The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 21

(Chapter song ‘Whatever It Takes' by Imagine Dragons)


Ok. I've heard all the guys talking. Of course, I keep my own mouth shut. After my display weeks ago, the last thing I want these Alpha types to know is I broke my own rules abd have been sleeping with Anna for two months.

I never actually looked, but there really is a ton of places for a little hot sex. The woods is our main spot. It’s a huge thick wood with lots of room to make Anna scream. The weekends, she’s either at my place or I’m at hers.

The bars are tricky. I want so bad to show her off, but I can’t. The Falcon is a favorite of both the Unit and the Border guys. There’s lots of bastards who’d just love to run to Stevens.

I only have a few weeks left, so I have to be patient just a little longer.

After checking in and stopping by the barracks, I grab my training schedule and head across the lot to the field where my recruits await.

I'm looking over my paperwork as I walk when a large arm falls on my shoulder.

"Hey buddy, how was the weekend." Blade slaps my chest and winks.

I stop and shrug him off, smiling. "Good. Well, it got better."

He pulls his long, black hair into a ponytail. The unit wanted him to cut it off, but he basically told them that anyone who comes at him with scissors is a dead man. He's a big guy, so they let it slide.

I arch a brow. "What are you doing here anyway?"

He stuffs his hands in his pockets and shrugs. "They were looking for volunteers for recruit training, so I put in. It gets me away from the stupid border shadow and I get to troll you about your fucked up love life." He elbows my arm, chuckling.

I flip through more papers. "My love life is off the table, Blade. No one can even get a whiff of me and Anna, ok. Not here."

He crosses his arms. "Yeah, yeah. I get it. I'll still rib you when no one's watching."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, it's a good thing you're here. We've got a boat load coming in. Trainers are gonna be short."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I saw that. What? Are they just taking anyone now?"

I blow out a breath. "I guess so. We may be stretched thin, but we need the bodies."

"Well, I'm up for it. Maybe I can get myself a hottie fighter too." He wiggles his brow.

I shake my head. "You're not here to get laid, Blade. You're here to work."

We continue to walk toward the field.

"No harm in trying right?" He laughs.

I groan. "Just....go set up your team."

He slaps my back and struts off. Chest puffed out and a swagger in his step.

I shake my head and follow.


I saunter up to my team. I look around across the field, Blade's doing the same. Both of us eyeing our recruits.

I catch Anna's eyes. She's standing nice and tall. A far cry from the attitude filled stance she had last week.

I'm trying so hard not to beam with pride. I decide to look at the grass instead as I walk back and forth.

I stop in the center in front of the lines of eyes glued to me.

"Good morning!" I start. "I trust you all had a good break."

Snickers and whispers floated through the formation.

I clear my throat to get them back on track. "Well, I hope the hangovers aren't too bad because welcome to Hell Week!"

Faces turn to neighbors with questions only to be answered with shrugs.

"This week we are going to beat down on you. Test your limits. It's also when we see your wolves."

That got attention. Silent Yes' slipped out.

I walk back and forth again. "Recruits, turn around!"

They all turn toward the forest that surrounds training fields.

" 200 acres of raw, unkempt terrain. This week, in both human and wolf form, you'll be navigating this terrain in two teams."

"Eyes on me!" I bark. They turn again. "Inside, there are 20 flags scattered throughout the woods. Two colors. Red and green. The team with the most opposing teams' flags, wins. You'll have four hours to get the flags, regroup and get back here!"

Grins and cocky faces can be seen as I float my eyes over them.

"Do not underestimate this challenge! These woods can be deadly. You'll need your team mates to help you. If you are hurt, mind link for help! We will find you!"

I turn around and get Blades attention, wave him and his recruits over.

I turn back. "You will be red and Alpha Blades recruits will be green!"

Blade stops behind me and his recruits stop behind him. We all know each other, but my recruits seem to be eyeing up Blades.

"Oh, and one other thing...." I clasp my hands behind my back and I look at Blade with a smirk. "This challenge.... will be full contact!"

Some of the recruits were grinning ear to ear, rubbing hands together. Whispers of excitement rose like waves over both groups.

"You will have 15 minutes to choose your captains and format a plan. Starting Now!"

The recruits all huddle up.

I stand next to Blade. He looks at me with an evil grin on his face. "Welcome to hell week."



We're all huddled together going over the plan. We chose a kid named Greg as Captain. He's smart, a born leader. Popular with the recruits. He organizes us into smaller groups to spread out.

River blows a whistle to signal our time is up.

"Do you have your captains?!" He yells.

"Sir, yes sir!" We all say.

"Four hours! Starting..." We all get ready to run into the woods.


We take off, hitting the trees at pretty much the same time.

We branch off into our smaller groups. I have Fiona and a guy named Mark with me.

We run, jumping over rocks and logs. Pushing through dense brush.

I hear people fighting already.

We were about twenty minutes in when we spotted our first green flag hanging from a tree.

We positioned ourselves behind a group of trees. I peek around the tree and see no one around the flag. I motion Fiona to flank left and Mark flank right.

We approach the flag.

A twig snaps and four of Blades guys jump from the brush.

Fiona gives one guy two solid blows to the face and he falls. Mark flips two guys on their backs and I high kick the last guy. I motion for Fiona to step on my hand and I lift her up to grab the flag. We take a quick second to celebrate and run off before we get jumped again.

We spend the next 2 hours, just walking over the opposing teams' recruits, punching and kicking our way through

"Ok, huddle up." I call Fiona and Mark. "We have 5 flags. I just linked the other captains. Brad has 5, Chris has 6, Franco has 3. That means there's one flag left"

Mark scratched his head. "I'm pretty sure there's a river just west of here."

Fiona glances between us both. "It's got to be there."

I smirk. "Let's get that flag."

We head west and sure enough a large river rumbled into existence. I scan the bank and don't see anything. My shoulders drop.

I was about to make the call when Fiona yelled "There!" She pointed to a tree across the rapids.

"Great." I sigh.

Mark looks up the river. "Look." He points to a fallen log bridge.

We run for it. I test it with my foot. "Seems solid."

Mark jumps up on it. It doesn't move. "Let's go." He waves.

We balance our way across. My foot slips and I almost lose my balance. I catch my footing and blow out a breath. My heart is racing.

Mark made it over and I was almost across when Fiona fell.

"Fiona!" I yell. She's hanging onto a branch. Her lower half being pulled by the force of the water.

"HELP!" She screams. Panic filled her face.

I run to her and reach out. "Fiona grab my hand!"

She shakes her head no. "I can't!"

"Yes, you can. Just grab it." I yell at her.

Mark balanced back to us. "Come on, Fiona. You can do it."

As she fights the current from pulling her off, she quickly reaches out and grabs my hand.

I quickly pull her to the log. The current is strong and threatening to rip her from my grip.

"ANNA, PLEASE!" Fiona’s crying now.

I grit trying to hold her. Trying to pull her back onto the log. "Mark!" I grind out.

He reaches down and grabs the back of Fiona's pants. He pulls on her and she starts to rise up out of the water. I move from her arms to her armpits. Pulling her. Mark managed to grab her leg and yank her the rest of the way onto the log.

"Thank you." She pants. Laying on her stomach on the log.

As we check her over, a signal flare is shot into the sky. Signaling the end of the game.

"Damn" I sigh. "Come on, Let's go.”

We stumble out of the woods. Dirty, wet, sore and tired.

River eyes me as I walk out. I must look pathetic. I lean my hands in my knees. The look on his face completely reflects how I feel.

Blades team is celebrating. We turn in our flags. One short.

River smiles once he confirms we are all here. "Good try recruits. You'll get 'em next time." Once he's satisfied that everyone is OK, he announces. "That's it for this morning. Hit the showers. Have a good lunch!"

We all slump off to the barracks.

Fiona was really depressed. "I'm sorry guys. If I hadn't fallen, we would've won."

I smile. “It's not your fault. We'll win the next one." I put my arm around her.

"Yeah." She breaths.

I give her a shake. "We did pretty damn good. You should be proud."

She smiled. "We did, didn't we."

"Yep. We'll kick some ass tomorrow."

She smiled and scrunched her face. "Yeah, we will."

We both giggle and head for the showers.


We enter the mess hall. I grab my tray and walk over to the food. Fiona slides up beside me. "So..."

"So..." I say back.

She slaps my arm. "Come on, Anna. Tell me you and the sexy Alpha don’t have a thing going.”

I shake my head. “You can keep asking, but we are doing anything.” I’ve been harassed by everyone in my circle since Michael punched River in the bar. I’m not breaking.

She shakes her head. "I don't believe it." She squints her eyes. "You're hiding something."

I glance out into the tables and catch River's gaze. I look away, tucking my hair behind my ear. I grab my food. "I'm not hiding anything.”

We sat down with some guys from our recruit team. Franco apparently heard our conversation. “I think somethings going on. That deck was too awesome for nothing.” He acted out Michael punching River. He chuckled. "The Alpha never saw it coming."

I tilt my head. "It's not something to joke about, Franco."

Mark leaned over. "No. But you have to admit, dudes got a mean left hook."

I hold up my sandwich. "It was stupid and immature. I'm just glad it didn't get any worse."

Chris leans on the table. "So, what. Was that guy a crazy ex or something?"

I sigh. "Something like that.

Mark squints his eyes. "And what's with the Alpha?"

I almost gag on my food. "What do you mean?"

Mark puts his arm out to me. "Come on Anna. We see the looks. We know you’re sneaking off to do the nasty.”

I put my sandwich down and look at Fiona.

She smiles a guilty smile. “I may have mentioned seeing you sneak out of the barracks a few times.”

“Fiona!” I whine.

“I’m sorry!” She defends.

I was about to close the door on this rumor when River sends me a private link.

'First I'll slowly peel off your shirt'

I try to keep my composure.

'Then I'll rip off your pants.'

I'm trying to ignore him as the heat build in my core.

'Then I'll take off your bra and lick those gorgeous nipples.'

I clear my throat and grab a drink of my water. Everyone's talking and I'm trying to fake being engaged, but really my insides are burning.

'Then I'll peel off your panties...with my teeth.'

When I see everyone is distracted, I quickly glance over my shoulder.

River's looking at me, nonchalantly, with his elbow on the table. Resting his temple on his fingers. He's smirking.

I squint my eyes.

'Knock it off.' I link him back. He casually shakes his head no.

I turn back, trying to bite back the smile that's trying to form on my face. I pick up my sandwich and take a bite.

'I'm gonna fuck you so hard tonight.'

My core is on fire. I can feel myself getting wet.

'Stop it!' I link again.

'I can smell your arousal from here.' I can hear the cocky smirk in his tone.

'You want to get caught, don't you?'

'No. But watching you squirm is so fun.'

I shake my head. 'You're such a child.'

'And you love it.'

I glance over my shoulder and smile quickly. He gives a little wave.

I stand up "Well, I'm gonna get going and prepare for the afternoon."

Fiona waves. "K. See ya later."

I take my tray to the kitchen and leave.

River better cool it if he doesn't want me jumping him in the middle of the barracks.

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