The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 47

(Chapter song ‘Thnks fr th Mmrs' by Fall Out Boy)


I pace around, pounding on the walls of black every once in a while, to let the beast know I'm still here.

She turned off the pink vision, so I've been left in the dark and have no idea what she's doing out there.

I think she might be mad that I was able to reach Bastian. I didn't think I could. I tried with all my might to at least let him know that I'm still me inside here.

When I got the link open, I couldn't believe it. I thought it was over when I saw him, until I hit the barrier. I tried to tell him it was a trap, but I don’t think he could hear me. When Chase threw me into the pit of my mind, I knew my only chance had been blown. There’s no way my wolf will let that happen again. I tried to contact Bastian a few more times, but it's like my head wants to explode. She's blocking me hard.

I don't know how long I've been in lockdown. It feels like days. If not weeks. I was leaning against the blackness when the pink light came back. I had to squint to adjust to the brightness as I walk to the wall of her vision.

She's seated at the head of a long table with several people seated along the sides. She's listening to the battle plans being tossed around as they all feast on a spread of food. She feels bored and frustrated.

"We need more forces." One stout man says. He looks like a military leader of some sort.

"We will have those forces once we fulfill the creator’s vision." She says as she puts some food in her mouth.

"Attacking packs is what got Torrent killed. He was stupid and sloppy. He brought the Alliance down upon us. We need to go for the throat!" He growls.

The beast stands. "You dare insult the creator in front of me?" Anger pours off her words.

I feel the floor softly vibrate and I don’t like what she’s projecting to me.

"Goddess. I just mean, the creator made mistakes. We can't make the same ones." He tries to back pedal his insult.

She slowly walks down the side of the table. Running her fingernails across the shoulders of the men she passes. "And what would you have us do, general?" She says slyly.

He glances at her. "The countryside. It's filled with Rogue wolves. We recruit them into our ranks."

"Rogues." She steps closer. "You believe we should defile my army with those filthy, disgusting creatures." She stops behind the general and softly plays with his hair. “Is that really the image of Dragons?”

"We can't afford to be choosey, Goddess. We need bodies and there's a lot out there we can use. A fighter is a fighter. They can be loyal to you if we train them." He glances up at her and she pushes his head back straight. I sense his fear and her anger rises.

“Oh, crap.” I mutter as I watch the images and feel her emotions.

She leans down to his ear and whispers. "You need to stop talking." She grabs his hair and pulls his head back, exposing his neck. Without hesitation, she digs her wolf claws into his neck and rips his entire throat out. Everyone jumps back as she tosses his neck onto the table among the food and his spot on the table fills with blood. The ones sitting around him around shield themselves as blood sprays them.

"NOOOO!" I scream at the vision as I raise my own hand to my eyes and it drips in death. I start to hyperventilate as I realize I just killed someone. No, I can't… I killed him. My breath hitches as my eyes flick between the blood dripping from my fingers and her eyes as they look over the blood pooling across the table.

“I can’t stay here.” I choke and run for the door. As my body shakes with panic and guilt, I go over every inch looking some sort of way to pry it open.

She drops the man’s body and he falls face first into his plate. She walks back to her seat as she licks the blood off her claws.

She gracefully lowers herself into her seat, crosses her legs and meets the eyes of the stunned, nervous faces. "Now… Unless anyone else has an objection to my plan...." Her words were dripping in warning as the blood dries on her raised hand.

They all look like they want to run.

"No. Goddess. Your plan is fine." Chase whispers.

She leans back with her bloodied arm resting on the arm of the chair. "Alpha. How long until I get my generals?" She asks with an ice-cold tone.

Chase adjusts in his chair. "We still haven't seen any movement yet, Goddess. The Alpha should be coming shortly."

She folds her fingers together in front of her. "He better arrive soon. I'm getting impatient."

"He will. The message I sent him through your link will get him here." Chase smiles.

"Yes. I'm sure the child inside enjoyed seeing her Alpha for a time. When he gives me the codes, she can watch as I rip his throat out, too." She says as she admires her red coated hand.

I whip my head to her and watch her chuckle at killing Bastian. I sharply turn around and search faster. “Come on.” If Bastian is coming, I need to warn him.

She points to the dead general. "Clean that up. I will not have my dinner ruined by his insolence." She looks around the table. "Eat everyone. It's getting cold." Her voice had almost a happy tone to it. Like she didn't just murder a man for no reason.

As I run my fingers around the molded panels of the door, I see something white. I stop and place my hand in front of it. Light shines on my skin. A crack? God, yes!! I dig my fingernails into it to try and make it widen. “Come on!” My hands shake and nails slip as I dig at the crack that doesn’t budge. I stop, blow out a breath and look back at the beast. “It’s gotta be enough.”

On my hands and knees, I put my lips to the crack in the bottom panel.

"Bastian!" I call out into it.

No response.

I clear my head and push my voice a little harder.


Still nothing.

I try something else. I sit crossed legged in front of the crack and stare at it hard. I throw an image through it. An image of me sitting in his lap, kissing him and holding him. Hopefully, it will get his attention.


His voice came through the crack loud and clear and I break out into hysterical laughter as I get to my knees and lean a hand on the door. I lower myself to the crack. “Bastian?!”

‘Sammy! Oh my God.’ He sounds completely relieved.

I slap the door. "Yes! Bastian, I'm here! My wolf is holding me." A tear falls from my eye as I make real contact.

‘I know, Baby. I'm coming as fast as I can…’

"No. Bastian, don't!” I move closer to the crack as panic hits me. “It's a trap! She wants some sort of code. She’s going to kill you!”

‘I don't care, Sam. I'm coming.’ He insists.

"Bastian, please! She's insane! Please. Find another way!!" I cry.

‘I know you're scared, baby doll. I just need to touch you...’

"No! She's raging a war... You won't win.... Please, I don't want you to die!" I beg through flowing tears.

‘I'm not arguing about this, Sam. Be ready. I'm about an hour away.’

"Bastian!! What part of trap don’t you understand?!!" I pound on the floor in frustration and pain.

‘Be ready, baby. You'll be back home before you know it.’ He cuts the link.

“DAMN IT!” I sit up, scrap a hand up my face and into my hair. His determination to save me is going to get him killed.

"Thank you."

I was staring at the crack as I tried to figure out my next move when a voice startled me. I spin on my knees and my eyes widen.

An image of myself is standing in the void. She's dressed in a soft fabric, glittery dress and her one hand is dripping blood all over the floor.

"I didn't think you'd find the hole I left you. I'm glad you did. Now, I know the Alpha is on his way." She smirks.

I get up and rush her. "Don't you dare hurt him!" I aggressively point my finger in her face.

She chuckles. "What are you going to do, child. You're stuck in here and I'm out there. The Alpha has something I want. I will get it from him using this body. Humans are good for something after all." She looks herself over. "When he succumbs to me, I'll command an army so large, the Alliance will bow to me as their God." She smiles an insane smile.

"You won't win. I'm the human. I'll get out and when I do I’ll make sure you never see the light of day again!" I threaten.

"Child, you're so ambitious. You know, if you would just join with me, this would be a whole lot easier." She walks around me slowly. "I don't need you, but as a shifter, we should be partners, not enemies."

"Never." I grit. "When I get out of here, I'll find the cure for whatever you are. I'll destroy you even if I have to kill myself to do it." I watch her closely as she prowls around me.

Her pink eyes scan me up and down. "I believe you." She stops in front of me and nods. "That's why you're a danger to me and my kingdom."

She waves her hand at the blackness and chains rip out the floor. My eyes widen as the clanking metal link rise up on their own, wrap around my arms and waist, and pull me to my knees. “WHAT?!! NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!” I scream as I fight them. The tick links pull me closer to the floor and tighten.

"What are you doing?!" I grit as I try to pull my arms up.

She crouches in front of me. "You've done what I needed you to do. You are of no use to me now. Here's where you'll stay for eternity." She gets up, chuckling.


She grins, stands and turns. "Bye. Bye." She waves her bloody hand over her shoulder as her form dissolves into the void.

The lights of her eyes fades and I'm left chained to the floor in complete emptiness.

"HELP ME!!!”



"I'm not arguing about this, Sam..."

I was passing cars like a madman when I connected with Sam. The image of her kissing me slammed brain so hard, it was all I could see for a moment. I almost crashed the damn car. After Luke stopped screaming like a girl, I finally was able to get clear messages from her

I spoke out loud so Luke and Alexi can hear and I tell them Sam's responses.

"See. What did I say? Trappy." Luke arches a brow in my rear view.

"Luke, I don't give a shit. I'm getting my mate back or die trying." I stare out the window. My knuckles white with anger.

"Mate?" He leans forward between the seats.

Alexi shoots Luke a look with a smile from the passenger seat.

I quickly glance at him after realizing what I just said. "Yeah. I think Sam's my girl, ok?" I feel like I need to defend myself from the stupid grins that are being tossed at me.

"I told you!" Luke pushes me as he looks at Alexi. "Did I not call it or what?"

Alexi chuckles. "You haven't won yet, Alpha."

"It's just a feeling, alright. I just really like her." I furrow my brow because I really didn’t want him to make a big deal out of this.

He sits back. "Well, I'm getting that 100 at the moon and I bet Alexi double or nothing and it looks like I'm winning."

"Get out." I scrunch my face.

"Is it so surprising?" Alexi asks.

“Ok, sure. It’s a pretty strong feeling. " I admit. "But, lets face it. You… River… Jayson… You all seem to have horseshoes up your asses. But I've been to more balls than any of you and turned up squat. As much as I would love it, I do have a doubt that I just happen to need a decorator and she's my fated? I should play the lottery next." I snort.

"Dude, look at it this way. You’re Bastian Cole. The biggest princess asshole this Alliance has…” Luke starts.

My lips shrink and I glare at him in the mirror.

He holds up a hand. “I’m just saying… You're riding your blue stallion to save the hottie decorator. If that doesn't scream fated, I don't know what does.” He points to Alexi. “Don’t smack me.”

She smirks at him and shakes her head.

I chuckle. "Did you just call my Lambo SUV a stallion? You are whipped.” I laugh.

"Hey, Alexi brings out the romantic in me, ok. I can't help it." He growls.

Alexi grabs his hand. "And that's why I love you." She says sweetly.

"Come here." Luke leans his body between the seats and gives Alexi a kiss.

"Ok! Alright! We're about to go to our deaths here! I don't want the last vision I'll ever see be of Luke Jackson shoving his tongue down his mate’s throat." I say in disgust.

Luke sits back. "Hey, just you wait. After the blue moon, you'll be doing the same thing. You'll be just as kissy as the rest of us." He smirks.

I look at him and arch a brow. "Not a chance, Romeo."

"Awe, come on, Bastian. You'll be all kissy, kissy...begging for kisses...." He talks in a baby voice and makes smooch faces as he leans to my shoulder.

I shove a hand in his face and push him back. "Knock it off!"

He falls into the back seat, cackling that stupid laugh when he's looking to push buttons.

"How did I get stuck with you? I can kick you out right now." I point to him.

"Naw. You love me too much." He gives me a stupid grin.

"Luke, behave." Alexi warns.

"How do you put up with him?" I glance at her.

She sighs. "It's a challenge some days."

"Hey, I'm an angel." Luke points to her.

She gives him a look. "Yeah, right."

"Hey!" I grab their attention. "Look."

Just over the horizon we see lights. As they grow on the horizon, it becomes a whole city of lights. The expanse of the city was not what I was expecting. This makes Black Rock look tiny.

I turn onto the off ramp and my eyes are all over the tall, glowing buildings. It shines silver, white and yellow. Aurora. “The city of Dragons.” I whisper as the road we turned on puts the city in front of us. “How is it we never knew this existed?”

“The worlds a big place, Alpha Cole. I’m sure there’s more cities even larger that no one knows about.” Alexi suggests.

"Jesus. She's in there?" Luke looks in awe.

"She's there." I point out the windshield to the gigantic castle on the left of the whole city. It’s literally a white, glowing castle at the top of a hill overlooking the city below. "We need to get off this road." I signal to get off at the next street. “If there are Dragons here, I’d rather not tip them off just yet.”

We travel a side road, not losing sight of the city. I turn on my GPS map that has the coordinates I gave the others. I turn down another road and a secluded section in the outskirts appears. I turn off into a gravel and grass filled area. Once parked, we get out and I pop the trunk.

Headlights light us up as River and Jayson pull up next to me. Jayson get out of his Challenger with Sarah and two other flyers. Sarah is a top flyer in the training center. She’s crafty and wicked fast. If any team can get intel, these guys are it.

River and Anna join us along with Wren, Nigel and Anton. River drops his pack at his feet. “So, what’s it feel like?” He crosses his arms.

“A trap.” Luke mutters as he picks at his nails while leaning on my car.

“Enough of the trap shit and get that crap jacket off my car!" I growl.

He puts his hands up. “Ok. Ok. You just needed to say please. And no. I won’t stop mentioning that. I’m about to walk in and trip it. I'll drop it when my pretty ass is back here and not fed to Dragons.” He scowls.

I groan and shake my head. "We run from here." I tell him. “Take your packs and we'll blend in. We get into the pack house, save Sam and get out.”

“Sounds easy enough.” River shrugs.

“Says the military brat.” Luke snorts. “I plan on lighting this place up like Vegas." He smirks and checks the clip in his gun.

“Luke. We're not looking to die. I’d rather just get Sam without incident.” I arch a brow.

“Don’t worry.” He throws an arm around my shoulder. “We'll get your date for the ball. I’ll just take a few Dragons with me before we go.” He shrugs then grins.

I point to his nose. “No.” I growl.

“Let’s get the Intel first.” River says with a soldiers tone.

Jayson nods then walks up to Sarah. She looks up at him with her blue eyes. He fixes her long, blonde hair and smiles. “I love you. Be careful and be smart.” He taps the end of her nose.

She holds his hands. “Don't worry about me. It’s them that should be worried.” She grins.

“No Terror tonight. Just swoop around and report back in 2 hours.” He kisses her forehead. "Go fly, Baby." He lets her go and she give him a salute. I have to chuckle because she’s such a crazy woman. I don’t know how Jayson survives.

"Yes, sir." She smirks and throws off her sweater and leggings. The scouts do the same. “Flyers soar.” She orders. The three shift and take off into the woods at lightning speed.

Flyers are our thinnest, lightest wolves. They can get in and out of any situation without drawing attention. They’re like the ninjas of the Unit, really.

I huddle up with Wren, Anton, Nigel, River and Anna. "Ok, once Sarah comes back, we'll split off and infiltrate from both sides. From the vision I got from Torrent, she's on the fifth floor. Northeast corner. Be careful. Torrent is skilled with mind tricks. Be aware of everything."

Just as I say that, my mind is hit hard and I stumble back. I clench my teeth, double over and Luke catches me from falling on my ass.

"Bastian. What’s wrong?" Luke says.

I shake my head. "I-I don't know.... AHH!"

I'm filled with rage and pink colored energy spikes my brain. My head feels like it’s about to explode as something tries to push its way through my link.

I look to the city and open my mind. I breathe heavy as a voice bombards me.

‘Welcome to my city, Alpha. I've been waiting for you.’

An evil laugh grows through the link then fades as the pain subsides. I catch my breath and stand straight.

"It's Sam's wolf. She knows we're here. She's waiting for me." I say cautiously. “If she can mind link, she’s not shifted. Not fully. She must be using Sam’s body and mind to communicate. It would be fascinating if it wasn’t scary as fuck"

“That's not even the worst part.” Wren crosses her arms. “She most likely has no idea what that could do to her health. A wolf in control like she is doesn’t fair well. She’s fighting instinct by remaining partly shifted. She could wear herself out and ultimately die inside Sam. If that happens, Sam could either be completely gone with her, or she'll become so insane, she'd have to be locked up for the rest of her life. She’d be a danger to others. Shifters aren’t meant to walk around half way or use their humans like she is.”

I rub my neck. “I can heal her. I’m sure of it.”

"That’s a lot of power she hit you with. You sure you want to face this thing?" Luke asks.

"Fuck ya. Time for payback." I nod. “This wolf is going to know her place by the time I'm done with her.” I sneer.

River offers a fist. "We're with you, B." Jayson joins as do Luke, Anna and Alexi.

"Count us in, too." Anton and Nigel throw their fists in.

"Get Sam out and don't die." I bump all their fists and look around my circle friends. "I just want to thank you guys for this. It means a lot." We take our hands back.

"Shucks, Bastian. You're going to make us cry." Luke jokes.

I shove him as he chuckles.

Luke rubs his hands together. "Alright, let's spill some dragon blood."

We get undressed and shift to meet up with Sarah and the scouts outside the city.

Hopefully, this will be in and out, but judging from the power I felt, it's not going to be easy.

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