The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 38

(Chapter song ‘Come Out ‘N Play' by The Offspring)


I knew something was wrong. I could feel it in my gut. Like she was almost calling to me, but I know that’s impossible. We're not pack.

Even still, something wasn’t sitting right and I had to check it out.

I smelt Gerome before I got to the door. When I followed his scent over Alexi's, I confirmed shit was going down.

When I saw Gerome pushing on Alexi like he was, I fucking lost it. My wolf surfaced and he saw red. All I wanted to do was rip him to pieces for even thinking of trying that with her. Never mind trying that fucking shit with anyone in my own damn house.

As cousins, we were friends, but not anymore. He steps foot anywhere near me or Alexi, I'll rip his head off.

When she told me she was just going to fold for him because of me, I wanted to scream, but she had a point. People like Gerome will use that tactic to control her. I have to make it clear, I couldn’t give a shit what she does or how she does it as long as it’s for good reason. Taking out a trashy douche is a good fucking reason. My blood isn’t safe from a severe ass kicking if deserved.

This thing with Draco is a huge elephant. Yes, I know. I also know being with Alexi won’t be easy. My life was never easy, I just made it look that way. Putting up the front I do is damn hard. To turn your back on something you love and pretend you don’t care, it does damage. Don’t fool yourself. I suffered for years. Nobody saw it because I’m always Mr. Popular. Mr. Fun Times. Nobody saw me drown the pain of my pack dying with a few 6 packs.

This is how I help Alexi. We both have been living lies. We both have been avoiding what’s been glaring in our faces. Together, we'll both step up and face them.

Until society accepts her as Alexi, I’ll stand with her, swinging just as many punches as she is. We’re taking all the demons out.

Starting with my pack house.

After the incident, Alexi was so humiliated, she refused to come out of her room. Lucy and Gerome did a number on her head and I can’t break her of it.

So, I've been staying with her every day and night until she'd fall asleep for a solid week now. It’s starting to irritate because nobody’s willing to budge. I can’t have this going on in my house while showing my pack that I’m trying to fix them. We either unite or they pack. Either way, this shit ends now.

After Alexi fell asleep in my arms, I snuck out and went downstairs. As I land a foot on the first floor, I bring my Alpha up. They want to push, I’ll gibe them something to push against.

Gavin, Terry, Bobby and Lucy are all sitting in the common room. Lucy’s sitting on the couch, legs crossed, playing on her phone. Gavin's sitting with his leg crossed, arm slung across the back of the couch next to Terry and Bobby's reading reports of some kind next to Terry.

Terry is the first to see me walk in and stop at the end of the couch. "How is she holding up?"

I cross my arms and puff up my chest and eye the room. “She’s fine. She’s too scared to come down, but she’s doing ok.”

Lucy huffs and I see her roll her eyes at her phone.

I suck my teeth and focus on her. "Got something to say there, Luce?'

She drops her phone and narrows her eyes at me. "She's a Dragon. Supposedly a good fighter and she couldn't fight back? I don't believe it for a second. You caught her cheating." She scowls and picks up her phone again.

“Lucy.” Bobby clenches.

I hold up a hand to him. “Nah, Bobby. It’s alright.” I step closer. “You think she was cheating on me?”

“Why else would she do a guy in a girl’s bathroom?” She mumbles as she swipes.

“Ok.” I jut my chin out and she lifts an eye to me. I stand and look down on her with the coffee table between us. I felt my wolf rise at the baseless accusation. “Alright, Luce. Let's ignore the fact that I fucking walked in on him with his filthy paws all over her and her crying her face off, do you want to know why she didn't fight back?”

She sarcastically sighs and drops her phone like she’s not going to care what I say. Quite frankly, I don’t care if she doesn’t, but she’s damn well going to hear it.

“Why?” She asks with attitude.

It was at this point I not only lost it on her, but everyone else in the room.

I point to the dining hall and seethe. “BECAUSE REGARDLESS OF WHAT THAT ASSHOLE WAS GOING TO DO TO HER, SHE DIDN’T WANT TO UPSET YOU!!!” I lean to her and holler to the point she froze and her mouth shrunk. My Alpha poured out and I could tell they all felt it.

The guys sat straight and Lucy’s jaw fell slack. She sat there blinking at me as everyone else lowered their heads.

I look at them all with pure disappointment. "Despite the fact that this family hasn't given her the fucking time of day, SHE DIDN’T WANT TO HURT YOU!!” I point back behind me up the stairs. “SHE REFUSED TO PROTECT HERSELF FROM BEING VIOLATED BECAUSE FOR STUPID ASS REASON…SHE CARES WHAT YOU PEOPLE THINK ABOUT HER!!"


"Luke, I..." Lucy starts.

I hold up a finger to her and shake my head. "No! Don't even.” I look around at all the submitting heads and curl my lip at them all. They’re feeling every ounce of this. “She came here knowing. No. Expecting this attitude because of who she is. But she's here because I promised her she'd be safe. I would expect my family to help me do that, but I guess I was wrong."

"Look, Luke.” Gavin adjusts himself on his seat. “We're not doubting Alexi. We're doubting the innocent act she's putting on. She kidnapped kids for fuck sakes. Doesn't that warrant even a little bit of doubt. I mean, what about Josh? He's a kid and you want to expose him to this?” He holds a hand out to me and I scowl.

I heave a big breath, trying so hard not to lose my voice. "She's not that person, Gavin. Her whole life was based on a lie. I showed her that lie. She wants my help to help her get past her name. I trust her. You all need to trust her, too."

Terry sits forward. "Luke. We're just concerned. Your head hasn't been right since you ran into her. Are you sure you're thinking with your head and not something else?"

Bobby nods. "You're Alpha now. The pack’s already on edge. And with their Alpha running around here like a madman, I...I don't know, man. It seems like you're too close to this to make any kind of well-balanced decision.”

He sits forward, too. “We can take her somewhere else. Somewhere where she can be safe, but not mess your head up. We've got some massive work to do. This is distracting."

I shake my head. "Bobby, you remove her from this house and I'll fucking lose it, Ok. I need her in eyesight. If I can't see her, it'll be all I can think about."

"Ok. She stays, but get your head clear man." Bobby says.

I lean to him. “My head is clear, Bobby. You know me. When have I ever fought for anything? When?”

He ticks his head. “Does the last bottle count?”

“No!” I clench.

“Yes. She’s given you clarity or some shit.” Gavin says. “Luke. Just because you’re stepping up, doesn’t mean you ignore the fact that she could turn on you and us at any moment.”

I rub my forehead. “She won’t. You either trust me or you don’t. I don’t care.” I drop my hand. “There’s a reason she’s here with me. I don’t know what it is, but I'm telling you right now. Nothing I’ve ever done in my life has ever been more important than this. I’m not dumb, ok. I think I know the difference between a troubled girl and an evil bitch. Alexi isn’t evil. Not by a long shot. Please. Just trust me on this.”

Lucy stands, steps over the coffee table and stands in front of me. "We just don't want to see you get hurt. If this girl is as important as you let on, then fine."

"So does that mean that the attitude will change?" My eyes flick around the room.

“I’m sorry I was harsh.” She folds her arms. “Can you really blame me?”

I arch a brow. “The cheating crack was more than harsh.”

She lowers her head. “I’m sorry for that, too.”

I place my hand on the side of her hair. “I can’t totally blame any of you, but…I feel like you guys don’t trust my judgment when I’m trying to be a good Alpha here which I already think I suck at.” My chest tightens admitting this to them, but I guess it has to be said.

Lucy snakes her arms around my waist and hugs me. “You don’t suck.” She mumbles.

I hug her back. “Thanks, Swift.”

"Excuse me."

The moment is interrupted by a quiet voice from the stairs. I let go of Lucy and turn. A smile fills my face and I stroll over to Alexi. She slowly takes the last few steps as I get close.

"Hey. You're supposed to be sleeping. Everything alright?" I rub her arms as she glances between me and my family.

"I was, but then I heard shouting..." She holds herself as a look of concern fills her face.

"Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I rub my nape as my cheeks heat.

"That’s quite alright. I wasn’t eavesdropping, but from what I heard, I feel like I need to address some concerns, anyway." She glances at the faces in the common room watching us talk.

"No, Alexi. You don't..." I shake my head at her.

She holds a hand up to me. "Luke, I must. I can't hide behind you. I feel like I need to…face the music…as it were.”

He sighs. “Ok. I can’t stop you, but I’m going to be with you.”

“Good.” She smiles. “But... If I’m going to do this, could be a dear and fetch me some tea?”

I chuckle and kiss her cheek. "I'll be right back with…your tea.” I mock her accent and stand proud like she does. She giggles and I direct her to a chair in the common room. “You just sit."

I make the rounds before I go. "This is Terry my Delta and security advisor. Bobby, my beta and best friend. And Gavin, my Gamma. He pretty much runs the business end of things. You remember Lucy."

"Pleasure." She nods to all of them and they give stiff little waves back.

I guess it is kind of unnerving to be sitting in the same room with the kid of the most notorious murderer our kind has ever seen.

I’m just glad they’re willing to give her a chance to talk about it.

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