The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 63

(Chapter song ‘Sucker For Pain’ by Lil Wayne)


I suck my teeth and pick them as the desert wind blows up dust and dirt around my feet. I glance up at the midday sun and straighten my suit jacket. I look at my gold Rolex and stuff my hands in my pockets as I raise a brow to the road that leads to my compound.

I side eye the tiny woman beside me, making sure she’s presenting properly. I lift my chin and the wind blows again. “When they arrive, you won’t discuss anything with them. Am I clear?”

She lifts her brown eyes to me and the breeze blows her sandy blonde hair. “Yes, Alpha.”

“These aren’t friends. They’re here for a reason and I don’t need you to give them ideas. You have one purpose as do them. Just because you’re my private pet, doesn’t mean you're different. You represent what they are, nothing else. Understand?” I glance down to the 5 foot nothing woman.

“Yes, Alpha.” She whispers as she looks to the desert sand.

I look out to the horizon and the corner of my lip ticks up.

Since the news of our devastating loss in Black Rock, and Chase’s utter failure, I’ve had to ramp up production. If any of these idiotic successors listened to me, that war would have been won the first day.

Sigh. No one listens to brilliant minds. I’m just glad I started this operation years ago. Draco wouldn’t have gotten as far as he did without my inspired ideas of creating stable white wolves.

The black trucks form a row across the shimmering line and sand clouds behind them. Finally. They’re late.

I see my companion shuffle in her spot. “Be still, pet.” I order coldly and she stiffens. “Good.”

I wipe my black goatee, then run my fingers through my white hair as the trucks slow to a stop in front of me.

I look them over with a stoic face as the driver of the middle truck gets out and opens the rear door. My beta steps out and fixes his black suit. He sees me and leaves the truck.

As he approaches, I glance to the windows of the vehicles and see heads moving in the back seats.

“Jax.” I address as he stops in front of me.

He bows slightly. “Alpha.”

“How many?” I question.

He presses his lips together. “9… in total.”

I suck in my top lip, glance at my companion and nod. “9.” I meet his brown eyes. “Why?”

He scratches his temple then runs his palm across slicked, short, white hair. “They… didn’t have much to choose from… as it were.”

“Why not?” I turn my head slightly.

He looks around, places his hands in his pockets and looks back at me. “The young Alpha… He’s questioning things.”

As the words leave his lips, I step up to him. “Questioning things? What is there to question?”

Jax swallows. “He’s questioning the treaty. He’s refusing to fulfill his end until they increase their own numbers.”

“And what did you tell the young Alpha?” I stare into his eyes.

“Exactly what the terms were. The numbers are subject to change. The trade is not.” He answers.

“His response?” I raise a brow.

He licks his bottom lip. “He responded with… tell the Alpha to kiss my ass.”

I take in the disrespect and nod. “Where’s the Alpha now?”

“The forest."

I take a deep breath, look back at my pet and face Jax with a smile. “Well. The Alpha is entitled to renegotiate. If that what he wants, that’s fine.”

I step close and my eyes burn as I lock with his and grab his jacket in my fist. “You take 100 of my fighters, march into that garbage dump and bring me that asshole’s ass. Take every capable fighter and breeder. Then when he’s dead, burn the motherfucking place down. After, you spread the word to every single one of those backwater, forest mutts and let Riddick's death be a lesson to all. You fuck with my treaties. You fuck with my operation. You fuck with Dragons? You fuck around and find out.” I shove him back.

“LINE THEM UP!!” I order as I walk away and throw a hand to the trucks.

Doors open and people file out.

“Right here in a row.” I point to the sand as I walk.

I eye the legs, hair and chests as they are pulled to the spot I indicated and placed in a line. All stand scared and fighting tears. It’s emotional to leave the only place you've ever known. They won’t fear for long.

I slowly inspect them. I have to look past the dirty, patched clothes. Badly braided hair and tribal tattoos. I stop in front of each one and hold the delicate chins in my fingers as they whimper.

I look over the condition and genetics of each. The youthful beauty and solid bone structures. I need to know that they will be healthy enough to do they’re jobs.

I walk along the row of young women. I eye the badly made bone and stone jewelry. I check teeth and feel each energy. Their wolves hide, but it’s not their wolves I want.

“What do you think?” Jax walks behind me.

I slap the hip of one woman and she yelps. I glare at her and point to her nose with a warning look. She collects herself and stares straight ahead.

I glance back at Jax. “They’ll do. Not exactly the best hips, but I guess I can get something out of them. Take them to lab. Clean them up and feed them. After, begin the process.”

“Single doses?”

I watch as the women are cuffed and led into my house. They'll be taken to the lab under it where they'll stay until they’re no longer useful. I consider how skinny and weak looking they are, but they’re easy pickings.

“Better make it two. I want to minimize losses as much as possible.” I order. “Unsuccessful attempts are a waste.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

I start for the house. “And kill the Nomad!” I bark. “Mia, come!” I hold out my hand and my pet obediently jogs to me and takes it.

I hold my chin up and walk into the base that will rise the Dragons to greatness. The Torrents have had their time. It’s time for Black to take the reigns and build the greatest army this world has every seen.

One breeder at a time.

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