The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 25

(Chapter song ‘Inside The Fire' by Disturbed)


All I can say is thank god for Monday.

My head is so full with Michael and River, it’ll be nice to think of something else for a week.

For the afternoon training session, we were led to a field at the opposite end of the barracks. One that held a massive obstacle course.

It spanned the entire soccer sized field.

Nets, bridges, ladders, walls.... everything.

River and Blade stood in front of the whole group. Waiting for us to settle as we check out the massive run.

Blade steps forward. "Alright!" He yelled. "As you can see, we have a nice challenge for you!"

He walks back and forth. "This course will challenge your strength and your mind. You will run it in threes. Each solider will have five minutes or less to complete the run. Fail to do so......." He stops and faces us. "You get back in line and do it again until you do. So, don't fuck up. If you do fuck it up along the way, you must return to the lines and do it over."

River stepped forward. "Three-line formation!"

We all broke off in three lines at the start.

"When I blow this whistle..." River holds it up. "Runners at the front will go. Any questions?"

He's met with silence.

"Alright then." He puts the whistle to his lips and blows.

The first three run to their lanes in the course.

First is a net you have to crawl under for what seems like forever. Then a rope ladder you have to climb up. One girl got half up and the ladder spun, sending her crashing to the grass. She groaned, picking herself up and dusting herself off.

Blade yelled at her. "Back in line, recruit."

She scowled at him and ran back in line.

When the first recruits were halfway through, River would blow his whistle signaling the second set to start.

The rope ladder leads to a 15-foot pole with another rope ladder you have to monkey swing across. It goes to another pole with a single rope to climb down. One guy got to the second pole, climbed down the rope, but jumped off halfway. He was about to continue when River blew his whistle. "Tyler!" Tyler stopped and turned. "No cheating, back in line!"

He hung his head, swearing under his breath and ran to the start.

After the pole, there's an eight-hurdle run. The girl who fell off the ladder, tripped over hurdle number three. "Fuck!" She yelled as she punched the ground.

Blade walked over as she exited the side of the run. "Don't lose your head. You'll only make it worse." She nods and heads back to her line.

The rock wall is next. It's 20 feet in the air and no ropes. A fall from there could definitely break something. Footholds are on either side.

Last, is a mad sprint to the finish where Greg, our flag game captain, was standing with a stop watch and marking times.

Those that finish in time have to get in formation behind River and Blade.

Fiona looked worried. I look over at her. "Hey, you got this." I whispered.

She shot me a half smile.

As I waited for my turn, runners were dying out there. The area behind River wasn't filling up as fast as you'd expect as recruits had to complete the run from the start over and over.

Finally, it's my turn. River blows his whistle.

I make a mad dash to the net crawl. I practically throw myself to the ground and start army crawling on my stomach as fast as I can.

I get to the platform with the rope ladder. It's extremely wobbly. Half way, I feel like I'm going to lose it, but I stop, get my balance back and make it to the pole.

I hit the monkey swing without missing a beat. I took a second to glance over and Fiona is just behind me on hers.

I make it across and grab for the rope. I descend to the ground in record time. By now, every muscle is screaming and I'm losing energy fast.

I run for the hurdles and jump all eight.

Fuck, I'm going to do this in one shot. My chest fills with excitement as I hit the rock wall. I step fast, but as careful as I can. I guess I chose the wrong path up, because I found myself having to over reach for the next hold about a foot from the top. I grab for the next hold with the tips of my fingers. I think I'm secure, but I was so wrong. I slip and this causes me to scream to the ground landing on my leg which proceeds to break in two with a sickening snap.

I scream bloody murder, writhing on the ground. I'm holding my leg as blood pours out.

"Riker!" River yells. He and Blade run to where I landed.

Blade slid to his knees beside me. "Ok. Ok. Let me look." He spoke softly. He lifts my shaking hands to see the bone of my leg sticking out.

"Damn." He pulled off his t shirt and wrapped it around my leg. "That's going to be a bitch to set." He glanced between me and River. River was trying to keep himself composed.

"Ok. I'll take her to the infirmary. " River said as he scooped me up. "Just continue the exercise. I'll be back."

I sat in Rivers arms, trying to fight back tears. Blade offered a fist. "Sweetheart. That was a kick ass run. Be proud."

I manage a half smile and fist bump him back.

River smiled and nodded.

We get to the infirmary. Once out of sight, River's concerned poured out. "Oh my God, baby girl, I was so scared." His eyes went wide.

I manage a tiny giggle. "It'll take a lot more than that to keep me down."

"Yeah." He chuckles. "That was a pretty awesome run though."

"I had it in the bag. But I got too excited I guess." I wince as a wave of pain shoots up my leg.

He pushes the door to the hospital wing open. "Gotta keep your head in the game so stuff like this doesn't happen."

I nod, still kicking myself for being stupid.

We get into the infirmary and a nurse greets us. She directs River to a bed. "Alright recruit. Let's see this leg of yours." She removes Blade's shirt. "Mm.." She turns to River. "Three days and she'll be good as new."

"Three days!" I was so disappointed.

River turned to me. "There will be plenty more hell weeks trust me." He clapped my shoulder.

"I know. I just really wanted to do the wolf run." I whine.

The nurse left to get supplies. River leans to my ear. "We'll have our own wolf run." He kisses my cheek really quick and stands back up smiling and wagging his brow.

I nod and bite my lower lip.

The nurse comes over. "Alpha, you can go." She shoos him out the door.

"Uh....ok...I'll check on you later recruit." He said in a firm, authoritative voice.

"Thanks." I shout back as he leaves.

The nurse looks at me. Laying me down. "I'm not gonna lie, the first break is nothing like the second one."

I look at her confused as she reaches down to my break and uses wolf strength to break the bone that had healed before it set.

"FUCK!!!" I scream so loud I'm sure they heard it outside.



Seeing Anna hurt had my wolf turning into a fucking hurricane in my chest. It took everything to push him back down just so I could compose myself. I wanted to look concerned for a hurt recruit, but not too much. People might pick up on my feelings.

It was a bastard of a break. Broken bones are a common thing with shifters. Most heal pretty quick, but breaks like that take a lot longer. It's also painful as fuck to set. I know. I almost killed my doctor once when he had reset my broken arm.

With Anna in the hospital for the next few days, my wolf is getting riled. He's basically telling me to fuck everything and sit with her, but I can't and as each day passes, he'll get worse. Keeping him contained is gonna be hard. He needs an outlet. A distraction. I might have to shuffle some exercises a bit.

I walk back out to the course. Blade is overseeing and by the looks of it, we have just a few stragglers left.

I slide up beside him. He glances at me. "How's she doing?"

I sigh. "She's out for 3 days."

"Figured as much." He nods.

"She's disappointed, but she'll get over it."

He must notice the internal boxing match I'm having with my wolf because he side eyes me and arches a brow. "Are you OK?"

I look around to make sure we aren't in earshot. "Yeah. My wolf is going nuts right now. I don't know what's up with him lately. He gets so riled up. So hard to push back when it comes to Anna. I've never felt him do that before." I scratch my head.

Blade leans in. "Maybe he knows something you don't." He winks and pulls back.

I chuckle. "I can't be. She already found her fated."

Blade side eyes me. "Yeah, but you haven't......or maybe you have."

I smirk. "I don't think it works like that."

Blade shrugs. "You never know. But it seems like your wolf thinks so."

It's true. My wolf seems to have already staked his claim on Anna. He likes her...a lot.....and I do too. There would be only one way to find out. The Blue Moon Ball. In five months, the shifter communities come together for a massive party once a year. Lots of things happen then. Pack business deals, announcements of new pack members and alliances and to find fated mates.

If I took her, then we could settle this.

I call the exercise and dismiss the recruits for the day. They did good. They were thoroughly beaten. The course was unforgiving.

"I'm gonna check on Anna." I say to Blade as we walk to the barracks.

He smiles. "Ok man. Check you later."

Because shifters heal so fast, Anna has to remain in hospital to make sure her leg is healing correctly. If not, they have to break it and set it again. So, she needs frequent checkups.

I walk in and just stunned at the sight. It shouldn't turn me on this much but seeing Anna in a cast up over her knee, in a hospital gown and her hair pulled up in a messy bun, was causing me to practically drool.

Her broken leg was stretched out and she had her other leg bent up. She was reading a magazine. She looked content, but I bet she was going out of her mind.

I look around and see no one in the room. "Hey, Baby girl." I strut into the room with a brown paper bag.

She drops her magazine and smiles. "Hey, Alpha."

I reach in my pocket. "Got something for you." I pull out her phone. "Keep it hidden. I had to sneak it out of lock up and don't call anyone. I just figured you like something better than some out dated magazine." I lift the cover of a glamor mag with some chick on the front I don't know.

Her eyes light up. "Thanks."

"Before you check out, I'll take it back. And...." I sit on the bed next to her and set the bag between us. "I bring food."

She smiles. "Thank God. I'm starving."

I pull out some sandwiches and a couple bottles of water. "It's not much. I got to the dining hall pretty late."

She opens her sandwich and takes a big bite. "'s so good." She says with a mouthful.

I laugh at how adorable she was. "So, how's the leg?" I put my hand on her cast.

She scowls. "Still broken."

"Awe, Baby Girl. I'm sorry. I'll have to plan something special when you get out of here."

She picked at her sandwich. "You don't have to do that. I'm just upset."

I lean in. "That's exactly why I have to do it. I don't like seeing you upset." I kiss her quick, but not too quick.

She grabs my hand. Tiny electric waves run up my arm. "How did I get so lucky?" She said softly.

I shake my head. "I'm the lucky one. You're amazing."

The nurse walked in. "Ok recruit, time for your check." I immediately stand and Anna hides her phone.

The nurse looks at us both. "Hello, Alpha."

I clear my throat and stand rigid. "Hi. Just checking in on my recruit here."

She smirks and arches a brow. "I'm sure you are. She's healing nicely. I don't see any problems, but she'll still have to stay here at least another 24 hrs to be sure."

I nod. I grab back my bag and turn to the nurse. "Thanks for the update. I'll let her superior know."

The nurse nods in acknowledgment.

"I'll check in with you tomorrow recruit."

"Thanks, Alpha." She says giving me that fucking adorable two finger salute. It's hard to contain myself when she does that.

I clear my throat again. "Yes. Well. I'll be going. Nurse." I nod my head goodbye and turn on my heels and stride out the door.

I feel like a complete idiot. That could've been way smoother. I need to check myself real quick.

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