The End of Innocence: Book 3 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 35: Before

I spent the next few hours in the parlor with my nose buried deeply in my book. I’m grateful that it’s a long one, definitely needed something to distract me from everything.

I still had no word from my mother or Silvi. Even Arcturus and Viktor weren’t returning my calls. Given my Skype call with Kerrigan, I know she’ll be contacting her parents about what’s going on. So I have that going for me.

The parlor has been a place of refuge when I needed somewhere else to think. I didn’t want to head back out onto the Estate, knowing I’d more than likely head for my glen.

Apart from being a comfortable and a pretty place to relax, it pretty much is the central hub of the Manor. I often couldn’t help but find myself here. So I curled myself up onto the couch and press my knees into my chest and read.

I heard a knock on the door, peering over the top of my book to see Abigale with a cart. I smiled motioning her in. She bowed and opened the door, stepping inside with the cart. “Would you like some tea Young Miss?”

I bob my head, turning yet another page in the book. The kikimora places a cup onto the table before me, along with a small plate of sweets.

She smiles to me, “Feeling any better since this morning, Young Miss?”

I look up at her, shrugging, “No different than a usual session with Lyra. But I did have a slight ache in my thighs from all the jumping I was doing.”

She smiles, pouring some tea into the cup, “You seemed to have been having fun today.”

A grin stretches across my face, “Well…finally got to train with them, so I definitely call that a victory.” She places the pot back onto the cart.

I roll over on the couch and pick up the cup, drawing in a long breath to take in the bitter aroma of the tea. I look up at her, drawing a sly grin, “So are you and Fenris ‘getting along’ well each other?”

Her face scowls, as she leans over, “Whatever has been going through that little mind of yours, you can stop it right here and now.”

I giggle, “Oh come on Miss Abigale. I’ve seen how the both of you are together. I know you two have been sneaking off a lot, and then there was the night he and I came back from Japan. Clearly you missed each other.”

She rolls her eyes, flicking my head, “He and I are merely friends Young Miss, nothing more.”

I giggle, rubbing my head, “Uh-huh,” grinning even wider, “so…”

She place her hand over my mouth, “No more from you, Young Miss. Fenris and I are friends, and I will say nothing more on the matter. Am I understood?”

I pull back, grinning, “Yes ma’am.”

She smiles, gently ruffling my hair, “Nosy little fox.” I giggle even more.

She straightens up and places a couple napkins onto the table. “If you need anything Young Miss, merely call for it.”

I nod to her, “Thank you Miss Abigale.”

The kikimora bows and pushes the cart away, but not before slapping the back of my head with her tail. I crane my head over to her, seeing a smile on her face as she leaves. I giggle, shaking my head.

I hear the door creak open once more, peering up to see Kateryna walking into the parlor, also carrying a book. I smile to her as she steps over to the chair across from me, “Mind if I join you, Your Highness?”

I smile, “Sure.”

She bows her head and takes a seat, opening her book. I take a sip of tea, returning to my own. A steady calm settles over the room, with the only activity being two people reading together.

I turn another page, surprised to discover that I had reached the two-hundredth in only a few short hours. The book wasn’t a difficult one per se, but flowed pretty easily. I lean over and push the plate of sweets over to the elf, “Care for some?”

She smiles, “Why thank you, Your Highness,” picking up a cookie and nibbling on it.

“You’re welcome,” moving back onto the couch.

“So you truly do love books don’t you, Your Highness?”

I bob my head, “Yep. Aside from studying, reading for fun is a great hobby of mine. You saw my room; I have several huge bookcases filled to the brim with books. I’m thinking I might need another one once I finished with the last of my backlog from Japan.”

The elf chuckles, “I noticed. Lady Serasfall and Princess Celestine were avid readers themselves. When not dealing with courtly matters or their cousins, they would often be found huddled around a book, much like you are.”

She then leans back into her seat, “Oh how you would have loved the family library; nearly, if not larger than the one here at the Manor. Rows upon rows of bookshelves with a second floor equally as expansive as the first, filled with books from all over Europe dating back centuries. I truly must thank monsieur Gutenberg. For without his incredible invention, the library wouldn’t nearly have been filled as it was.”

I grin. I guess certain hobbies are genetic. “You’ve told me about Celestine, what was her mother like?”

The elf smiles, “One could describe her as a force of nature if pushed too far, which tended to be often when dealing with Nethune. She was stern but ever so loving of a woman, whom cared deeply for her family. She oversaw the estate while his Lordship was away on business. Intelligent beyond words, and extremely skilled in arcane arts, possibly greater than that of Laevatain’s master magi. I remember one day she was able to discern what she referred to as ‘a puzzle hidden within a ruse, masked by a justified lie’.”

I raise an eyebrow, “Come again?”

She chuckles, “Believe me Your Highness, I too never quite understood what she meant by it. I will also state that if you and she were to have ever met, she could possibly have you acting much like her household within a week or so.”

I smirk, “Sounds like Rachel in a way.”

The elf grins, “Your mother and Lady Serasfall actually got along rather well.”

My eyes bulge, but then realize they must’ve met while Rachel was in Dewloura. Guess the world back then wasn’t as big as I thought.

I pan over to her gauntlet, seeing it under her long sleeve. “Can I ask you something else?”

She looks up, quickly marking her place and closes her book, “How may I help you, Your Highness?”

I point to her gauntlet, “You and Orga’s weapons are really unlike anything I’ve seen before. Well, I know Rachel can transform her staff into a sword that looks like yours, but doubt it’s the same. So what I want to know if they are what most Dewlouran knights wielded.”

She nods, placing her book onto the table, and draws her sword. “Weapons such as this were only crafted and utilized by House Shyair. As knights, we weren’t privy to many of their secrets, save for a very select few. Those lay with the main family and smiths who served them, and were heavily guarded.”

She then examine it, “These weapons are powerful channelers of magic, allowing a single knight to act as a couple dozen. It is one of many reasons as to why Shyair was able to maintain its sovereignty and balance with the other Houses.”

I spin on the couch and look to her, “So is that why there’s a sword in the family crest?”

She nods, “Yes it is. Now if you are to ask why Titalos’ crest also bears a sword, it is meant to signify themselves as the guardians of Shyair. While they too were given a few secrets, the ones pertaining to how the weapons are made were not amongst them.”

I gaze deeply at her sword, “So what’s with the crystal? Do they serve any purpose?”

She grins, stroking it, “When a knight or family member was to have a weapon crafted, they are taken below the family home into an underground chamber, possibly no larger than half the size of the ballroom where these crystals grow. They shall then remove a crystal meant for them and take it to the smiths to be placed into a weapon of their design. Once fused into the sword or weapon, the wielder shall then infuse their mana into it, this results in the weapon only responding to its wielder as well as making the weapon unbreakable. Even amid of dragon flame or felfire.”

I grin, “So kinda like the One Ring?”

She looks to me, sighing, “If you are referring to the item from Tolkien’s story then no, and yes I have read it. It was among the myriad of books your mother gave to us to read.” She then cocks her head, “Fascinating story and his depiction of elves was rather intriguing if not a bit too accurate.”

I grin, turning back to her sword, “Guessing the weapons between knights and family members were the same. Well in terms having a crystal as its core.”

She sheathes the sword into her gauntlet, hearing it click back in place, “Correct Your Highness. However there are instances of rather unique designs. But would only stem from using equally unique materials.”

I nod, leaning back into the couch, “Sounds really cool, makes me wish I could’ve visited the city and watch one being made.”

I then felt like something punching me in the gut as I realized that even if I was to unseal the city, which I don’t know how, that the people there would more than likely be dead. I looked up at Kateryna, feeling guilty as I just reminded her of that fact.

I lower my head, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to make you upset if I did.”

She smiles, “You haven’t Your Highness. I deeply miss my old home and the people I served alongside and those I served. But now I have a new home and someone who needs me.”

My cheeks blush deeply, “Thanks Kateryna.”

She bows her head, “You are most welcome Your Highness.” She then leans forward, “Now if I might make an observation. Madam Abigale and you seem to have a rather peculiar relationship, with her scolding you as though she were your mother.”

I giggle, blushing, “Miss Abigale and I are really close, and I respect her a lot. But I do tend to cause a little mischief around here and she takes some pleasure in putting me in my place. Plus I do love to tease her…a lot,” giggling.

The elf grins, “Well, all families love to tease one another.” A half-smile forms on my lips, imagining a few little pranks that I might pull on her.

Her blue eyes then shoot through mine, “Don’t even bother Your Highness.” I giggle, leaning back onto the couch.

I then hear the sound of claws tapping on stone, watching as Fenris walks into the parlor. “Hey Papa Wolf, you were out for a long time.”

He saunters over to me, sitting beside the couch, “The hunt took longer than expected, and yet successful.”

I smile, reaching over and scratching him behind the ears, “Well good to have you back.” The wolf groans happily, lying down onto the floor. I grin, snatching up another cookie, and reopening my book.

An hour later I hear another knock on the door. I lean over to see the pups along with their father. I smile, motioning the trio in. The twins instantly rush over and fling themselves onto the couch, hugging me. I wrap my arms around them, squeezing them tightly, “Hey you two.”

Their little tails wag furiously, “We came so you could read to us Big Sister,” happily announces Micha.

I grin, kissing both of their heads, “So you walked all this way just for me to read to you?”

They both bob their heads. “We also know you are lonely without her Ladyship around,” adds Luna.

I sigh, hugging them even tighter than before, “Thanks you two. I mean it.” They both smile, burying their faces into my chest.

The three of us picked up the tradition of me reading to them late last summer. We didn’t do it all the often seeing how busy we could get sometimes. I had done it a few times back in the spring and shortly before I left for Japan. So this was a nice treat.

The father strolls over to us, book in hand, “Thank you Young Miss. They’ve wanted to come over for some time, but knew you have been extremely busy as of late.”

I nod to him, “Thanks Mr. Warwick, really been needing something like this.”

He smiles, and gazes out the window, “The sun is setting. I could come back after nightfall and bring them home if you wish.”

I hold the twins closer to me, “Why don’t they just spend the night here with me? I can bring them home in the morning.”

The pups’ ears quickly shoot up. “Can we really stay the night, Big Sister?” asks Micha. His sister clings tightly to me, sharing her brother’s desire.

I grin, ruffling the tops of their heads, “Yep. That is if it’s ok with your dad.”

The twins both stare up at their father, each sharing a pleading look. “Can we please Papa?” asks Luna, “we promise to be good for Big Sister.”

He walks over to us, handing me the book, “If the Young Miss is offering it, then I shall allow it. Just remember to be mindful of her, understood?” They bob their heads quickly as their tails slap against the couch.

He smiles, leaning over and kissing their foreheads, “Then I shall see you in the morning.” Again they bob their heads happily, snuggling into me. He leans over, “Take care Young Miss, and try not spoil them too much.”

“Can’t promise that,” winking to him. He smiles and bows to me before leaving.

I look to them, “Ok…let’s get started now shall we?” They nod as I open the book and start to read to them.

Another hour passes with the parlor growing darker as the sun slowly starts to set. Kateryna had gotten up and turned on the lights as night began to fall. Abigale had also come by with dinner for all of us, to which the pups gleefully gobbled down. I leaned back into the couch as they played around with Fenris after we finished the book. The wolf happily entertains them while we watch on.

I glance up the clock, reading as it 7:53. I’m starting to wonder when Marron is going to come over. Granted I have no idea where her company’s new office is or how long it was going to take to get over here. So I just have to be patient until she does. I let out sigh, just hoping it’s soon.

The pups crawl back onto the couch and curl up into me. One thing I keep forgetting was how quickly these two burn through their energy reserves. I hold them tightly to me, stroking their tiny bodies.

I lean back into the couch as they began to fall asleep, with their paw-like hands clinging to my shirt. A happy sigh leaves me, loving this moment with them. I miss being with them and was going to make it up to them at some point. I lower my head and kiss the tops of their heads, watching them slip deeper into their own little dream worlds.

A slight chill shoots through me, despite having a pair of living heating blankets resting on me. I look down at them and see both pups completely out. I smile, gently rising from the couch, making sure not to wake them. I find a couple small blankets and drape them over the pups.

I quietly step back and walk over to Kateryna, “Hey, I’m going to grab a jacket from my room, do you think you watch them until I get back?”

The elf smiles, “I believe I can Your Highness.”

I grin, “Thanks, I won’t be too long.”

She bows her head and turns towards the pups. I slip away from her and nod to Fenris who is now lying in front of the couch, draping his tails over them. I grin heading out of the parlor.

As I cross the foyer and head up the stairs I stretch, feeling my back pop after sitting down for so long. I glance upwards at the rotunda, glimpsing the slowly darkening skies. If it got too late I was going to carry the pups back up to my room for the night. I smile, imaging them sleeping with me again. It’s been awhile since they last spent the night with me. So I’m really looking forward to it.

I march down the hall and head for my room. I glance out onto the Estate, seeing clear skies. It looked like a storm might still roll in during the night, but as for the moment not right now. I did see the moon shining against the lake, even from a mile out, it still shimmers brightly. I know the gossip plans to head out in the morning for Nerazon, really wishing I could join them. But…rules are rules.

I sigh finally reaching my room. I slip inside and turn on my light. Walking over to the closet, I open it and find the jacket I bought at the mall a couple weeks ago. I put it on and zip it up, pulling my hair out from it.

I look down and find a pair of sneakers, thinking they might keep my feet warm, having worn socks all day. I lace them up, turning off the light in the closet and close it. I walk back over to the door and shut off the light as well, finally leaving my room.

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