The End of Innocence: Book 3 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 34: The Calm

I spent most of the day in my room, part studying, and part just lazing about. I couldn’t focus on much if anything. I worried about Rachel, Silvi, Velhemina not being here and how my mother’s sudden trip still not sitting well with me. I peer over to my bedside table, seeing the clock read 2:12. I rose on my bed, sitting cross-legged, pulling a pillow into my lap and hug it.

The room was still and dark, having turned off the lights roughly a couple hours ago. A soft white glow permeates the room as the sun filters through the curtains.

I pan over to my door, thinking that my doors will just fling open and there stand my mother, already back from her trip. A nice daydream, but then there’s reality, who really can be a pain sometimes.

I grumble, tossing the pillow beside me and slide off the bed and headed for “Study”. I pick up my phone, hating how lonely I was feeling and started texting Marron, who more than likely was at work.

Hey Marron, was hoping you’d like to come over tonight. Rachel and Silvi are gone and kinda feeling lonely here. Would really love to see you.

I place the phone onto the desk and open my laptop, and starts scrolling through websites. I peer over to the message stone, which sat next to a stack of books. I pull out a sheet of paper and an envelope, and starts writing.

“Hey Asha.

I know that you’re probably asleep when I send this letter, but I still just wanted to get something to you. Missing you and the girls a lot lately and wanted to give a heads up that Miriam is coming to visit the village soon. So hopefully no one is going to freak out if they feel her presence.

That being said…please for the love of God, don’t let her embarrass or scare off Kenji. He’s really a great guy and I know he’ll do everything not to upset or offend her.

But even still, please don’t let her go overboard with him. I think about him sometimes, wishing he were here in Austin. Granted he’d be dragging my friends along with him.

I still haven’t figured out my feelings for him yet. I would love nothing more than to go on another date with him. The first one was way more fun than I thought it would be.

Putting that aside, I hope you’re doing all right. Have there been any other assaults from the pair you fought back in April? I really miss the village and still would love to come back. I know you and everyone there would go ballistic if I were to.

I miss everyone there. Kenji told me that Hashibaba wanted to fly all the way here and bring me back to the village. I still blush at the idea of her carting me off and plopping me in my house there. Not too bad of a thought.

That or she’d find some way to adopt me herself and change my name so that no one would know who I was really. Hehe ok…that last part is way too out there.

But I do want you to know that I would love to see you and Yukari again real soon. I miss my aunts and hope to one day come home to Ashogihaga.

It’s still weird that I actually own property in Japan. It is nice to know I have somewhere to lay my head down, if I was to come back. Granted I could always bunk with you or Yukari.

Also Rachel has been called away for some reason and I don’t like that she has. Something just doesn’t feel right about this.

Well I think I’ve rambled enough. Give all the girls my love and tell Saya that next time I see her she’s going to find herself standing up to a very upset kitsune. She’ll know what I’m talking about. That being said, I hope to see you again real soon.

With much love.


I fold the letter and slide it into the envelope and seal it. I do know an email would’ve been easier to do, seeing how many times I had to correct my Japanese. But a letter feels more personal, and it was how we used to communicate before we started calling each other.

That and there’s this tiny little issue of the massive time difference, seeing how Japan is fourteen hours ahead of Austin. I giggle, thinking it’ll be something nice to wake up to. I place the envelope onto the stone and speak her name, watching it vanish.

I lean back into my chair and stare blankly into my computer. The site I left it on was a random anime site. It had been awhile since I last followed a new series, given the finally dwindling backlog.

I still have a few series left to burn through, thankfully nothing majorly long, mostly season-long ones. So maybe a day per each one max. Again, nothing I can’t handle.

As I think about the letter I had sent, I soon find myself now thinking of Kenji. I do want to go out another date with him, to get a better feel for the boy I fell in love with. I still want to be sure if my feelings for him were real or just puppy love. I really wanted to be sure.

I felt my heart being drawn to him, and it was way different than any other person I had been with in the past, which were both utter disasters with me being a complete idiot. I shake my head, grumbling at thinking of a life, that’s long since over and gone.

I twirl my hair a little, hearing my phone chime off.

Hey sweetie. Yes, I will be over tonight, and I will help you with that loneliness of yours. After all…that’s what big sisters are for, right? Anyway, just sit tight and I’ll see you later.

I grin, hugging my phone. This was going to be the first time since May since she was here, and last October when I last got to see her here. I still want to go see her new house.

I giggle, thinking if I were to spend the weekend with her, she’d like to wake me up and pretend to send me off to school. I know she’d have a few little things in the room for me, making it feel like I’m actually living there with her. I place the phone onto the desk again and lean back.

Now my computer was the thing chiming as I lean forward, seeing a Skype invite. My heart flutters as I see that Yukari wants to contact me. I laugh, thinking that she somehow knew I was lonely and needed someone to talk to. I lean forward and accept the invite. My eyes grow wide seeing my aunt onto the screen.

Ohayo gozaimasu Aria-chan.”

Talk about timing. I grin, “Konichiwa Yukari. You’re up kinda early.” I pull my legs into my chest, feeling happier than I have been in a while.

“Well I have guest over who couldn’t sleep. So I figured that I try my luck and see you. I hope you’re doing well sweetie. Heavens know how much I miss you.”

I lean forward in the chair, hugging my legs, “I miss you too. Just sent Asha a letter saying that Miriam is on her way to the village.”

The kitsune grins, “Did you now? Well I met her for dinner a few hours ago. She really is looking forward to visiting the village.”

My cheeks blush deeply, “I’m just praying she doesn’t do anything to Kenji. I still want to see him again.”

My aunt smiles, “Don’t you worry too much, little one. I’m sure everything will be just fine.” I smile, watching her silvery white ears twitch on the screen.

“I want to come back. I miss the village and everyone there,” speaking softly.

She leans closer to the screen, “As do Asharyume and I. We terribly miss our little niece and wish for her to come home to us. Hopefully the next time you do come, it will be for longer than just a couple months.”

I smile, still feeling my cheeks burning, “Not sure how Rachel would handle having me gone for a longer stretch. She practically was going crazy when I was gone for the spring. Although I could bring her with, might make things easier on the both of us.”

She smiles warmly, “And your aunts would be here to greet you both.”

I want to be back in my house, with Yukari wrapping her tails around mine or better yet, in between her legs, resting against her chest like a little kid. I want to go back to the shrine to train, and also hang out with Reika-senpai.

I could still hear the sound of waves crashing off in the distance while I sat on the porch, staring out onto ocean. I want to head down the village and watch as the boat headed out to fish, to hang out with my friends and…Kenji. I quickly buried my face into my knees.

I hear a chuckle from my laptop, “Feeling homesick?”

I look up at her, “Maybe just a little. Granted, it’s a bit weird being homesick when you are home.”

The kitsune smiles, “It is a strange phenomenon I’ll admit. But your heart truly resides in the Estate doesn’t it?”

I bob my head, “It does. Just now I have two homes I can go back to.”

She smiles, the leans in, “So tell me, is your mother around? I’d very much like to see her.”

I shake my head, “She left yesterday when she received a summons from Viktor Titalos, saying it was urgent they’d meet.”

“That’s strange. So did Arcturus.”

I perk up as voice echoes in the background with a familiar face coming into view as Yukari, “Hey Kerrigan. Long time no see.”

The lilith smiles, “Likewise, Cutie. I heard you fell in love with someone.”

I blush softly, nodding, “His name is Kenji, and I met him while in Japan for the spring.”

She grins, “Well…looks like you finally found your pace didn’t you?”

I unfurl my legs and lean forward, “Hoping I did. Still have a couple issues to deal with.”

She tilts her head slightly, “So…it’s that issue huh?”

My eyes flare, “Not everyone thinks like a lilith, Kerrigan.”

She chuckles, “Well I’m nothing if consistent. I will admit that you have been on my mind lately, Cutie. And when a lilith finds someone, they will never let go. So you could very well wind up in a bed with me,” grinning deviously.

I glance over to see Yukari radiate a fierce anger as the fur on her tails bristle. The lilith faces her and cringes, “Oh…s-sorry,” chuckling nervously, “guess I got a little too excited.”

My aunt crosses her arms, “She’s far too young for you.”

Kerrigan bows her head, “I know she is, but you have to admit she is cute enough to gobble up.”

The kitsune slaps one of her tails, “Not with my niece.”

“Still here guys and I am recording this hope you know,” which I’m not. Both women snap back towards me, and then bow, apologizing to the other.

I sigh, looking up at Kerrigan, “You said something about how Arcturus also got a summons?”

She leans over the table, “Yeah…it was about yesterday I think. He was at the castle, when someone came up and said your mother and Viktor wanted to see him. Both of my parents thought it was extremely odd for her to summon him. Seeing how much she would’ve wanted stay with you. But off he went.”

I sit back, so Arcturus is gone too? Just what is going on?

I look to her, “Rachel never sent a summons, would’ve told me if she did. That or he’d just show up here to surprise her.”

She tilts her head, “Are you sure?”

I nod, “Definitely.”

She pulls back for moment, thinking, and then leans forward once more. “I’ll have my parents look into it, given how I’m on the other side of the world.”

I smile, “Thanks Kerrigan.”

Her face then gives a more concerned look, “Aria, my parents wanted you to know how worried they’ve been about you. With everything going on and how the Court’s been quiet lately, they want you to be safe. I’d be there in a heartbeat as would your aunts, but kinda stuck here at the moment. Not saying I’m enjoying myself while here.”

I smile to her, “Thanks Kerrigan, if you ever wanted to visit you’re more than welcomed to.”

She grins, “Oh…in that case, I’ll come visit you soon after I leave here.”

I giggle, “Be happy to have you,” tilting my head, “what about your siblings? Surely they miss you.”

Her face softens, “Oh, they’re fine without me. They’ve talked about wanting to meet you, so at some point they could come over.”

I smile, “I’d love to meet more of your family.”

“But then I’d have to share you with all of them, and I really don’t want to,” she pouts, “you’re my cutie, mine and mine alone.”

I giggle loudly, “I didn’t realize you claimed me.”

She grins, “Of course I did. The very moment you and I met you became mine. And liliths can be very territorial,” winking again.

I smirk, shaking my head, “Guess I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

Kerrigan then looks over as Yukari slips back into frame, “It’s time we end this call sweetie. As you stated earlier, we are up rather late and we need to head to bed. Now stay safe and do not leave the Estate until your mother comes home. Am I understood young lady?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good girl. Now, I will talk to you later and know that I am always here for you, my lovely niece.”

I smile, leaning in closer to the computer, “Love you Yukari.”

My aunt smiles, “I love you too. Take care of yourself.” I nod. She smiles once more then slips out of frame.

“Well cutie, I should head onto bed as well. Need to be well-rested if I’m to come visit you.”

I rest my arms onto the desk, “When will that be?”

Kerrigan rocks her head, “In a couple days I think. But I will be there.”

I smiled, “Can’t wait, hopefully you’ll get to meet Marron.”

She grins, “I’m looking forward to it.” Her gaze tightens, “You stay safe Aria. I will be in touch soon.”

I bob my head, “See you then.” She moves forward and ends the call.

I lean back into my seat and closed my eyes for a moment. Arcturus is in England with Rachel and Viktor. But why all three of them? Something’s up and I don’t like it, just too many questions and the timing of it all felt too coincidental.

I pick up my phone and call my mother only to have it go straight to voicemail. I raise an eyebrow, okay…that’s weird. Although she might be in a bad cell area and can't connect. I still can’t get what’s going on. My head slumps, sighing in frustration.

I spin around in my chair, panning over to my bed. Fenris had gone out a couple hours ago to go hunting. So I had been alone this entire time. He and I never got to have a sparring session together so he also did it get some exercise.

I pull out the chair a bit from the desk and twirl around a few times; thinking a dizzied mind and body might come up with some sort of answer. But nothing did. I let out an angry sigh and stand up, only to stagger a bit.

Okay…don’t stand after spinning around in the chair you idiot. I stumble over to my bed and lean against it.

I shake my head clear of the wooziness and stand there. I look up back at “Study” and see a couple unopened books. I need a change in scenery. I walk back over to my desk and pick up one of them. I head for the door, and walk out into the hall.

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