The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 57

(Chapter song ‘Ain't No Rest For The Wicked’ by Cage The Elephant)


I'm woken up the next morning by heavy thumping on my door. I groan and it pauses. I throw a pillow over my head then there's another series of knocks. I purse my lips as I crack an eye and glare at the door from my dark fort.

I'm on my stomach and roll my head over as Alexi stirs. Her naked, sun-kissed back is just begging to be kissed.

But, again, the heavy knocks thump on the door. "Luke!" Lucy calls. I whip my head to the door then back at Alexi.

“Damn it.” I quietly growl.

I groan as I get up with careful irritation. I find my boxers, slip them on and try to be quiet to not wake Alexi. I pad across my floor and open the door enough to stick my bedhead out. My groggy face scowls at my bright-eyed, bushy-tailed sister in the hall.

"What do you want?" I quietly clench.

"I wanted to see if you're ok. It's almost noon." She crosses her arms.

"No." My brows shoot up.

She holds up her phone with the time. I lean to it and squint. 11:45am.

"Shit. I must have been really exhausted." I grin through my grogginess.

"Ok. Well, get dressed. I want to find out about last night. It's killing me." She looks concerned, but then her nose twitches. She caught Alexi's scent. “Wait a minute.” She bites her smile back in true Jackson fashion.

She's only 17 and not ready for the moon, so moments like this are like a fairytale thing for her. If I don’t do this right, she’ll squeal the roof off the house.

I wave her down quickly and place my finger on my lips as I look back into the room. I wave her to step back and she does. I sneak out and softly close the door behind me. I cross my arms and smirk. "It's OK. She came back last night.”

She gets a huge smile on her face. Her eyes start dancing and yes…she started squealing. I wave and shush her down as I rest my hand on the door. She jumps, claps and laughs.

“Lucy! She's still sleeping! Indoor voice!” I grit, waving her down again.

She covers her lips, but uncovers them enough to talk. "She did? Luke, that's great! What happened?"

I lean to her. “I'll tell you later, okay? Right now, I need to get back in there." I thumb to the door.

She makes an 'O' with her lips and nods. Her eyes leave my face to my shoulder and fresh mark on there. She gets a shit eating grin on her face and I hold up a finger. “Don't.” I warn

She looks like she's about to explode as tries to silently squeal, pointing at my shoulder. "Oh my God, Luke! I can't believe it! This is so great!" She jumps and claps again.

"Ok. Ok. Calm down." I grab her shoulders, pin her down and point to her nose.

"Calm down? Are you kidding me? I can't wait to tell mom." She squeals some more.

"No!" I bark louder than I wanted to. I glance at the door and back at her. “I tell mom. Not you."

"Luke, I got to tell someone! I can't wait for you guys!" She's vibrating in her spot and bite my lip.

I hang my head. "Fine. I'll wake her up, but you better not breathe a word until we get downstairs."

"Alright, but hurry up. I want to hear everything." She spins on her toes, golden brown hair flailing out and runs downstairs.

I place my hands on my hips and shake my head. “I really pity the bone head that mates that woman.” I heave a sigh, slip back in and quietly guide the door closed.

"Good morning, my love." I turn and she's sitting with the sheet held up to her chest. Her unruly curls all over and she has this sexy as hell grin on her face. Fuck, every time I think she can't get even more hot, she does.

"Good morning, mate." I smile, strutting to the bed and crawling on it to her. I give her a big kiss with a yummy moan.

I break the kiss and sit on the bed in front of her.

"I think mate is my new favorite word.” She stretches and tries to fix her hair.

I can't help but kiss her body as she does that. "Oh yeah. The greatest word ever." I pull the sheet off and kiss her chest. “So fucking tasty.” I purr.

She laughs and pushes me away.

“Eh! I was eating!” I scowl.

“Stop!” She giggles.

“Ok.Ok.” I smirk. "So, Lucy's downstairs and she's about to blow our secret if we don't get down there."

"Oh. Alright. Can I shower first?" She starts to get up.

"Not alone." I grin, grab her hand and throw her over my shoulder. She squeals and laughs as I run us into the bathroom and shut the door.

After taking her twice in the shower, we finally get dressed and head downstairs.

"Finally." Lucy flops her hands at her sides. "Took you long enough."

"Good morning to you, too." I hug my sister’s shoulders.

"You." She points to Alexi. "Come here and give me a hug."

Alexi obliges her. "I'm so excited." Lucy squeals.

"Excited about what?" Bobby says as he, Gavin and Evan came out of the dining hall.

I step in front of the girls. "Guys. Meet our new Luna." I present Alexi to them.

"No fucking way?" Bobby pushes past me to Alexi and hugs her. "Welcome to the family, girl."

"Thank you, Bobby." She giggles.

"Never doubted it for a second. Congratulations, man." Gavin shakes my hand.

"Thanks. Um... Lucy, you should get mom." I suggest.

"Right." She turns on her heels and heads for the stairs.

I pull Alexi under my arm. "So, now that we have our Luna, I guess we need to set up an introduction. "

"Don't worry. I'll have a statement put out and we'll set up a ceremony in the park. How's that?" Gavin suggests.

"Good." I agree.

"Where's my new daughter?!" My mom sings from the stairs.

Alexi is grinning from ear to ear. "Hello, Luna."

She looks to Luke. "Shouldn’t I be calling you that?"

I nod with Alpha pride.

She throws her arms out and adds to Lucy's squeals. I wince and dig my ear out before crossing my arms. I need coffee.

She hugs Alexi. "Wonderful news! I just knew it! You make my son so happy." She pushes Alexi back and holds her shoulders. "If there ever was a better Luna for this house."

Alexi leans in. "Well, your shoes will be hard to fill, I'm sure."

My mother waves her down. "Nonsense. I can tell you're a born Luna. Now, I have so much to teach you. I'll have to set up training sessions immediately. "

I grab Alexis's arm and pull her from my mother. "Not until I'm finished with her." I smile and drop a kiss in Alexi's hair.

"You have all the time in the world, young man. We need to make sure Alexi's transition goes smoothly. Which reminds me. The Luna ceremony will need to be planned soon, as well." She pulls out her phone. "Now, what date would you like, Alexi?"

"Date? Wha...?" She looks at me and I shrug. "Well, I'll have to think about it first."

"OK, but not too long. We need time to book everything." My mother warns.

Alexi nods.

I wave everyone down. "Alright, everyone, I'm sure Alexi is starving and needs some food. So, let's leave all this stuff for another day and just relax."

"Wait. You said you'd tell us what happened?' Lucy grumbled.

"I will, but not before I've had my coffee." I turn and take Alexi to the dining hall. "Later." I wave without looking back.


As much as I'd love to bathe in Alexi’s sweet love forever, I have work I need to do as Alpha. That includes my first council meeting as the Alpha of Red Rock.

I skipped my actual first meeting because I was really not prepared for it at all. Plus, Alexi and I had training at our new Enforcer Station to complete.

Five months later, I’m strutting into the Falcon Ridge Council Building with the hottest red head in the Alliance on my arm. Better late than never.

The council building itself is in downtown Falcon Ridge. Gray carved stone and pillars are outside. It looks very political. Like a city hall type building that humans use.

There’s a huge staircase out front with people walking up and down and others sitting on the sides, talking or whatever.

Inside is marble floors and it’s filled with offices. On the right hand side at the end of the hall is a huge set of double doors. There’s a sign on the door that says ‘Falcon Ridge Council in session.’

As we walk toward the doors, I side eye Alexi and beam with pride. She's dressed in a nice knee high, deep green dress. Her hair is pinned up and she's easily the sexiest Luna here.

I kept my promise of no suit. A button-down shirt, jeans, and boots is the closest they'll get.

I look at Alexi and place a hand on the handle. "Ready, Luna?" I give her a quick kiss.

"Ready, Alpha." She smiles.

I open the door and immediately talking hits our ears. I place a hand on her back and allow her to enter first.

The room is huge. It’s bigger than what I remember. I think I was like 10 the last time I was here. In the back center is a 20 seat solid council table on a one step raised area. On the left is the door to the Luna room where it’s like the girls club. On the right wall is the door to the Beta room. Beta's hardly come, but when they do, they sit in there.

Down in front of the room by the entrance doors is a sitting area for Alpha’s. A couple of couches and chairs. It’s used for when we have to wait for the meeting to start.

"Alexi!” Anna waves from the circle of other Lunas.

Oh God. I brace my ears as the other Lunas in the room turn. Anna and Sarah squeal hellos and it just adds to damage I suffered this morning.

She waves to them and I lean to her. "Go. Have fun with the Lunas while I deal with this crap." I kiss her cheek.

“If you wish, Alpha.” She bows slightly and I watch her join Anna and Sarah.

She leaves and I watch her hug Anna. The two really have become close which I never thought would happen since Alexi did try to kill her almost a year ago. But Anna’s been helping her with becoming an Alliance Luna and Alexi is helping Anna learn some sick moves to kick River’s ass with. I’m a happy man.

"Alpha Jackson. Nice you could make it." Alpha Fredericks greets me and shakes my hand. "Sorry about your dad."

"Thanks." I shrug and put my hands in my pockets. I look around the room and see all the suits. I’m still the smallest, but I don’t care. I’m the loudest. That’s all that matters. "I'm actually looking forward to this."

He chuckles. "Well, that's certainly a change from the Luke Jackson we once knew. I assume the beautiful red head has something to do with that?"

"Yep. That's my Alexi." I beam. I watch her get along with the other Lunas and I’m happy that things are turning out.

He nods. "Congratulations. This past moon?"

I nod. "Yes. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her."

He glances her way. "I'm surprised she was once a Torrent. We really can't judge a book by its cover, can we?"

I shake my head. "No, we can't."

He claps his hands together. "Well, get comfortable. Mingle a bit. The meeting will start soon.

“Cool.” I grin as he walks away.

I scan the room and feel things out. The other Alphas are talking and laughing. There's a lot of pent-up aggression here. I can feel it. But that's what happens when you stuff a room full of Alphas.

Finally, I see Jayson and River sitting on a four seat couch. I walk over and give a little wave.

"Hey, man. You found her." Jayson thumbs over his shoulder.

I chuckle. "Actually, she found me.” I kick Rivers legs out of the way.

“Eh!” He holds his arms out.

I point to him. “Don’t be a bully.”

He scowls and moves to the end seat as I sit my sexy ass down between them. I plant my boots on the coffee table and get comfortable like I was told.

Jayson leans on the arm of the couch beside him. “She found you?”

I place my hands in my lap and play with the ends of my shirt. “Yep. At the pack house when I got home. Her wolf was standing in the driveway and our bond snapped. It was awesome." I roll my head to him and grin.

River's brow went up. His leans around me to Jayson. "Wow. That may top your mountain rescue."

Jayson leans back. "Not a chance. Mine’s still the best mate story." He beams.

We all laugh. "Whatever, dude." I wave him off. "I don't care how it happened. Just that it did. So, what's this meeting about anyway?"

River shrugs and points to the council floor. "Not sure. There's a guy over there I've never seen before. Maybe he has something to do with it."

I look to where River is pointing. There's an athletically built man with dark blonde hair and blue eyes talking with Fredericks. He looks very stiff, wearing a brown suit and glasses. Weird. Shifters don't need glasses.

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