The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 37

(Chapter song ‘History Of Violence’ by Theory Of A Deadman)


It seems surreal that I’m here right now when just a few months ago, I was plotting their demise.

I want to help Luke through the passing of his father. Even though our fathers died very differently, I hope I can help Luke process this, so he doesn’t also turn out like I did.

Not exactly like me, of course.

My grief was so blinding, I didn’t realize I turned into my father. I used his justification of revenge and I’m sure, had Like not stepped in, I wouldn’t have stopped at the Alphas. My bloodline is tainted and it would take a conscious effort to not become the Torrent everyone expects.

My blood carries the history of violence and I hope that I can change it if there is to be future generations of me. I would hate for my blood to create another one like my father. I have to be conscious of the fact that that could happen and I must be strong enough to prevent it.

First, I have to change myself and show the world that not every Torrent is evil.

That is a feat in in itself.

I consider my thoughts, fix my hair and wash my hands. Staring into the mirror, I try to see the woman I’m supposed to be for Luke.

That’s when I realize I’m not alone.

My eyes flick to a shadow standing in the doorway and I jump with a start. I turn as I do and lean on the counter, holding my hand to my chest.

I smile at the man in the doorway. He’s attractive looking and looks like he must be part of the family. His frame almost fills the doorway. He smiles back and runs his fingers through his brown hair. His brown eyes connect with mine as he walks into the ladies room, letting the door close behind him.

I catch my breath, find my manners and push off the counter. "I do apologize, but… I believe you stepped into the wrong lavatory.”

He slides his hands into his pockets and looks me over. I see something in his eyes that has me feeling a bit nervous.

He steps slowly toward me. A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth as he approaches me. “No.” He looks me up and down. “I'm definitely in the right room.”

His tone was low and unbecoming. My nervousness increases as he closes the gap a little more.

"I see… Well…" I watch him reach the end of the four-sink counter and glide his fingertips along the top as he stares at me. I suddenly feel hot and uncomfortable in his presence. I hold a hand to my chest and wrap an arm around my waist. “I'll…um… I'll leave you to your privacy.”

I nod to him and move to step around him, but he steps in my way and holds a hand up to me. "You’re Luke's girl, right? The Dragon daughter?” He smirks.

I glance at the mirror, then the stalls and back at him. “Y-Yes… How…”

He ticks his head. "Word gets around. Especially when there's a Torrent involved."

He closes the gap even more, and I feel even more fear creep in. I pull at my collar and wish I wasn’t wearing it. I could shift and escape, but I can see in his eyes, I'm not getting out of here that easily.

"I never realized Luke had such fantastic taste in woman.'" He drawls as he forces me backwards to the back wall.

"What do you want?" I demand quietly.

He eyes me. "I just want to know what you got to make my cousin lose his mind."

I hit the wall with my back as he invades my personal space. I stare into his eyes as my lips shrink and my hands plant on the wall. He reaches up and picks up a loose curl at my cheek. He leans down and puts it to his nose. He smiles seductively. “Nice.”

I jut my chin out and swat his hand away. “Don't touch me.” I grit.

He chuckles quietly. “Fiery. I kinda like that. I can see why Luke would slum around with you.”

I start to tremble as the back of his fingers brush my cheek. I hit his hand away again. “Don’t. I swear…” I warn as my voice shakes.

"Don't what?” He grins evilly. “What are you going to do, Torrent? Not one person here would care or believe you. And if you fight me, I'll just claim it was an unprovoked attack. They'll think you're insane. Luke would be chastised for bringing a lunatic into the house and I could easily press charges. I'm sure beating someone would be a violation of your release."

My bottom lip trembles as his hand floats down my side to my skirt. His fingers slowly start to pull it up. “You give it up. Let me have my fun and I won’t make Luke hate your guts.”

"Please…” A tear falls from eye as I shake.

His hand hits my thigh and rises up my dress. I start to whimper as more tears come. He leans to my neck and I turn my head in disgust. My mind is begging and screaming for help. But who would even listen.

I choke back my fear as his hand slides up my backside and his other hand cups my cheek. He kisses my neck and across my cheek.

He grabs my chin and pulls my face to his. Terror fills me as I sob.

His hand hooks my panties. "Don't cry. It won't hurt…much." He smiles as he snaps my panties off my body.

I push him away. “NO! PLEASE!!” I wail out as I try to shove him off me.

“HEY!” He grabs my wrists and pins them with one hand above my head as I cry harder. He points to my eyes. “I said behave!” He growls.

He spins me around, slams my chest against the wall, pins my hands again and unbuckles his belt.

“Please…help me…” I sob to the wall.

"No one's helping you, sweetheart. You begging is making me even more hot." He aggressively grabs my head and bruises my lips as I try to push him off me with my body. I'm whining and crying as he lifts my skirt then kicks my leg apart.

If I wasn’t afraid of humiliating Luke I would fight back. But I’m a Torrent. Like he said…no one would believe me or care.

As I heard his zipper open, I began to scream out. He covers my mouth and glares into my eyes. “Save the screaming for when I fuck the shit out of you.” He snarls.

I was helpless against him. I felt myself give up and just as he was about to have his way, he was yanked off me so hard, I cried out and crumpled to the floor in a fit of fear and tears.

A large growl fills the room and the man hit the stalls so hard, he bounces off them and lands just off my legs. I pull myself to the wall for safety and stare at him through watery eyes, shaking like a leaf.

The growls got darker and rumbled the room. I frantically wipe my eyes and watch Luke grab the man by the hair and pull him up. His face with so full of anger, it scared me even more.

He grabs the man’s nape and smashes his head off the counter. Blood from the man’s cut head splashes across the counter top and sprays me and the floor. I shield myself as Luke unleashes his rage.

He grabs the man’s shirt collar and throws furious punches into his face. He throws him against the stall and breaks the connecting wall.

"Luke! Stop!" I scream through tears.

He’s blinded. “FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!” He roars as he stomps his boot on the man’s body in the stall. The man cries out in pain. Luke kicks him in the ribs several times before grabbing him and throwing him into the counter. The man body cracks mirror and breaks a faucet.

"LUKE!!” I wail as I reach out for him.

He has the man pinned on the counter and delivers more blows. Blood splashes up the mirror and around the floor as his fists fly.


Seeing Luke in that level of fury was almost as scary as the attack. He was really going to kill this man.

I try to reach out to him again. “LUKE!! STOP! PLEASE!!”

The fight must have been heard because two men rushed into the bathroom. When they saw what Luke was doing, they ran to stop it.

“GET OFF ME!! HE'S FUCKING DEAD!!!” Luke fights as they struggle to pull him off.

The man rolls off the counter and falls to floor. I yelp as he lands at my feet. He's a bloody mess of a man.

“LUKE! CALM DOWN!” One man yells as he holds him around the chest.

Luke jumps off the floor and kicks as his rabid anger seems to grow. “NO! I’M ENDING THE FUCKER!! LET ME GO!"

Two other men run in and get in front of him. The four men push him back to wall as he throws a finger to the man on the floor. “GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE BEFORE I BURY YOU!!”

The man groans and tries to pull himself up using the counter for support. I pull myself away from as fast as I can.

"LUKE! IT'S OVER!” One man yells.

When he's contained and starting to calm, his eyes find mine.

“Stop.” I choke.

Seeing me seemed to change his focus. His face falls and switches from anger to sympathy. His wolf recedes and he focuses on his breathing.

“I'm alright… I'm alright…” The men cautiously release him and he fixes his clothes and hair.

Once clear, he pushes through them and takes big steps to me. He drops to his knees and grabs my cheeks. “Did he hurt you? Did he get anywhere? Alexi!”

Sitting in my shock, I barely shake my head no. He grabs my head and pulls it into his chest as I fist his shirt and break down.

"Luke, I knew you liked the gutter… I didn't think you were into crazy lunatics." The man mumbles through his swollen face. He tries to stand, but falls while leaning on the counter.

"Get this fucker out of my face." Luke spits as he holds the back of my head.

The men grab the man and drag him out of the ladies room.

Once alone, he pushes my head back and wipes my face. "Baby, you, ok? You could have fought him. Why didn't you?"

"Because I didn't want you to blame me for hurting your family." I sob.

“What?” He leans to my slit eyes and shakes his head fast. "No. I'd never do that. I don’t care if it’s my cousin, Bobby or even Lucy. You don't let this shit happen, ok? You protect yourself. You fight back. Don't worry how I'd feel."

"I'm sorry." I hitch.

"Don't ever apologize. Not for this. Just because your name is what it is, doesn't mean you get treated that way. Only a fucking coward would put his hands on a woman when she doesn't want it." He hugs me again. "And don't ever! I mean, ever! Think I'd hate you for defending yourself. I got you, alright? I got you all the way." He buries his head with mine and holds me until the terror of the ordeal fades enough that I can be taking out.

As we leave the bathroom hall and enter the dining hall, I feel the eyes on me. I use Luke for protection as much as I can, but I can feel the accusations and the blame. I can feel the harsh judgments.

Before we get to the stairs, Lucy stops him. "Luke, what happened?"

"Gerome attacked Alexi in the bathroom. I'm taking her upstairs. Make sure the asshole's gone when I come back." He grits.

"Gerome would never do that." Lucy defends.

"Lucy. Go back to the funeral. I don't have time for your shit." He growls.

Through tears, I see Lucy's face and see that Gerome was right. Lucy is proving that.

She leans close to him. "You don't see what she's doing. The brother I know would never put a Dragon before his family. Our father’s peace is ruined and Gerome is being taken to the hospital because of her. Be proud of yourself.”

She gives me a look of disgust, spins around and storms off. I see the rest of the room staring at me and I want the world to swallow me whole.

He supports me up the stairs and takes me into my room.

He sits me down on the edge of the bed and leaves to the bathroom. I try to gain some composure even though I still fell like crying. I need to be stronger than this. I have to remember I’ve suffered a lot more by more violent people and I need to hang onto the strength I had then.

The problem is what Gerome said made me feel like I’ll never be treated any different than the garbage my father created. That crushes me so bad, I can’t help but be weakened by it.

I’m terrified I’ll never escape my father’s evil.

I stare at the floor as Luke returns with a wet cloth. He sits beside me, gently grabs my chin and turns my face to him. He looks me over as he washes me. “I’m sorry I got blood on you. I’m also sorry you had to see that side of me.” He mumbles.

I look off into the room, staring at nothing but my own thoughts. "Lucy's right." I mumble with a frown. "I bring nothing but pain to your home." I fight the lump in my throat as Luke leans to me.

He holds my chin firmly as my eyes flick to his. "Don't. Don't you fucking dare, Alexi." He puts a finger in face. "Don't you dare blame yourself for my family."

I tilt my head and shake it. "Luke. I can't out run this.” I lower my head. “My name will follow me where ever I go. No one will look at me without seeing my father. No one will speak with me without questioning my motives. Is that what you want?”

He turns to me, lifting his leg on the bed. He grabs mu hand and looks deep into my eyes. "Alexi. I've never wanted anything more in my whole damn life. Before you, I was a pathetic, drunken slob who spent his time kicking the shit out things. Since I met you, I've wanted to fight back. Clean myself up. Save my pack. If it wasn't for you, my pack would've died with my father. In fact, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten the time with my dad that I did.”

He cups my cheek and I can feel hi sincerity and warmth. “Baby, regardless of your family, you're the best damn thing that's happened to me."

His words hit my heart and it causes me to smile. I can’t deny he’s the best thing that happened to me, too.

I lean into his hand. “I never had anyone say that to me before. I feel the same, but I question if best is smart. That’s all. But to hear it… I've been alone so long. I’ve only been wanted and needed by my father which I’m seeing now, was only to feed his obsessions for power and control. It feels different not to be used as a pawn.”

He places his head on mine. “You'll never be alone anymore. You'll never have to live like that again. I’m taking care of you now. I’m not going anywhere. You’re not going anywhere, either. Not if I can help it.”

"I just hope I can bring you peace. Your family doesn't want me here." I sniff.

"Fuck 'em. Ok? Screw them if they don't like it. I'm with you, Alexi. Whether they like it or not." He kisses me and I smile at his electric touch. It feels like gentle sparks and seems to calm my heart.

I feel guilty for bringing this pain and anger to his family, but I feel a small twinge happiness being with him and knowing he wants fight my father with me.

He deepens the kiss then pulls back. "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep, ok?"

“Ok.” I whisper.

He situates us in bed and cages me in his strong arms. He buries his nose in my hair and I feel his heart on my back.

I hug his arm and I think how safe I feel. I really feel with Luke, I'll never be helpless like I was today.

The violence that follows my name will be fought on two fronts. That’s a love I never thought I’d feel. It’s a love I never thought I deserved.

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