The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 20


Beep, beep, beep

I open my eye to sunlight pouring in through the windows. My alarm screaming to wake up.

I reach over and tap my screen. River squeezes his arm around my waist tighter and growls.

After our make up in the rain, he followed me back to my place and had a night filled with hot, sexy make up sex. But now, it's Monday morning and we have to report back to the unit.

I smile and spin around in his arm.

His eyes are still closed and he pulls me closer. "Too early." He mumbles.

I plant tiny kisses on his nose. "Wake up, soldier boy." I whisper. "We've got to get to work."

He opens his sleepy eye. "No." Closes it and pulls me tighter.

I giggle, giving him more small kisses. "Come on. Wake up."

He lets out a growl and pulls me on top of him.

"Screw that. We're staying here all day." He nuzzles my neck, running his fingers up and down my spine.

I try to break free, pushing on his chest. "Let's go, Alpha. We have 2 hrs."

He rolls us over so he's on top. Making me yelp a little.

"Hey, you don't give the orders, I do. Remember?" He smirks and runs his fingers down my cheek. "And I say we screw duty call and stay right here."

He starts kissing my face and pressing his hardness to my core. Making me quietly moan as hold his cheeks and kiss him back.

Then responsibility crashes in. "Nope. No. No. I need a shower and we need to go."

He gets off me, whining. "Fine." He grumbles. "You know this is going to be a hard week. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to keep my hands off you."

I throw on my robe. Taking in this gorgeous man sitting, leaning on my headboard with the sheet barely covering his lower region. "I know. But at least we have our weekends. And it won't be forever, right?" I lean and give him a quick kiss.

"Yeah. If you pass training in three months, we won't have to keep us quiet anymore." He smiles, bites his lip and bounces his brow.

I shake my head and laugh. I grab clothes out of my dresser and turn to the bathroom.

He stands and stretches.

I drop my clothes off and walk to my closet. "Your clothes are in the dryer. Um...." I pull out a box and carry it to my bed. "These are some of David's clothes. I just hadn't gotten around to throwing them out. You....You can see if there's something you can throw on."

He looks at me with compassion. "You sure?"

I scratch my head. "Uh...Yeah. It's fine. Really. At least they'll be put to good use."

He nods.

I give him another kiss. "Ok. I'll be in the shower. The dryer's downstairs off the kitchen."

He smiles and I head to the bathroom.

As I waited for the water to heat up, I couldn't help but notice the feeling in my chest.

For the first time, in four years, I felt a feeling that I thought was lost to me forever.

I felt happy. Like everything was finally starting to make sense again. As I looked in the mirror I also noticed another thing. The pain in my shoulder has died down. Since my bond broke, it was chronic. A stabbing reminder of what I lost.

My hand travels to where my mark was and I rub it. I actually forgot it was supposed to hurt.

I turn my eyes to the door with my brows stitched up. I chew on my cheek.

I felt like I was staring into the darkness of the hole I dug myself and someone has just tossed down a rope. Begging me to climb out.

Yesterday, on the road, I was hurt by Rivers actions. I thought I could just walk away, but seeing him, drenched in rain, pleading with me, I realized I couldn't stay mad at him. What he did was bad. He intentionally messed with my life, but I truly believe it's for the better. I was pissed to join the unit at first, but now I feel like I belong there. Not just because of River, but to fill a void. To make a change. River was right. The unit is good for me and so is he.



Once Anna was in the shower, I opened the box and rifled through the clothes.

I found a pair of grey track pants. David was apparently my size. It felt weird stepping into another man's pants. I suddenly felt weird about stepping into his girl too. I felt like he was here. Staring me down. I felt like I needed to say something.

As I closed the box, I whispered, "Don't worry, man. I'll take good care of her." I patted the box like I was clapping his back and left the room.

I bounced down the stairs, whistling to myself and turned down the hallway toward the kitchen, when there was a knock at the front door.

I stopped, turning slowly on my toes and glancing first upstairs then to the front door. Wondering if I should answer it. With Anna in the shower, I guess I kind of have to.

I slowly approach the door and open it.

The person standing in the doorway makes my eyes narrow and my jaw tick. I immediately get my back up and cross my arms. Swelling my chest making my Alpha Son title known. He’s pack. He knows where he stands.

Michael is leaning on the frame, eyeing me up and down. I'm shirtless and in a pair of track pants, projecting my feelings toward him.

He stands straight, backs up a couple steps and nods as he gets the picture.

"Uh, Anna around?"

"Why?" I grumble, my eyes flare a tiny bit and I tilt my head.

"I just want to apologize to her for everything before she's leaves for the unit." He rubs the back of his neck.

I grab the door. "I'll tell her..." I start to close it. I want this fucking guy gone before Anna sees him.

"Wait!" He slams his hand on the door to stop me.

I glare at him. I slowly turn my head to his hand and back to him. I must have upped my Alpha because his face falls and he slowly removes his hand from the door.

"Look, man." He shuffles his feet. "I'm sorry I punched you. I was just going a little crazy. Me and Anna....we go way back. I'm just afraid of losing her. Like out of my life. Clearly, she's made her choice. I get that now. I've lost her as my girl, I just don't want to lose her as a friend." He holds his hands up in surrender as he pleads his case.

I stood, biting the inside of my lip as I contemplating his words. Trying to determine if this guy’s is a fucking liar.

As much as I'd love to tell him to fuck off, I have no right to do that, but I don't trust him. With Anna and I not being mates, it means he can sweep in at any moment and take her from me. The Alpha in me wants to throw him off the porch. My wolf's clawing at my ribcage tells me he wants to as well, but I have to use my brain here. Not my emotions. He's Anna's friend. He's kept her sane when her world was destroyed. I have to give him that much.

I step aside, not losing my puffed chest and rigid stance. "Anna's in the shower. She'll be down in a few minutes. You can wait in the kitchen." My tone is harsh, dominating. Making it known my wolf has staked his claim here. I'm allowing him entrance, but he needs to know he doesn't have an in.

He walks past me and my glare follows him. I shut the door and follow him to the kitchen.

He sits at the table, clasping his hands in front of him. He keeps his head low and gradually looks around.

The silence was uncomfortable so I figured I better be somewhat respectable. "You...uh. Want a coffee or something?" I offer.

He looks at me. "Waters good."

I go to the fridge, pull out a bottle and slide it to him across the table.

He lifts it to me. "Thanks."

I nod.

It's a very nerve-racking exchange. It's taking everything for me to not go off the rails, but I'm doing this for Anna's sake. If we're to be together, I need to accept her life as she's accepted mine.

I lean against a shelf, periodically glancing down the hall, watching for Anna.

After about five minutes, she bounds down the stairs.

I stand up and watch her come into the kitchen.

She sees the confused and concerned look on my face. "Hey, what are you..."

As she enters, I turn my gaze to Michael who stands. "Hey, Anna."

She looks at me. I shrug. She turns to Michael. "What do you want?" She spits.

"I just want to talk with you." He glances at me quickly. "Alone."

She turns to me as I shake my head no. She rubs my arms reassuringly. "I'll just be a few minutes. You need to get ready anyway. Just grab your clothes and go and freshen up. It'll be fine."

I fought my insides. This is not what I want, but I trust Anna. It's her business and right now, I have no business making it mine. "Fine. Ten minutes. Tops." I give her kiss and walk into the laundry room. Grabbing my clothes.

As I walk past Michael, I whip my head to him and point a finger. "Don't... upset her." I grit. Holding back what I really wanted to say.

He puts his hands up and watches me leave.

My mind races as I walk up the stairs. Half of me wants to turn around and demand my presence, but the other half knows if I do that, I'll upset Anna and she's more important. But hopefully my little warning will hold a bigger punch. Anna's mine and anyone who upsets my baby girl will see my fist.

I'm grumbling to myself as I enter the bathroom. Morning ruined. I just hope it's not my whole day.



I know I really shouldn't be here. I had planned to respect her wishes, but I couldn't end things the way we did.

I know how crazy I became this weekend and I wanted to tell Anna it's not who I am. I wanted to explain myself again in a way that she understands.

Seeing his car in the driveway made my heart deflate. It was made worse when he answered the door half naked, coated in her scent. It then solidified what I already knew. She chose him over me.

Even still, I had to make things right. If not for Anna, but me as well. I couldn't go the week feeling like this. It was too much.

"Speak." She said. A frigid tone fell off that single word.

I clear my throat. "Anna. I'm sorry. For everything. Everything I put you through. I realize now what I dick I've become. I know you've made your choice and I'm happy for you. I really am. I know it's too late for us as a couple, but is it too late for us as best friends?" My eyes pleaded with her.

Her body seemed to calm. She almost looked relieved. "Michael. I never wanted to stop our friendship. I wanted to stop the obsession. If you're truly happy for me. Truly want to step aside, then I won't end our friendship."

I shake my head. "No. I won't get in the way of you and River. I can see how much he cares for you. In a way, he looks at you like David did before the bond took hold. I see how happy you are. Like really happy. I haven't seen that sparkle in your eye for so long. I'd be a massive dick if I got in the way of that."

She sits down. "Yes, you would. Look, I can't ask you to feel different. I can't expect you to change anything. Just know, I didn't turn to River to hurt you. If things were different, who knows. River was unexpected. I didn't intend on falling for him, but now I have. I was hoping you'd just be happy for me and move on and I still do. I'm sorry things turned out this way. I still need you, Michael. You're my best friend. Seen me at my worst. You were always there. I hope you can still be there as a friend."

I sat in the seat next to her and took her hand in mine. "I'll always be there for you Anna. I've said that countless times. No matter how much we fight and hurt each other, I will be right here. To help you with anything. Just say the word. I'm here."

She smiles. "Thank you. That's good to hear. I miss you, Michael. As a friend. Can we just get back to normal?"

I smile back. "It won't be easy for me, but I'll try. Eventually, I'll get over it. I'm just glad you've forgiven me enough to let me stay in your life."

She reaches out and wraps her arms around my shoulders in a hug. "I forgive you Michael. Now, no more craziness, ok?"

I hug her back. "No more craziness. I promise."

I was just feeling her warmth, when River clears his throat from the entrance to the kitchen.

We break apart and look at his disapproving face. I get the feeling our hug crossed the line.

He glares at me once again. "Baby girl, we have to hit the road."

She exchanges glances between us. "Uh, yeah. Michael, I have to go. Um...thanks for the talk."

"No problem." I stand in front of River. "I know we got off to a rocky start, but I'm glad Anna has you. You take good care of our girl or you'll have me to answer to." I cock a smile at him.

He seems to almost instantly relax, but there's still an air of distrust. "Don't worry about that. I'd die before I let anything happen to her."

I point a finger in his face. "I'm gonna hold you to that." I clap a hand on his shoulder and walk past him to the door. Anna follows.

I turn. "Anything you need, just call."

She opens the door and smiles. "I will."

I walk out.



I close the door and River snakes his arms around my waist. Resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Everything ok?"

I wrap my arms on his and melt into him. "Yeah. I think so."

I turn around wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you for letting me talk with him."

I pull her close. "Honestly, I wanted to return the punch he gave me, but he's your friend and your business. I have no say in who you talk to. I may not like it. May throw some attitude, but I won't stop you unless I have to." He gives me a quick kiss.

I grin. "You're really something, you know that?"

He kisses me again. "So are you. Now we have to go."

We separate and River grabs our bags. He puts mine on my bike and gives me a kiss.

"See you later, recruit." He smirks.

"Yes, sir." I give him my two-finger salute.

He laughs and turns to his car. He gets in, revs and backs out onto the road.

Now for the start of our secret affair. Sneaking kisses and maybe other quick get togethers, but it's so worth it.

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