The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 26

(Chapter song ‘Can't Stop’ by Red Hot Chili Peppers)


I hit my alarm and roll onto my back in bed. The morning light is just breaking through.

I scrub a hand down my face and pull the blanket off.

I'm not even awake five fucking minutes and my wolf is running circles in mind. He's bright eyed and bushy tailed. Just itching to see Anna today.

"Fuck, buddy." I murmur to myself as I sit on the edge of my bed, rubbing my head.

He starts incessantly howling and whining.

I shake my head. "Jesus. Ok. Fuck." I get up and throw some track pants on. He needs a run.

I grab a Hoodie and don't bother with a shirt. I have about an hour before I have to report for duty. I'll run him out quickly so I can start my fucking day in peace.

I get to the woods, strip off my clothes and call the wind to shift. It swirls around me as my body hits the ground and rearranges into my black wolf. He shakes his fur out.

‘Ok. A quick run and then back you go.'

He barks and runs into the trees.

He loves running. It's a nice distraction. The breeze, the smells, it's all I can do to reel him in sometimes.

He was half way into the forest when he turns around. Heading back to the unit.

‘Where are you going?’

He breaches the treeline and sprints across the training field.

Fuck. He's headed to Anna. I'm fucking panicking.


He's not listening. He runs across the barracks lot and to the hospital wing. He's whining.

He skids to a stop at the building, puts his nose to the air and sniffs.

‘GO back! We're gonna get caught!’

I'm going out of my mind. This fucking idiot is so love crazed he's gonna ruin us both.

He walks around the building, sniffing and jumps at a window. He's whining loudly.

He barks.

‘Shut up, you moron!’

I realize he's found Anna's window and is trying to get her attention.

He paws at the glass. He's getting impatient and louder.


Finally, the asshole whines and shifts. The wind blows and I'm standing there. Bare ass naked in the middle of the barracks.

I make the mad dash for my clothes before anyone shows up.

What a dick! I push him down as he whines in protest. I get to my clothes and throw them on quickly. I blow out a breath. I better see Anna today or this douche will have me shifting in my sleep.

I head back in to the dorms. I stop in my room and take my clothes off. I wrap a towel around my waist and throw a towel over my shoulder.

My head is still trying to recover from my wolfs bone head move when Zeke grabbed my shoulder. The corner of his mouth ticked up. "Morning, Streaker." He laughs.

I closed my eyes. My face flushes with embarrassment. "You caught that, did you?"

He smiled. "Yep, but don't worry, I think I'm the only one. I was up early too."

I shake my head. "I don't know what my dick head wolf was thinking. I just wanted a run, but apparently he had other plans."

Zeke leans in. "Well, you better leash him before he gets you in shit."

I tilt my head back and sigh. "I'm trying, but he's driving me insane."

Zeke raises a brow. "What's going on?"

I pull him aside. “Anna.” I breathe.

Zeke grins. "Oh yeah. You boning her dude?"

I scowl. "Zeke!" I hiss under my breath.

He puts his hands up. "Sorry."

I shake my head. "No one can know. At least not for another month."

Zeke sighs. "Messing with a recruit under your command? I don't know, dude. Pretty risky if you ask me. Especially if your wolf is putting you in risky situations."

I ran my fingers through my hair. "I know. But she wasn't under my command until after we got together. We really want this to work. So, we're just keeping it quiet until her training is done.”

We act casual as a bunch of guys walk by us.

They nod. "Alphas." They say as they walk into the shower room. We nod back.

I wait for the door to close. "Look, I know I'm risking my rank, but Anna......."

He claps my arm. "Hey, it's cool. I'm happy for you. I just hope you know what you're doing."

I look at him seriously. "Have you ever heard of anyone getting another fated after losing a first one?"

He rubbed his neck. "I have a cousin who swore his girlfriend was his 2nd, but she wasn't."

I sigh. "That's what I thought."

"You think she's your fated?" He crossed his arms.

I shake my head. "She can't be. She lost her fated four years ago. Which is why I don't understand why my wolf is being such a dick."

Zeke rubbed his chin. "Stranger things have happened. Maybe she is your fated."

I blow out a breath. "Hopefully."

He arches a brow. "You really like this girl, don't you?"

I lean on the wall. "Yeah, man. She's fucking amazing. Total angel. I mean, I've never felt this way before. She's perfect in every way possible."

He grinned. "Well, you sound pretty into her. Just be careful."

I nod. "I'm gonna hit the shower." I clap him on the back.

"Ok, bud."


The morning session was brutal. For me, that is.

We had the recruits running training exercises all morning. Circuits of mountain climbers, squats, planks. You name it.

As I walk around the rows of sweating trainees, my wolf claws at me. Every minute. It got to the point where I had to walk off the field to push him down and compose myself.

I leaned against a tree, watching the field.

Blade walked up. "Hey, man."

"Hey." I say.

He puts his hands on his hips. "Why don't you take a quick break?"

I raise a brow.

"Clearly, you need a visit with your girl. So, go. I'll cover for you." He grinned.

I smile. "Really?"

"Yeah. Maybe she can calm your wolf down a bit."

I push off the tree. "Thanks, man. I appreciate it."

He rubs his neck. "No problem. Just don't be too long."

"I won't." I turn and run for the infirmary.

I walk in and Anna's getting dressed. She smiles and it lights up the whole room. "Hey, Alpha. I'm being released today.

I look around the room and see no one. I take big steps to her, grab her head and press my lips to hers. Our tongues meet and it's the most amazing kiss I've ever had. I tangle my fingers in her hair. I don't ever want to stop. There's a lightning storm in my head and my wolf is suddenly quiet. Satisfied for now. The feel of her lips on mine was like finding water after years in a desert. I want to drink it all.

I let her breath, biting her bottom lip as I pull back.

Her eyes are dreamy. Her cheeks are flushed. Her lips are all pouty.

I stroke her cheek. "You are so beautiful. I missed these lips." I run my thumb softly across them.

She smiles. "I've missed you too."

I reluctantly let her go and stand up. "You need help to your bunk?"

She shakes her head. "No. Fiona’s coming."

I put my hands in my pockets. "Oh ok."

She grabs a pair of crutches and stands. I'm there to catch her as she seems a bit wobbly on them. "Oh, before I forget." She hands me back her phone. "That was so much better. Thank you."

I put it in my pocket. "Any time, baby girl. Well, I should get back. Blades covering for me. I just see you." I walk over and kiss her again.

"Mmmm....I'm glad you did." She smirks.

I look at her cast. "And tomorrow night, when that thing comes off, you're mine." I shoot her a hungry look.

"Can't wait." She looks at me with those fuck me eyes of hers. I'm so turned on; I have to adjust my pants.

She giggles. "Get out of here before you get in shit."

I give her one last quick kiss. "Bye, baby. See you later."



So that did it. I feel better than I have in days. It's clear now, that my wolfs hard on for Anna is way bigger than mine and he's not going to let me go a day without touching her.

He's quiet. Purring in my brain. I can finally focus.

I walk to the field. Blade caught up to me. "Feel better?"

I scrub my face with my hand. "Yeah. Thanks again, man."

He slaps his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, you're no good to me all fucked up. So, anytime, bro."

"I just wish we could figure this out now instead of five months from now." I cross my arms.

He looks at me. "I wish I could help you, man, but at least you know what your wolf needs to survive this."

I sigh. "If he keeps his urges at this level, it'll be fine. Any more, I'm gonna have issues."

"It'll be fine, bro. Just relax." He smiles.

"I'm trying." I sigh. "Where are we on the field?"

Blade turns to the field. "They should be wishing they were dead any minute now."

I grin. "Good. Give them 20 more minutes."

Blade side eyes me. "You're evil."

I laugh, clap his back and walk out to the field.


The afternoon session was pretty standard sparring.

We paired them off and observed the fights.

Two guys went at it, trying to best each other. They were of equal size and strength, so it seemed to be like a standoff. They rushed at each other and the one guy, Bryan, ducked down and grabbed the other guy's waist, tossing him in the air. The guy landed with a thud on the grass.

I walk over. "Good move, recruit." And slap him on his back.

"Thanks, Sir." He grins at the compliment.

Just then I hear. "WHAT THE FUCK, DUDE!" I turn toward the voice with concern.

Two kids are standing. It's Mica Whitney and Daryl Philips. Mica is extremely pissed off. Both are probably one of the youngest recruits we have. Being that young puts their wolves on very sensitive hair triggers. Actual fights are not uncommon and we have zero tolerance for that here.

I can see where it's headed when Daryl shoves Mica back. Mica then grabs Daryl's shirt and lands a perfect right hook to Daryl's face making him spit blood. Both are shooting daggers at each other.

"BLADE!" I yell and point to the fight. We both rush over and break it up.

They're yelling at each other and fighting against us until I throw out my command. "STAND DOWN!!" My words are dripping with Alpha tone. Mica’s an Alpha son. He should know better.

They instantly stop. Daryl wipes the blood from his mouth.

I glare at both of them. "BOTH OF YOU! TO THE BARRACKS! YOU WILL WAIT FOR FURTHER DICIPLINARY ORDERS! DISMISSED!" I'm shooting my own daggers now.

“Come on, River…” Mica growls at me.

I get on his face. “If anyone should know to keep it cool it should be you, Whitney.” I eye him.

Both grumble and swear under their breath as they turn and leave the field.



I scan the field once more. "Good! Now hit the showers!"

Everyone gets up and leaves. Blade walks by me chuckling. "Ah to be young, and be fucking dumb as a rock."

I chuckle at that and head off the field too.

As I reach the barrack lot, I see Anna, hobbling along with Fiona. I catch her eyes and mind link her. ‘Looking good, beautiful.'

She looks away. ‘Whatever.’ She links back.

I smile and continue on my way. As much as I would like to grab her and carry her away, I have a couple of boys I have to knock some sense into.

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