The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 56 The Blue Moon Part 2🔥🔥🔥

(Chapter song ‘I Found’ by Amber Run)



I chased after her to the tree line. I couldn’t believe what was happening. No. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. What’s going on?


I ran as fast as I could to catch up, but then stopped with shock dripping off me when I saw her dress explode. My heart shattered when I saw her wolf take off into the trees and didn’t even look back. I stood there as my brain tried to compute this. My eyes heated and my jaw fell.

I slowly walked to the trees and looked down at my shoes. I bent over and picked up a piece of her dress. As I rubbed the fabric between my fingers, I sucked in my top lip, scanned the trees then looked up to moon slowly rising to its peak.

It was over. That's it. I’m done.

I hung my head and dropped the fabric as the moon coated me in the magic that was supposed make her mine.

I stuffed my hands into my pockets and turned back to the ball. I could track her, but what’s the point. It’s clear I’m not good enough.

I don’t get it. Everything I felt for Alexi was amplified. The electricity and air around us increased. I felt the pull. This was it. I knew it.

As I approach the arena, I hear everyone cheering, laughing and celebrating as their mate bonds grow.

I feel like dying.

I thought for sure she felt what I did, but she looked scared and upset. She looked like she was rejecting me. She didn't want it. She didn't want me. Why else would she run from me like that? She promised she wouldn’t.

I checked the valet and waited for the limo. I tired to be strong as tears started to well.

“Hey! We saw you run out.” Jayson and River step up on either side of me. "Where's Alexi?" Jayson asks.

The limo pulls up and stops. The driver gets out and opens the door. "Anywhere, but here." I grumble as I get in. "Take me home." I say to the driver as he shuts the door.

Driving down the highway, I rest my mouth on my hand as I watch the scenery pass by. A tear slips down my cheek and as my anger and embarrassment builds, I punch the door.

This was supposed to be our night. This was supposed to be special. I wanted her so much, but she couldn't trust it. She couldn't trust me.

I scrub a hand down my face as I try to figure out what to do now. How do I handle this? Do I look for her? Do I let her go?

It's clear she doesn't love me as much as she said she did. Could she have been lying this whole time? Could I have been a giant fool?

I know I feel like one. I feel like a joke. I put everything I had into this night only to have it stepped on. It was too good be true. Guys like me don't get to be happy.

My phone rings. I pull it out and look at the screen. It's Lucy.

I sniff back my tears as I answer. "Hey, Luce."

"Luke. What happened? Where are you?" She asks.

I look at the roof of the car. "She left me, Lucy. She couldn't do it. She shifted and ran away."

"Where are you?" She asks again.

"In the limo." I put my finger and thumb to rub the tears away. "I'm on my way home."

"Okay. Just don't do anything drastic okay. I'm sure there's a good reason..."

"It's over Lucy. She didn't love me enough. I'm not good enough for her." I look out the window.

"Luke, no. Don't say that. She loves you. I know it. I'm sure she just..."

"Lucy, I appreciate you making excuses, but we both felt it. She couldn't handle it and ran. She doesn't want to be mated to me. I can't really blame her." I rip off my tie.

"Luke, Come on. I'm sure it's not like that."

"You didn't see her face. How twisted it was. Lucy, it's over. I'm not even gonna try anymore." My breath hitches a bit.

"Okay. I'll be there in a few minutes, ok?" She says.

"No. You guys have fun. I'm just gonna head to bed." I sigh.

"Luke, I love you" She says quietly.

"I love you, too, Swift." I hang up and put my phone in my pocket as we enter Red Rock.

At least, somebody does.

The car maneuvers through the city to the pack house. Maybe that Cali trip can happen after all. I'll just leave Bobby to run the pack and get away from everything.

My chest heaves as we pull into the pack house lot.

“Thanks." I say to the driver as I close the door. I watch the car pull back out to the road. I unbutton my jacket because I'm still feeling hot from the ball and I'm upset. I feel like I can't breathe. I sling my jacket over my shoulder and unbutton my collar to breathe better.

I shake my head as I turn toward the house. The house is dark. It feels different now. I feel like everything we went through was for absolutely nothing.

The more I think about it, the more heated I get. I glance at the house. Everything is the deepest blue I’ve ever seen. I wish I could appreciate it. I stop on the steps because I have a deep urge to turn around. There's a gold light shining on the house. I blink and tilt my head. I raise my hand in front of my face and gold light shines on my fingers. My eyes are glowing.

The air all of sudden is insanely thick. I feel this pull, but I'm alone.

I slowly look over my shoulder toward the road. I don't see anything. I need to get inside and push my wolf back. He's going insane and I think he's just acting out because of what happened.

I take three steps and a sorrow filled howl comes from behind me.

I freeze and my breath stutters. I turn and clumsily step down the three steps I took. My mouth hangs open and my hand with my jacket falls to my side. A small tear falls just as the area got insanely blue.

The moon peaks and I can’t stand it.

There at the end of the driveway is a red wolf with glowing green eyes. The moons light shining down on her like a spotlight.

I drop my jacket on the pavement as she shifts and her naked form slowly stands.

"I'm sorry." She cries.

Just then bonds snaps like a rope between our hearts. I shake my damn head and break into a run.

“I'm so sorry!” She sobs as I grab her in a hug, pick her up and spin her around in the spot.

I pull her head back, my lip trembles and stare into her eyes. “Mate.” I smile with a sniff then kiss her within an inch of her life. She cries on my lips as she kisses me back.

I pull back slowly and I lock her eyes. "You came back." I mumble on her lips. "You came back to me." I rub her cheeks as I give her more kisses.

"I was so scared. I didn't know what to do..." She hitches then buries her head in my neck.

I hold the back of her head and scoop her under her but. Her legs wrap around my waist and she holds my tighter. "Alexi, I don't care. You're mine. Baby, you're all mine." I shake my head in her neck. “No one’s hurting you again. I swear to you, baby. No one will ever touch what's mine.”

She chokes back her tears. "And you're mine."

"I'm all yours, baby." I gently rock her and try to calm her down. “All yours. You and me, forever. You'll never run from me again."

I pull her head back and give her a deep passionate kiss.

With the moon moving on and our bond snapping back and forth between our hearts, I carry the love of my life into the house where this all began. I took her to our room to make her officially mine.

The blue light filled my room as I laid my princess' head on the pillow. I never take my eyes off her as I remove my clothes. She wipes her wet cheeks and softly smiles at me.

I lean down and kiss her as I gently spread her legs and lay in between them. I suck her bottom lip, kiss her cheeks and nose and her lips again. "I was so scared you left me." I whisper as I touch her porcelain skin.

"I love you. So much." She whimpers and wraps her arms around my head.

I consume her lips as I rock my hips a few times then pull back enough for my rock hard dick to find her entrance on its own. I wasn’t waiting or goofing around. This woman is getting made love to in every sense of the word.

My arms wrap around her head as I slowly rock my hips into her. Her pussy was already dripping wet and I groan at the feel of her wrapped around me. Everything is more then I ever imagined.

I heard the guys explain it, but they were dumbing it down a lot. This is way better than they said.

I slide a hand down to her hip and hold her as she waves under my body. Her sounds are incredible. She moans louder as I enter her and feel her tighten as I pull out, soaking up the feeling across every inch. I pour all my love into this. I move from her lips and kiss her skin. She looks so gorgeous in this light, I barely believe this is real.

“Yess…Luke…” Her head rolls back as I thrust into her a little harder and nip her skin.

She wraps her legs around me as my strokes get a little faster.

“Yes…Like that…”

I lift up and watch her enjoy my touch. I feel her inside me and it’s fucking amazing.

I lean down and suck the meat of her breasts as she scratches my back. I growl on her skin as I push into her deeper. I go a little faster as she begins to really tighten up. Her pussy gets wetter and she get louder.

“YESS…DON’T STOP!” She buries her head in my shoulder as I lick her neck up to her ear. I pull her hair and tilt her head back as I shove my tongue past her lips. Our tongues meet and its like I’m kissing her for the first time.

Then I feel it. The changes inside.

By complete instinct, I pull her up into my lap. Pushing her ass down on my cock, I hold her by the back of her neck as I also buck thrusts into her pussy. I run my hand over her breasts as she screams. Her head hangs back and I bite her neck with possessive growls increasing in my chest.

I hold her ass cheek as I help her ride my dick faster. Her pussy tightens and I feel fucking everything. Every emotion she has is pouring into me through the bond like I’m supposed to share it with her. I feel one with her and my brows stitch up as I look up into her desire filled face.

This is so euphoric, I don’t know what to make of it. As I watch her rise and drop on my length, my tongue clips my canine. I smile and bring her head up to face me. "Tell me when you want it, baby."

I kiss her chin as she hitches a breath. “Please…yes.” She whimpers as her body shakes in my arms. She wants to come really bad.

I smirk, tick my head and grab her ass. I slam her hard to take her over the edge.


I feel her pussy clamp and she comes on my dick. At the same time, I sink my canines into her shoulder. She tries to arch back, but I hold her as I growl and tighten my grip.

Her climax intensifies and I dig my teeth in deeper. I’m making sure I'm doing this properly. This will be one thing I won't be screwing up.

She's shaking and I feel her come down. I pull out my canines, lick her mark and run my fingertips around it as I kiss her jawline and check.

I buck my hips up to build myself up again. But I’m so filled with ecstasy, that it doesn’t t long. I wrap my arms arm her and thrust her hard until my entire body tenses. I feel my climax fall off the edge and my balls slam up.

I growl loud then tilt my head to expose my shoulder. "Alexi, do it now."

I didn't need to tell her twice. I see her canines flash in the moonlight then I feel them sink into me.

Holy fuck! My head and dick explodes at the same time. I've heard the stories, but none them were even close to what this felt like. It’s like the fucking universe just went nuclear. My orgasm explodes like a volcano deep inside her and I let out an Alpha growl that I'm sure could be heard outside.

She holds on as I slam each pump of come out. I clench my teeth and huff out breaths until every drop is gone.

She feels me slow down and pulls out her canines. She cleans me up as I breath heavily in her neck.

I slowly wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her chest. She hugs my head and we just sat there, catching our breath and listening to our hearts.

The only people that matter are right here. The bond that just got sealed will be my responsibility. All of it. I can’t run. I can’t hide. I can’t drink it away. Alexi is counting on me to be the Alpha she needs. I have to step up and show her that I do know how to that and I’m not scared of it. Not anymore.

I lift her head and gently give her a deep kiss. Having the moon go to shit made it the best experience of my life. I think it was Alexi's, too. She’s safe now and I know she feels it. I couldn’t love this woman more if I tried. I wanted to make my dad proud, but I think…I think fate had Alexi in mind for that. Now, as Alexi says, I have to prove to her that even though I was dick, my dad taught me honor and she’s the reason why. Even if I didn’t know the time.

I break the kiss and move her unruly hair out of her eyes. This gorgeous goddess is all mine. I don't care who she is or was. I just care about who she will be. Whatever that is, we will be figuring that out together for the rest of our lives.

"I love you so much. You're so beautiful." I hold the back of her neck, rubbing her face with my fingertips.

Her eyes are slits and still puffy from tears, but I still made her smile. "You saved me in more ways than one. I don’t think my love for you is enough.”

“Oh, it’s enough, baby. Trust me.” I grin.

“Always.” She whispers.

I lay us down and pull the blanket over us. We lay facing each other. I soak in the bind that’s still snapping, but it’s faded. It’s like a hint that it’s real.

"I truly am sorry, my love. I think the moon amplified my paranoia. I shouldn’t have ran.” She mumbles.

"What made you come back?" I run my thumb across her bottom lip.

"You. I felt terrible. I hurt you. I couldn't live with myself not facing you again. I knew you must have thought I didn't love you. I do, my love, with all my heart." She put her hand on my cheek as I pressed my lips to hers.

I put my forehead to hers. "I'll admit, I thought about it. I didn't know what was going on.”

“I panicked. My fear got the better of me.” She says quietly.

I close my eyes and shake my head on the pillow. “I'm sorry. I shouldn’t have pressured you into that. I know you tried to tell me. I should have listened. I was just so excited.”

"Shhh…” She places her finger on my lips and I laugh. “Don’t blame yourself. I have issues that I have to work out. The fact that you even cared enough to want this impresses me. And it doesn’t matter now, does it?” She smiles.

"No. It doesn’t.” I grin a big toothy grin. “We are gonna be the best Alpha/Luna team ever!" I chuckle.

"Ugh. We have so much to plan for now. The announcements, the ceremonies, the parties..." She rolls onto her back.

I roll onto her. "Don’t lose you’re head, darling. Just relax and have a spot of tea and crumpets.” I tease in the Queen of England’s voice and wave my hand in a posh manner. She belly laughs under me, covering her face with her hands as she turns red.

I pull them off and kiss her nose. “Seriously. We got nothing but time, baby. Right now, I want to seal this bond again." I wiggle my brows.

She giggles as I bite her neck and throw the blankets over us.

We must have gone about three or four more times before we both passed out from exhaustion.

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