The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 16

(Chapter song ‘Killer Queen’ by Queen, ‘Heaven's Of Fire' by KISS)


Dust clouds rise from the dumpster as I dump a box of wood, drywall and trash into it.

My shirtless chest is dripping with sweat and my jeans covering in dirt and dust.

I stop for a second, grab a bottle of water and pound back half of it. I wipe my lips with back of my arm and squint up at the sun. It's hot today, but my body isn't hot from the sun.

Rage fills me. The thought that Ian almost killed everyone I've ever known, has me salivating for blood. I will get that blood, but I need to take care of my people first.

For my own mental stability, I’ll rebuild my own house and show that rat bastard that I'm not going anywhere.

It's been a few days since the attack. I spent the early morning checking in with everyone to see how they’re holding up. Joshua has been having nightmares every night. I don't blame him because so have I. I settled my parents and called the Falcon Ridge hospital. Lucy is almost healed. Bobby’s spine is healing slower than expected, but he's gained a tiny bit of feeling.

I look at the plastic draped over the gaping hole of the house I grew up in. It blows slightly in the breeze. I walk over to my phone that’s sitting at the edge of the hole. I turn it up to ‘Killer Queen’. I close my eyes as I do a little air guitar and walk over to the garage where I played basketball.

As I absorb the lyrics, I’m hit with red hair. I didn’t see her there, but…

I look to the trees I watched the other night. I have a feeling she was close. If true, it means she’s with Ian on this and pisses me off.

I focus back on the song as I turn back to the garage. It’s half gone, too, and the door was so crumpled, it had to be torn off to get my dad's SUV out. Everything in it will need to be replaced.

The upper roof of the main house is sagging and the lower roof will have to be torn off and replaced. The front porch; I had to rip that off to even get proper access to inside.

I have shims supporting the walls and tubs filled with the pieces of my life are everywhere. Treasured things were destroyed. Artworks and books are all garbage. The furniture is unsalvageable. Thank God, we managed to get the water, gas and electric turned off pretty quickly, but I'm sure the basement’s flooded and the foundation’s fucked.

I try to keep my mind straight by listening to the beat of Queen, but it’s hard, Freddie. I’m sorry.

I start filling tubs around where the front door would be and I see something. I grab it, shake it out and lift it up. My leather jacket. I inspect it closely. It needs to be cleaned, but seems ok. I walk to the edge and jump down to the driveway. I check the pockets as I walk it over to my bike. Satisfied everything is in it, I drape it over the seat.

As I turn back to the house, I get a twinge in my side and my hand covers it. I look down to the small bullet scar. I still feel the hot sting of the silver. It’s the only way we get scars. Burning hot silver.

As I look it over, I think, I could put a cool tat around it. Something like ‘Ya missed’ or some shit. I don’t know. I’ll think on it.

I walk over to my water and KISS is playing now. Cool, I think as I swig it back.


I turn my eyes to the voice as I drink. Gavin waves as he walks up the driveway.

"Hey." I walk over to my bike, lean on the seat and rest my hands on either side of me as I cross my feet.

He shields his eyes from the sun and looks over the house. "Big job." He mumbles.

"Yep." I pop the ‘p' then drink my bottle.

He scratches his head. "You sure you don't want us to call some contractors?"

I tick my head. "Not yet. It's helping me cope." I get up and walk over the house. I set my bottle down, slide a big piece of drywall out of the hole and carry it to the dumpster.

Gavin grabs a couple of pieces, carries them to the dumpster and tosses them in then leans on it. "People are talking." He says looking at his hands.

"Oh, yeah? About what?" I grab some more and walk over to the dumpster.

He glances at me. "You. They're saying you're too weak. That you're letting Ian slide." His eyes squint more as he follows me.

I throw some more garbage in the dumpster. "I'm not weak. I'm biding my time." I walk back to the house. "I need to fix this first."

"It's been days, Luke. The longer you mess around here, the more people will think their Alpha doesn't care." He says as he puts a hand on the edge of the dumpster and crosses his feet.

"I'm not starting a goddamn gang war, Gavin. Not yet. I just want to fix my house." I grit as I dump a tub.

He joins me at the house. "You need to do something. You can't just avoid the pack. You have to talk to them."

I close my eyes, shake my head and spin around. My wolf surfaces and my eyes flare.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY, GAVIN?!” I yell as I toss a hand out to the side.


I was dripping in rage, feeling defeated. My dad's dying, my home’s destroyed, my people are living in fear.

I’ve been Alpha for a fucking week and the whole place went straight to hell.

Just like I thought it would.

So, I didn’t hold back. It was all coming out.

Gavin stood with his hands on his hips. He sucks in his top lip, looks at my pain filled face as I look away and wipe my nose.

“Right.” He says as he reaches back, grabs his shirt and pulls it off. He starts for the house tosses his shirt on the ledge and hops up.

I follow him as I shake my head. "What are you doing?"

He squats down to me and rests his arms on his knees as he tilts his head. "You're my Alpha. You're supposed to care for me, but who cares for you? I do. Hand me that tub."

I sigh with a smile. "Thanks." I toss the tub to him.

"Don't mention it." He claps my nape before walking into the darkness of the house.

We worked well into the afternoon, dumping bucket after bucket of wood, stone and sheet rock.

We cleaned up as much as we could before Gavin ran into town to get some food and beer.

While he was gone, I sat and contemplated my life on an overturned tub.

Should I have just gone to Cali? Would it have changed the results of what happened? Probably not. The only difference would be, I wouldn't be responsible for it. I wouldn't have to bear the weight of it.

It wouldn't be my fault.

That’s what it is. If I hadn’t been so caught up in Alexi, Ian wouldn’t have found out I was back and retaliated.

I guess I can’t go back, but my moves going forward are going to have to be different. I can’t let my guard down. That includes Alexi. She’s either a spy or some sort of errand man. I feel it. She’s helping Ian destroy me. If that’s the case, I won’t shed a tear when I kill her.

When Gavin got back, we ate and cracked open some bottles.

We talked and laughed as we pounding them back one after another. It felt good just to kick back with a friend and have a drink.

I just finished my third beer when Terry and Evan drove up in Terry's truck, honking as they came in.

I grab two beers and walk over, watching the truck pull around and park off to the side of the large circle driveway.

As they get out and walk around the truck, I hand them the beers.

"Glad to see you guys.” We exchange bro hugs then I wipe the sweat off my forehead.

"How's it going?" Terry motions to the house.

I look over my shoulder at it. "Um... Well... We found the second floor." I try to make light of it, but I'm still fuming inside.

"Pack security raided the barn. The Lycans cleared out. We're back to square one with a location. We roughed up some low members, but they aren't talking." Terry rubs his nape.

Evan stood with his bottle in both hands. "Lucy's on her way home now. She should be here in the next hour or so. Your mother says she wants you there. Bobby's going to be another week."

I nod. "Ok. I'll finish up here and head to the hotel. How's everyone else?" I kick the dirt as I think of all my people who have been displaced by the assholes.

"They're Ok. They're all still shaken up. They just want to go home." He looks at the ground, too.

"Yeah. I feel that. We'll rebuild this as fast as we can." I say. I clap Gavin on the back shoot him a grin.

My phone radio is interrupted by a breaking news story.

‘Authorities have no answers in the murders of 5 people found in a warehouse in Washington, D.C.. The identity of the people have not yet been released nor has the person suspected in the killings.

A statement released from investigators suggests the person who committed the murders is also responsible for several murders across the Midwest.

At this time, investigators can only say that they do have a person of interest they would like to speak to. Several witnesses reported seeing a small boy approach the victims at the time of their disappearance.

He’s described as being around 4 and half feet tall, approximately 10 years old, Caucasian male with short, black hair. He was wearing white sneakers, blue shorts and black shirt. Authorities are very concerned for the boy’s safety and believe he may be traveling with the suspect. He may be trying to get help. If you have any information, please call the Washington D.C. Crime line.

We'll have more on this story as it develops.’

I look to the guys. “Uh… Yeah… That’s the last person we need here.”

Gavin nods. “That’s why we need you.”

“I know.” I rub my neck and look to the house. I keep thinking how the fuck am I supposed to fix this? Red Rock is like a fucking prison and the inmates are running the shit now.

Terry puts a hand on my shoulder. "Don't stress yourself, OK. Let us call someone. You have enough to worry about."

The corner of my mouth ticks up. "I know." I scratch my forehead. "I just want to show the assholes that this doesn't change anything. I'm still going after them and I'm still Alpha. They aren't scaring me."

He nods. "I get that, Luke, but we need to address the pack so that they know that, too. If they see you stand up, tell them you’re fighting back, then things can change. People are scared, Luke. They believe that if Ian can get to the Alpha, what hope in hell do they have?”

Gavin stands at my side and leans to find my eyes. "What was I saying earlier? We need you, Luke. We need to see you aren't rolling over."

I hang my head and roll their words over in my head. These guys aren’t my advisors for nothing. I need to start believing that.

I raise my head and glance between my men. "Set it up. Call whoever will listen. Right here." I point to the driveway. “Nobody's alone in the Red Rock pack.”

I get smiles, back claps and shakes to my shoulder. The loyalty I feel makes me feel better. Knowing that even in this small group, there are still some who believe I’m not the fuck up I think I am.

I just need to convince myself of that.


A few hours later, I'm standing in front of my disheveled pack house in a clean, black button down and clean jeans.

I watch people in front of me set up cameras, phones and other recording devices for the speech that will speak life into Red Rock. We are no longer spinning the drain and I’ll make that perfectly clear.

Gavin and Terry pulled through with a group of mostly my neighbors and those close by the attack. Around 100 or so pack members. The rest will watch the live stream on every social media outlet on the web.

As I stand in front of the crowd, I try not to show how angry I am, but I guess I’m failing judging by the worried, concerned faces staring at me. I’m supposed to calm them, but I can’t barely contain myself.

I look over the crowd, clear my throat and stand front and center. I place my hands on my hips and raise my chin in a show of confidence.

"A few days ago, our pack house was attacked by the bike gang known as the Lycans."

The people mumble to each other and I continue.

"As your Alpha, I'm telling you to not panic. What the Lycans think they have accomplished here will not happen. We have full investigations and manhunts for those responsible. I'm on top of this one hundred percent." I scan the crowd again.

"This pack house will stand tall again. This is our heart and I will be damned if I’m letting Ian Wolfstrike or any other low ass criminal take that away from us." I feel my agitation rise.

I take a few steps closer and pace in front of them like I would a group of recruits.

"I'm the Alpha of this pack!” I say sharply as I thump a finger into my chest.

“I will not allow my people to live in fear! This is a declaration of war!” I stop and stare at the group as I point aggressively to the pack house. “I swear to all of you, I will destroy the Lycans and any other asshole who threatens us! I will protect this pack or die trying!" I yell.

Responses of ‘Yeahs’ and ‘Right Ons’ were heard as the crowd cheered.

"You'll have the Alpha you deserve! Right here! My message to the Lycans is this.... Come and get me because I'm not going fucking anywhere!!"

I throw a hand up and the crowd cheers louder as I pump my fist.

Having said my peace, Gavin stood in front of me and told the reporters there would be no questions. He told everyone to stay safe and head home.

As the crowd thinned, Terry leans an arm on my shoulder. "Those were tough words. You sure you should have threatened them like that?"

I shrug him off. "Trust me. I was reserved. I could have said a lot worse."

"Oh, I know you could have." Terry arches a brow. "Just... Did you have to put a target on your back? We wanted to spread confidence, not piss off the Lycans more."

"At least the target is on me and not anyone else. I'm not worried about myself, Terry. I'm worried about everyone else. If the heats on me, at least I know the rest won't feel it."

Terry sighs. "I hope you know what you're doing. In case you don't, I'm upping the security around you."

I grunt in response.

"Ok. I have to go." I say as I look at my phone. “I need to see my family.”

It was around dinner by the time I was wrapping my arms around my baby sister, burying my head in her shoulder. She quietly cries as I hold the back of her head. Lucy may act tough, she acts like me really, but inside she’s a sweetheart and didn’t need any of this.

"I'm gonna kill them, Luke. If it's the last thing I do." She growls through her tears.

"I'll be doing the killing, Swift. Don't worry about that." I hug her tight and make sure she feels my truth. I’m not running. Not now or ever again.

I let her go and my mother moves in to hug us both. It’s so weird. It took Alexi kicking my ass to realize how great my family really is. I guess I owe her that much.

"I'm just so glad you're both OK." My mom pulls back and the two women wipe their faces.

I break from the women and slowly stroll to my father who’s sitting in the hotel room arm chair. He’s looking even worse since the attack and it’s breaking my goddamn heart. Stress like this is the last thing he needs.

Ian better pray my father doesn't die before I kill him because if he does, I'll make Ian's death a brutal one. I want my dad to know I made him suffer for this.

"Dad, have you been checked out? You don't look so good." I squat down at his knee and fix the blanket covering his legs. I look into his tired eyes with concern.

"Yeah. I'm just exhausted. This moving around is getting a little harder." He smiles as he claps my cheek wearily.

My mother joins us, sits on the arm and holds his hand. "I've noticed, too. Darling you're not yourself. Are you feeling, OK?"

I know he hasn’t told them and he really needs to. I have a really sick feeling it’s not going to be long. Depending on how much strength his wolf has left, the aging could hit him in a matter of days.

I give my father a look and a nod to tell him it’s time. If this attack has sped up his death, he needs to tell them now.

My father presses his lips together, nods in return then orders those in the room to leave.

I take a deep breath, grab two chairs for the women and place them in front of my father. I sit them both down and motion to my father to go ahead.

I pace behind them, holding myself as I listen to my father break the news. My heart crushed when I heard them start to cry. I had to hold my emotions back as I listen to my mother beg my father to tell her it’s not true. Lucy did what I did. Looked for anything to stop it. Just like me, he told her it was his time. He told them how much he loved them. How beautiful they both were. He told them that they made his life mean something. I glance at him and his eyes meet mine. A smile ticks at the corner if his lips.

It’s not fucking fair. I feel like I’m just getting my family back, but it’s a little too late.

I joined my family and held them all as we shared the grief of the man who built everything for us. In my entire life, I've never seen my mother cry. It pisses me off that in the last few days, she's done nothing but.

I'm going to change that. Even with my father dying, I will make my family smile again.

Ian did this. He's did this to my family.

I stroke my sister’s head thinking, I'm going to look Ian in the eyes as I spill his guts all over the floor then I'll rip his head off for good measure.

Every Lycan in this town will feel my anger and I'll show them what a true Alpha can do.

They fucked with my family and they’ll pay for it.


After dinner, I decided I needed to just be alone and collect my thoughts. The pack house has now become my therapy.

I set up flood lights and point them on the house so I can see. The light changes the view of what I see. It looks even more horrific.

I was an hour into emptying tubs when I felt it. Something off. I've been feeling it all day, actually, I just ignored it, but it was there.

I drop the bucket and walk into the dark.

Chewing my cheek, I scan the trees. With my hands on my hips, I raise my nose. In all directions in front of me, I sniff the air.

Damn. Down wind.

I call my vision and slowly scan the trees around the property, focusing my wolf sight on the shadows.

For a split second, the wind changes direction and I catch a scent immediately. I whip my head to the trees at the back of my driveway.

My lips snarls, I huff a growl and spin on my toes back to the house.

Fucking cherry blossoms. I knew it.

When I get to the dumpster, I lean my forearms on the edge, lower my head and take calming breaths. I’m not going to let her see that what she and her asshole friends did hurt me.

"COME OUT!!" I bark loud without raising my head.

I take one last breath in and out before pushing off the dumpster and turning around.

I watch her step out of the trees and lower her hood, freeing her red curls. I bite my top lip as I get pissed at myself for liking what I see.

I eye her as she walks into the light from the lamps. She has her hands in her pockets and looks to the house as she closes the gap. She turns her green eyes to me and I bite my lip harder.

I know I should just grab her and turn her in for knowing who she is, but instead I just look at her, shake my head and flop my hands to my sides.

"What do you want?"

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