The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 46

(Chapter song ‘Nothing Ever Ends' by Trent Reznor)


"Is everything in place?" She asks before raising her glass to her lips.

Chase nods. "Absolutely. Your army of 3000 strong await your orders."

"Good. We won't waste time. We must acquire the codes to free my generals. Do we know where the Alpha is?" She looks over the ball, and I feel her want close in on me. I try to ignore it, but it’s getting more intense by the minute.

Again, Chase responds with a nod. "Yes. He's in Black Rock."

"Did your mother do as I instructed?” She side eyes him.

Chase lifts his glass to his lips. "I believe so. They were seen speaking with her. We'll know in a few days if she told them where we are or not. The Alpha shouldn't be aware of anything." He smirks before taking a drink.

I stand in front of the pink images. “Codes? Generals? What?

"Make sure when he arrives, he's kept alive." She holds her chin high.

"And the others." Chase asks, arching a brow.

She waves him off. "Do with them what you will. The Alpha is mine. Once I get the codes from him, I’ll kill him myself.”

My jaw goes slack. “It's a trap.” I breathe as I look around the void.

“What if he doesn’t?”

“He'll talk. He's attracted to this body. If he wants his precious Samantha, he'll tell us the codes.

"Is she still fighting you?" Chase set his hand on her leg.

"Yes. Frankly, it's getting exhausting." She rubs her head.

He sits back on his chair. "Why don't you let me block her out?"

She sighs. "I need her to understand us. I need her to know who we are. She needs to feel our power."

He grabs her hand. "I can weaken her for you, then you won't tire easily."

The beast shakes her head. "I feel her power. I need it if the prophecy is to be fulfilled.”

“I need to get a link out.” I rush to the middle of the floor. “A warning. I need a quick second to…” I turn to the images. The beast eyes a young male on the dance floor, and I feel her heat. Please, God. No.

The young man smiles and continues to stand tall. I feel her intentions as she crooks a finger at him. I can see Chase and the confused look he has as the young man approaches her obediently and stands at attention. I watch her scan every inch of the solid man with short white hair wearing a black tux.

Chase starts to question, but she cuts him off.

She points to her feet and stares at the man. "Kneel." She orders.

He bows his head and drops to a knee in front of her.

She lifts his head with her first fingernail under his chin. She grabs his chin and turns his head from side to side. The beast runs her fingers through his hair. Looking into his pale blue eyes, she grins. "You'll do."

She holds out her hand, and the man helps her stand as she turns to Chase. "We will talk tomorrow, Alpha. Right now, I must tame a young wolf. " She smirks.

“Surly, there's better quality mates…” He starts, but she leaves the ball, dragging the young man behind.

The next hour is something I never want to experience again. Having to feel, hear, and see the monsters sexual encounter with a dragon will now be my new nightmare that will haunt me forever. It’s weird to feel violated, but I feel it.

To distract my mind from her, I sat in the dark and called out through my mind link.




I’m giddy, mad, and scared all at the same time. I try to process the ‘dream’ I had as the Alphas file into the office and take seats around the conference table. I pace back and forth as I try to formulate the words I can use that won’t make me sound like a lunatic.

“What’s this about, Bastian?” River folds his hands on the table top.

“Something happened in my sleep.” I lean on the table and eye them all. “I talked to her.”

Jayson cocks his head. “Talked to her? You mean Sam?”

“Of course, I mean Sam.” I tap my finger to my temple. “It was through the mind link. I'm sure of it. It worked… I think.” I scrunch my brows as I try to confirm if it was real. It felt pretty damn real to me.

River looked curious. “How? I thought you couldn’t connect?”

“I thought it didn’t either, but I think Chase did something because he showed up in her mind.” I could hardly breathe.

Jayson put up his hand. “Wait. You saw her? Mind links aren’t visions, Bastian.”

“I know that. But there’s a reason for that, too.” I look around the table. “Rennet, rather Torrent, told me.” I stand straight and pace. “Sam was trying to tell me something. She was running to me, and a glass wall appeared in between us. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, then Torrent showed up, and I could hear him loud and clear. He told me it was because he allowed it.” I stop and turn to the eyes staring at me. “He told me Draco gave him the power to dream walk.”

Anton leans on the table. “A dream walker? Are you kidding?”

“I wish I was.” I confirm. “Not only can he just walk into your head, he can control things in it. He did it to me once before, though I didn’t know who he was at the time.”

“Wait.” Luke stops me. “Are we talking Freddy Kruger shit here? Like, am I going to start dreaming about this douche because you told me?” He scowls.

Anton shakes his head. “No. It doesn’t work like that, but dream walkers can be bad news. They can manipulate you through your dreams.” He looks at me. “Are you positive he is one?”

“Obviously, I’m not 100 percent positive, but I know I wouldn’t have dreamed the shit I did. He’s locked Sam up in her mind. I think he gave her wolf the control. He told me Sam is the Dragon’s nuke on the Alliance. He showed all kinds of destruction like Timber and Helena only worse. Sam was leading everything with thousands of dragons behind her.” Worry fills my face as I tell everything to them.

“if that’s the case, then we really can’t waste anymore time.” River says. “If her wolf is as strong as the girls and you say she is, she'll make Draco look like a pup. There’s also no telling what other powers she has.” He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

“I need to get to her. Chase is planning on marking her. I can’t let that happen.” I rub my neck and try to remain calm. “He told me that I didn’t have a hope in hell in pushing her wolf down, but I don’t believe that. I also saw that city in the visions he supplied. I know she’s there.”

Luke shook his head. “I don’t like it. It’s sounds…. Trappy.” He crossed his arms as he leaned back in his chair.

I flash to the words Sammy was yelling at me. It could be the word ‘trap', but even if it was, I don’t care. “Trap or not. We need to move now.”

“We can’t go yet, Bastian. We just have the flyers and a couple of scouts. Not everyone’s here yet.” Jayson says as he looks around the table.

“It’ll have to do, Jay. We can’t waste any more time. If you guys don’t want to go, then fine, but I’m going. Sam needs me.” I push off the table and head for the door.

Anton leaves his seat, catches our, and grabs my arm. “Bastian. It's suicide. Wait for the others.”

I shrug his arm off. “You all can catch up later. I’m done fucking waiting.” I grit.

I head to my room to pack a bag. I’m done. My wolf is done and every minute I waste here is a minute closer to that fucker sinking his teeth into my woman. He’s dead either way, but I’ll make sure that if he does mark her, I’ll make it extra slow and a thousand time more painful before he dies.

Once I’m done packing, I stomp downstairs with murder on my brain. I slow my steps once I reach the first floor.

Jayson, Wren, Luke, River, Nigel and Anton were waiting at the door.

Nigel grins. “You ready to go?”

“Yeah.” I arch a brow.

Luke thumbs around the group. “Good because were coming with you. But I’m telling you right now, B. If this is as trappy as I think it is, and if I survive it, I’m kicking your ass.” He narrows his eyes and points in my face.

I swat his hand away. “Jackson, I doubt that Rennet's that smart.”

He arches a brow. “Didn’t the Freddy Krueger wanna be show you exactly where Sam was being held?”


He folds his arms and smirk. “I call that a trap.”

“Get going.” I grit and shove him to the door.

Jayson stops when he got to my side. “I sent a message to Hayden to meet us at the location outside of the city. They’ll catch up.”

I stare at them all for a quick second. I spent years looking down on these people and now they’re risking their lives to save the woman I love. After this is all over, I’m going to have to do some serious self reflection.

“Load up.” I motion them to the door and follow behind. We start our vehicles and roll out of my driveway to certain death.

Who knows what we’re going to face out there. I just know that I’m prepared to unleash everything I have to get to Sam and not even her wolf will get in the way of me.

Driving down the highway toward Aurora with my entourage around me, I can only think of how I will rip, tear and shred my way through that city. I will carry Sam out, hold her against my skin and kiss her like there's no tomorrow.

If I survive this, I’m telling Sam how much I care about her and how much I want her. Only her. I'm looking her straight in the eye and telling her she’s it for me. I love her and I’m keeping her, and her crazy wolf, forever.

My wolf feels the same as he rattles around in my chest. He's itching to get to her. We need her back.

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