The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 18

(Chapter song ‘Paranoid’ by Black Sabbath)


I spent the night going over the exchange with Luke. His words were raising a bunch of questions as well as emotions. This eventually caused a certain level of frustration. Mostly because of his concern over my dealings with Ian. I think if I take Ian completely of the board, this will no longer frustrate me so.

After checking other hideouts, I finally found the one the Lycans were currently occupying. An old warehouse in the city’s south end. It is dilapidated and usable for anything constructive, but it makes a good place to cover while waiting for the next move.

My next move? To tell Ian Wolfstrike to piss off. Something I really should have done long ago.

I jog across the darkened lot to a single man door on the side. I quickly look for anyone in the area then throw open the door.

I hear the voices as I make my way down the dark hallway. As I enter the main room, the members of the bike gang come into view. They’re lounging on the floors, leaning on walls and some are in chairs. They barely look my way as I scan them looking for Ian.

I rip off my hood and shake out my hair as my eyes target Falcon.

My curls bounce as I take large steps to him. He’s engrossed in conversation with another Lycan and doesn’t realize I’m on him until it’s too late.

Grabbing him by throat, my eyes glow green and I pull him away from his partner.

“What?!” He chokes in my grip and I slam him against the wall. My wolf growls as I stare into his confused eyes.

“WHAT THE HELL?” Some shout as they all rise and shove chairs out of the way.

Falcon holds my arm as he tries to fight me off. I’m an Alpha Daughter and a Dragon. That won’t be easy for someone like him.

As he struggles, I pull my gun, cock it and shove it under his chin. "Where's Ian?" I demand with a growl.

Looking quite nervous, he points to an office across from where we are. "He's in there, but he doesn't want to be bugged right now." Falcon's eyes look terrified as he flicks them from me to the gun.

I look over my shoulder and my lip snarls. I let go of Falcon and storm to the office door. Seeing shadows in the frosted office windows, I raise a foot and kick the door in.

"Yes... Ian… God… That's it… Right there… YES!"

As the door slams the wall, I kick a leg to the side, cross my arms, chew my cheek and stare at Ian while Rach is naked in his lap.

She lets out a scream and throws herself off, trying to cover herself.

He whips his head to me, then a sick grin grows on his lips. "Hey, Alexi. There's room for one more." He bounces his brow and motions to his exposed manhood.

Completely ignoring him, I direct my head to Rach. "Leave us!" I demand harshly.

She grabs her clothes, slides off the couch and gives me a poison filled look as she leaves.

Ian sighs as he pulls up his pants and does them up. “Always the party killer.” He groans as he fixes his hair then stands. He fixes his vest then crosses his arms. "Apparently, you have something to say that couldn’t wait 20 minutes.”

I look him over, holster my weapon and approach. “Yes, I do have to discuss something and no it couldn’t want the 3 minutes for you to finish.”

He chews his cheek, lowers head and shakes it as he smiles with a chuckle. He turns and sits back down on the couch.

“What do you want, Alexi?” He places both arms in the back of the couch as he crosses a leg.

"Your attack on the Alpha was uncalled for.” I step in front of him, cross my arms and look down at his smug face.

"Oh. It was very called for." He smirks.

I lean down to him. "There were children in that home. I do not condone the endangering of children." I grit.

He chuckles. "Oh… You don’t condone it. You do know what you are, right? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.”

I narrow my eyes. “Whatever you think of my father is of no consequence to me. Your opinion of him and the Dragons is as worthless as your existence. I won’t sit idly by while you hurt innocent people for your sick pleasure. This relationship is over.”

"Whatever… Don't forget, Alexi.” He stands, hooks his thumbs on the hem of his jeans then closes the gap between us. “Without us, your little mission won't work. You're mine." His superiority is sickening as I feel it drip off his words.

I snarl as I close the gap even more and flare my eyes at him. "My mission will be fulfilled without you and your gang of barbarians.”

He looks me over, studies me then the corner of his lip raises.

“Is… Is this because of Luke?” He points to my chest and smirks.

“What?! No!” I step back with shock at his words.

“Yeah, it is. Do you actually think he would care about your new found morals here?” He laughs. “Trust me, red. Luke Jackson won't care that you grew a conscience. He'd still lay you out dead without looking at you twice if he knew what you were.”

“I don’t care. This isn’t about him.” I grind.

“You’re lying, Alexi. You’re attacking me to look good for him. But as a reminder… You’re a Dragon. No one is ever going to look at you in any other way than the murderous trash you are.” He tilts his head and glares.

“That’s not true. The Dragons are honorable. You and your lot… can go to hell.” I snarl and spin on my heels to the door.

"That's alright, Alexi. You run to your little Alpha. You can lay in the street right beside him.” He says to my back as I leave.

“I've crippled him, Alexi. His pack sees him as weak. He can't even defend his own home. You want to go with a weak Alpha? Run along, little girl. The real rulers will be there to kill you with him."

I turn around and face him one last time. His men all stand in a circle around us. "You can try to intimidate me, Ian, but it won’t work. Continue with these reckless attacks and the next time I see you, it will be to watch your soul depart from your wicked heart."

He pretends to be scared as I glare at his men. I shove my way through them and leave the warehouse.

As I walk into the night, I can't help but feel relieved. Ian doesn't have a hold on me and my mission will go on. I won't be a part of his destruction.

With my separation from the Lycans, I will have to take care of myself. I've gone so far off my mission, I need to collect my thoughts.

At the hunting cabin in the woods, I clear my mind and run through what I have and what I need. I lean against a wall on the floor with a liquid bullet rolling in my fingers.

I can do this on my own. It's better this way. Too many wolves will just complicate matters. If I'm to kill the she wolf, I'm going to need to have focus.

My mind weighs Ian’s accusations and Luke's words. I find myself struggling with each.

Ian doesn’t know me. He doesn’t know my father. He only knows the lies the Alliance has fed to him. My father had nothing but care in his heart. Has he had to take lives? Yes, but only the brainwashed people who didn’t see him as a hero. He knew the evils of the Alliance and only wished to free the people from them. If they’re too blind to see that, well frankly, that’s their problem, I’m afraid. That doesn’t absolve one from murder which is why I fight now.

The Alpha is a totally different beast. He’s another that doesn’t know who I am, yet he feels compelled to save me from Ian. I still ask the question of why. This is really starting to perplex. I suppose Ian may be right. If the Alpha knew who I was, his position toward me may be a lot different. Even still, knowing I’m at least a Lycan, gives him the clearance to end my life, but he has yet to make a move in that regard.

I chew my lip as my fingers play with the dragon pendent around my neck. My other hand holds the bullet up to my eyes.

As I stare at the bullet, I think, If he was upset about me being with Ian, what’s his reaction to my father going to be? Do I even care?

He won’t kill me. I won’t let him. I’d certainly kill him first for getting in my way, but there’s a part of me that twinges when I think of the look he gave me after telling him I won’t leave Ian. It was a look of disappointment. For some reason, I feel he shouldn’t have looked at me like that. I almost felt guilt when he did. Again, why do I care?

I need to do something about these confounded feelings. I will have to visit with Nash again. I can't complete my mission while I care about what the Alpha thinks of me.


My sleep that night was restless. My head was plagued with Ian, Luke and the memories of my past. The fuel for my mission reminding me of why I do this.

As soon as the day rose, I headed for Nash. He should have the proper solution to rid my mind of the Alpha by now. He has to.

After exchanging pleasantries and tea, we got to work.

As before, I sit in the white toga, on the white fur in the circle of burning candles. I watch Nash prepare the bowl that will erase Luke from my mind.

Through research, Nash found stronger rituals which he says will block Luke from me, but expressed concern that the effect will not last forever. At this point, I will take what I can get.

"Princess, as before, clear your mind and think of only the Alpha and your feelings." Nash instructs.

I sit crossed legged on the fur rug and think of everything that has happened over the last few weeks, as well as the development of my feelings.

Nash adds the herbs and powders. The smoke swirls around me and fills my nose.

As I drift deeper into my subconscious, my mind fills with feelings of guilt, pain and sadness. Through the smoky cloud of my vision, an image of Luke appears before me. He's sitting on the steps of his pack house, leaning on his knees and holding his head. As I step through the fog, it becomes more clear. He’s lost hope. My brows stitch together as my bare feet approach him slowly.

When his image clears, he raises his eyes to me. He drops his hands between his knees and laces his fingers together. His confused, questioning face burns my soul.

"Why?" He asks.

I watch his face grow a look of devastation as his image dissolves away in a swirl of black smoke. The last trails of Luke Jackson disappear and the light of the area changes. My eyes rise above the house and the full blue moon shines brighter, casting its deep blue color over me. I look back to the empty porch and try to understand what this means. He's gone, but why do I feel horrible about it.

I feel his emotional existence fade and something catches my eye. In the open door of the house, a metal ball with a red blinking light sits on the floor just inside.

I tilt my head at it then my eyes widen at the realization.

The house explodes in a fiery blast toward me and I scream as my arms cover my face. I feel the intense heat and the force of the shockwave. I’m lifted off my feet and thrown back in a wave of fire and debris.

I land on the street in my mind and uncover my eyes. My body is shaken and tears well as the fireball rages in my mind. I suck in a breath and rise to my feet. The wind from the fire blows my hair back and I feel deep rage coming from the inferno in front of me.

I stand tall with heaving breaths as I see a dark frame walking in the base of the flames. I feel it all. The hatred, the fury, the disdain, the wrath.

My air is gone as the image steps out of the flame with outstretched arms. His strong, tall form dominates my dreams and his red eyes search for my commitment to him. He lifts his chin as he leaves the flames behind him and I watch as his power exudes from his body.

He lifts his arm and points to me. A smirk develops on his lips and his voice echoes around the far reaches of my mind. "Your Alpha's dead, Alexi. Time for his friends to join him." He walks up to me and stands over me like he would when he was alive.

Tears fall as I meet his eyes. “Father…”

He leans forward and yells, "AVENGE ME!" as he grabs my throat and squeezes, cutting off my air. Shock fills my eyes as I can’t believe he would touch me this way.

I desperately claw at his arm as he laughs in my face. I feel my lungs burn and my feet kick as he closes my throat more.

“Father… please…” I choke as I beg.

“Avenge me like you were born to do or rot with the rest of them.” He pulls me to his face and I see the truth in his eyes. I’ve failed him. He knows.

“I'm sorry…” I whisper with defeat.

“YOU WILL NEVER BE SORRY ENOUGH!” He growls and throws me into the fire.

I scream for my life and thrash as Nash tries to grab my arms.

"Alexi! Alexi! You're here. You're fine." He yells over my desperate cries for help.

He grabs my head and I train my eyes on his. "Nash?" I swallow to catch my breath.

"Yes. You're safe, princess. You're under no harm." He grips my hands and leans to me. "How do you feel?"

I slow my breathing and search myself. No guilt, no concern. No emotion for the Alpha. The only thing I feel is immense anger for the death of my father.

I snatch my hands from Nash. "It worked. Thank you. Now, I can focus on the task at hand."

He nods as we both stand. "Like I said before, I'm not sure how long it will last. I will caution you… The amount of time you interact with the Alpha may tear down those walls your mind has built. If you wish to complete your mission, I will suggest you avoid him."

"I will." I grab my clothes and start to dress

"Don't you wish to stay the night again." He leans with a smile.

I put on my coat and glance over my shoulder. "No." I state sharply, push past him and leave.

My mission is once again at the forefront of my mind. I’m no longer distracted by the Alpha and can concentrate on my plan to break into the Caledon Boot Camp and kill Anna Riker.

Unfortunately now, my resources are thin and I'll need some money to tied me over.

As I walk down the dark streets of Red Rock, a smile forms on my lips. I need money and I know exactly where to get some.


After walking through town, I stop at the end of the pack house driveway. Under the cover of darkness, I stick to the shadows as I approach the house quietly. There are no cars around which is a sign the place is empty.

The plastic blows in the wind as I jump up to what would be the front door. I pull out my phone, turn on the flashlight and scan the area. My light travels around the ripped walls, and cracked floor boards as I walk around the giant hole in the floor made by the explosives.

As I step into what would be the common room, I look around for anything that may be useful to me.

My impression of the house is actually quite positive. It is a handsome pack house underneath the destruction. Moldings, rich carpets, breathtaking artworks. A lot of care went into this house, I conclude as creep carefully up the stairs to the rooms.

I open doors and search the rooms for money, jewelry or anything that can help me.

I open the double doors of a very regal looking room. Its molded bed and high ceilings have me thinking this belongs to the Alpha.

My boots sink into the thick carpeting as I walk over to the bed and place a hand on the plush cover. I scan my light over the tall arched windows, along the walls and over to a dresser. I keep it in the circle of light as I cross the room to it.

I open the drawers to search them. My light catches a picture on top. I stop my search, reach out and pick it up to shine the light on it and get a better look.

In the picture is a child with short, rich brown hair and hazel eyes. He smiling which causes me to slowly smile in return. This child can’t be more than 12.

I run my finger across his image. In his arm is a little girl with golden brown hair and brown eyes. They look similar, siblings. I can see the love he has for her.

I place the picture down and continue my search on the dresser. I pick up another frame. This one contains the Alpha in an Alliance uniform. He's part of the Unit, not just a citizen. This has my insides burn. My eyes turn to slits and I put the picture face down.

I look around some more until I hear a noise.

I turn with a little gasp, flashing my light to the open doorway. My light blinds the figure and he shields his eyes.

"What are you doing in here?!!"

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