The End of Innocence: Book 3 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 51: The Cage

A week ago. England.

The storm throttles and wails against the magical barrier which prohibits us from leaving the trap which we so foolishly had fallen into. The sky itself appeared to prevent the passing of time. We have no idea of how long we have been lingering here.

After the final call from whoever trapped us, our phones lost all connection. We no longer possessed any means of communication to the outside world.

Viktor had been circling the barrier, attempting to find a weak point for us to break through. But even he, a man whose family is known for such acts of mitigation, stood frustrated. His magic flares, as his hands skim the surface of the barrier. Pressing deeply into it, searching…searching…deciphering. But ultimately nothing.

“This is utter nonsense,” he growls, still attempting to break through.

The barrier buckles once more as Sil’vari launched herself into it. The impact sent ripples which spread across the entirety of the near-invisible dome. The dragon lets out a heavy roar of defiance, having been hurled back towards what remains of the house which recently been destroyed during a failed attempt of escape.

“I swear,” she growls, “if I ever find out whoever erected this barrier to keep me from my baby sister, I personally will rip their spines from their bodies.”

The dragon shrugs off some of the fallen debris from her body. She angrily flew towards the barrier, blasting it once more with her flames, only for the attack to once more be rebounded onto her. She spins in the air and kicks it away, landing on the charred remnants of our vehicles.

I stare at the barrier, equally worried if not more so. My little girl is in danger for her life. I know for certain she’d fight with every ounce of her being. I trained her too well.

Not to mention that whoever foolishly had come to seek her life, would soon discover a young girl ready to face them head on. I still had to find some way of freeing ourselves from this prison, but after that…there still stood the chance of us arriving too late to come to her aid.

My hands sway over the barrier, glowing magical circles floated in front of me, filled with ancient text which rolls and spins, attempting to decipher a means for our escape. But each time I drew close to a solution, the spell merely shattered and had to start all over again. In all my years of experience, learning, centuries of living, why can’t I decipher this barrier? Why…why won’t it fall?


I turn to see Arcturus walking towards me. My eyes dart from side to side, knowing he too had been trying to find a means to our freedom.

“Had any luck?”

I clench my fists, “None,” feeling hot stinging tears roll down my cheeks, “none at all.”

I turn towards him, burying my face into his chest, “I’m so worried about her, Arcturus. What…what if we aren’t able to escape from here? What if we are too late to save her?” My voice choked, breaking into the beginnings of a cry.

He wraps his arms around me, holding my crumbling form tightly, “Your daughter is strong, Rachel. She will fight on and survive. And she’s not alone. Her knights, your combat maids are all with her. She also possesses her bonded wolf. I know he too will fight to keep her safe.”

His hand cups my chin, raising it, “You must have hope and faith in her.”

My heart pounds heavily within my chest. The closeness of his breath fell upon the top of my face. It felt hot, reassuring. His fingers clench tightly around my frame, giving me strength, support.

His eyes bore gently down onto me, glittering with the love I had long come to cherish from him. But…my worry for Aria grew with each passing moment. I want to be with my girl more than anything in that moment, and would gladly give all that I am to escape.

I wipe the tears from my face. I have to remain strong, strong for my daughter. But we need help. I pray softly, the recipient didn’t matter, whether it be God or the Devil himself. Just for someone to come aid us.

“What might I ask are you doing here Rivenfeld?

The sound of rings chiming fill my ears, feeling a powerful presence wash over us all, causing even the dragon to stop midflight. The smell of fresh spring flowers and budding trees surround us.

The voice sounded gentle as a breeze yet carries the raw power of a raging maelstrom. I slowly turned; knowing to whom the voice belonged.

There, a few mere feet away from us, stands the queen of the fae. Her hair was darker than the deepest abyss, stretching to the ground and further still. Her skin seemed pale, possessing a milky hue.

Her deep emerald eyes glitter with curiosity and concern. Her midnight-blue dress draped around her body, appearing to be more akin to a large flowing night gown. Golden rings adorn her wrists, clanging like wind chimes in a breeze.

“Titania,” I whisper.

The fae queen slowly steps towards me, her gown moved more as mist rather than fabric, showing her bare feet. Flower and vines intertwine around her brow, forming a sort of crown. She looks to me, still full of curiosity.

I gently tear myself from Arcturus’ grip and slowly turned to meet her, only stopping a few steps from her. “My daughter is in danger, Your Majesty. We were lured here into a trap. I fear for her.”

Her eyes flare with fury, her four-fingered hands clench into fists, “Who would dare bring harm upon my Little Fox?”

Her presence grows heavy, pressing hard against us all, threatening to drag the four of us into the ground. Her hair floats around her, as though caught in a strong breeze.

My knees buckle under the strain, feeling her pressure pushing hard against my chest. But I mustn’t falter, not now.

“I do not know, Your Majesty, only that we must leave this place.” My eyes met hers, knowing her anger wasn’t directed towards me. But Titania presented the opportunity we needed to gain our freedom…and more.

I drop to my knees, my hands splay out onto the ground, and head bared low. “Please…I beg of you, Your Majesty. I will gladly pay any price, make any deal, offer any favor. Just please…please send us home. Please send me home to save my little girl.”

Those around me stand in shock. I am a proud woman, strong and willing to never back down from any person for whatever the reason. But with my daughter in danger, even I must humble myself, to cast aside my pride, just for her. I am a mother, which meant I am more than willing to bring myself low into the dirt just for my little girl.


My heart stops, feeling as though someone had plunged a dagger straight through it. My body freezes, fearing as somehow my display has offended the fae queen in some manner.

I lift my head, eyes bulging wide, gazing at her, fresh tears streaming down my cheeks. “Why?”

Titania kneels down in front of me, her hand rests on my face, stroking it, “I will not barter any deal, ask for any favor, accept any price if it is to aid that little girl.”

A gentle smile adorns her face, “Dry your tears, my Lady, for you must steel yourself for battle.” She reaches down and takes my hand, lifting me back onto my feet.

I sniff, brushing away my tears, “I thank you, Your Majesty,” forming a weak smile. “Aria told me the two of you had been speaking to one another for the past year. She even told me if I were to see you that I was send you her regards.”

The fae grins, “Did she now? I have grown incredibly fond of the Little Fox. Dare I say love her. She truly is a treasure, if not a bit of a tease at times. I find her ability to make me laugh to be a joy.”

I chuckle chokingly, “Yes…yes I shall agree with you on that.”

She sighs, “I will also say I have become a bit jealous of you, Rivenfeld, to have such a girl as your daughter. I too wish to hold that little girl in my arms once more. If you will allow me to.”

I chuckle softly, “If you ever wish to, then yes.” I stared into her eyes, “She is a wonder and cherishment, one I hold ever close to my heart.”

She holds my hands tightly, “Then return to her side, my fairy road shall take you exactly where you need to be.”

A fairy road is the means by which the fae travel unseen across distances. Normally it’s not visible to the naked eye, but sometimes shown for flare. This is how she came to visit my girl nearly two years ago in the forest. Her glen truly is special, having felt a strange connection to the fae since I first settled there well over a century ago.

Her hand lets go, and fingers snap, easily shattering the barrier which had imprisoned us. The storm, which had been hounding us, also dissipates as if it were ever there to begin with. The sound of phones then rang loudly around us, with Viktor and Arcturus each quickly answering them.

“Rachel,” sounds Viktor as he run towards me, “We’ve been here for a full day.”

I looked back to him, “But…that can’t be, we’ve only been here for a couple hours at most.” My eyes then widen, as fear creeps up my spine, “Oh God…Aria…she, she.”

A hand then cups my face, “The Little Fox is strong, Rivenfeld. Have faith in your child. Go to her, and make sure she is safe.”

I turn back to the fae. My heart settles down once more, feeling the fear becoming replaced with renewed hope. I took a deep breath, feeling the air fill my lungs, and exhaling, “ Aria is strong,” chuckling, “she is my daughter after all.”

Titania smiles, “That she is. A child treasured by many.”

I look to her, “Will you not join us in battle?”

A sly smirk rises from her, “Rivenfeld, surely you not have a being such as I there already?”

I chuckle once more, “Yes…and knowing her, she’ll have requested him to remain in the rear as support. She would have wanted to face her attackers, without sending them away. If she had asked Xiphos to do so, it might have made her appear to be nothing more than a coward, which might affect my reputation.”

“You have a truly have mindful daughter,” chortles the fae.

I smirk, “I have a warrior for a child. While I know she more than likely tried to avoid conflict, she shall seek it in order to protect herself and those she loves.”

The fae then leans in, “Go to her, if she is in danger, aid her.” She raises her hand. A pink circle of pure magic begins to materialize before us, growing larger and larger with each moment. A strange wind blows from it.

“I wish for you arrive in time Rivenfeld. The Little Fox needs you, perhaps…more than you know.”

I turn to her, “Thank you. When this is over, please visit us. I know Aria will very much like to see you. You two are friends now after all.”

The fae smiles thinly, “In time but,” feeling the wind blow against her, the smile then drops into a slight look of fear, “you must hurry. I will come once the fires and pain have abated for a time.”

I look to her for a moment, uncertain of how a being such as her could become afraid.

The loud thud of armored feet sounded behind as Sil’vari ran over to us. “Rachel, we have to go. Little Wing needs us. I can smell fresh blood in the air, not sure who it belongs to. But judging by how much there is, someone’s not going to make it.”

I stare at her, nodding, then turned back to the fae, “A thousand thanks once more Your Majesty.”

Titania smiles, “Just go Rivenfeld. Go to the Little Fox.”

I bow my head and slowly step away from her, feeling her hand releasing from mine and walk over to the portal.

The four of us each look to the other. We stand ready for battle, ready to rush to the side of my little girl. I look back towards Titania, who now held her hands, folded over her chest. I smile, and step forth through the portal and onto an uncertain battlefield.

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