied.

Why anyone even considered anything less, she didn’t know.

The only thing she hadn’t lied about was agreeing to give Leo the items, the General giving a speech on the spot about how things would be better than last time and that he would protect them with his life for reasons she couldn’t comprehend. That had been less than an hour ago. Certainly not long enough for anyone else to notice she’d wander off.

Amneris sat atop a hill, looking down into a gully, her legs dangling over the edge. From what she’d been told by Kek—the Terpolite having only just left her side—Enliatu’s army would pass through here before they could reach the grasslands beyond.

This was the only pathway to the single remaining city on Ozialon. As the rest of the planet had been made uninhabitable, it made sense this would be the first place to strike. The city of Dassa was something the Dark King no doubt saw as a failure. His quote “ancestral home” was something that didn’t fall before his defeat.

Amneris had warned the city, of course. She’d helped the few people still living there more elsewhere for the time being. There was always the chance things would go horribly wrong.

That was only part of the reason she hadn’t brought her Court. No one could escape the embarrassment of being killed twice by the same man. It was unheard of! No witnesses was the best choice if she were to keep even a shred of dignity among her family.

Kek had been frustratingly unspecific about when the Terpolite army would pass through the gully. She was becoming bored, more than half tempted to march right up to the army and kill them all on the spot. Sadly, doing that would cause her own destruction. Too much raw power in one swoop. Best to leave that until it was absolutely necessary.

Amneris tugged the end of her short braid as she lay back in the grass. Hopefully Kek had kept his mouth shit this time. She would haunt him to the ends of Creation if he even thought about opening it. Not that she trusted the man to keep quiet or anything. He’d only do it if it was something which worked for his plan.

A sound in the distance made Amneris sit up. She closed her eyes, focusing on the sound. It was faint but she recognised it. As it moved closer, she was certain. The Terpolite army was approaching. They would arrive in . . . twenty minutes. Good. That was more than enough time to prepare. Amneris frowned. She would have to be careful. If her power surged too soon, Enliatu would sense her presence. It would ruin the entire plan, make it pointless.

Minutes passed. Amneris built up her power. It took ten minutes for her body to begin shifting into her Godly form. Amneris focused on remaining in this one. Her Fae form. Shifting now would only reveal her whereabouts.

Her power formed cyan lines twisting down her arms and legs, and coming up her face, coming to a halt above and below her now-cyan eyes. It was a risk to show even this much power, but it would take too long to summon so much in the moment.

The march of the Terpolite army was loud now. Opening her eyes, Amneris could see the outline of the first line of soldiers coming into the far end of the gully. Not long now.

They all entered. Amneris came to her feet. She raised her arms above her head and, with a cry, released the build-up of power. The ground beneath the army shook. Walls of cyan and white shot into the sky. Every soldier it touched vanished on the spot. She clapped her hands together. The walls closed on the army, turning the outer solders to dust.

That was when it happened.

Enliatu scanned the gully, a wicked grin spreading across his features as he saw her. The Dark King raised a finger, pointing straight at her.

Amneris grimaced. “Ah, shit.”

Scarlet energy shot from his form toward her faster than she could react. With a scream, Amneris went flying. She landed straight on her spine in the grasslands, managing to use the shock of the impact to jump to her feet. She made to move forward, crying out in pain and falling to her hands and knees.

Amneris staggered to her feet. “Fucking mortal issues!” She forced her back into place with a crack. Stars danced in her vision from the pain.

She didn’t recover fast enough.

The Dark King and the remains of his army exited the gully. They stood mere metres from her.

Amneris unsheathed her staff, holding it before her as Enliatu dismounted his black horse. Shadows danced around his form. His red eyes glowed brighter than she’d ever seen them as he approached.

In that moment, Amneris was overcome with something she hadn’t felt in a very long time. While she could hide her terror from the man before her, she couldn’t hide it from herself.

She should’ve brought her Court with her. Hell, she should’ve brought the entire army. No, she should’ve told everyone what she was planning. They always had a backup to bail her out of trouble. She could really use a bail-out about now.

Amneris mentally slapped herself. Get a fucking grip! You’ve faced millions stronger than this fucker and come out on top. Snap. The fuck. Out of it!

As she stood before the Dark King, Amneris allowed her body to shift. A weight appeared on her back as wings tore from her. Strength surged through her body. White light shimmered around her form as she forced herself to give the man before her a sideways smile.

Enliatu summoned a sword. He waved a hand toward his army. It was a gesture Amneris knew all too well. He wanted her all to himself. She didn’t mind. This was how she wanted it.

Both removed the glamours covering their forms. Their power released. Shadow and light danced as the two Core Guardians faced off in the grasslands.

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