The Ember In The Dark

Chapter Ch. 9

I woke up in my own bed, although I could have sworn I fell asleep on Ash's bed. I dragged my feet as I brushed my hair and then braid it to the side. I decided to wear something more of my style today. I grabbed my red guns and roses shirt, with dark jeans and my red and white Ed hardies canvas shoes.

Ash came into my room as soon as I slipped my shoes on. He had on a red hoodie with a large black heart. He paired it with black jeans and red and black Jordans. He had a good sense of style in my eyes. His hair was styled messy, but in a neat kind of way, if that makes any sense.

"You ready?" He asked, his backpack slung behind one of his shoulders. "Did you pack gym clothes?"

"Yes and yes." I grabbed my bag, gym clothes inside it, and slung it over my shoulder.

We walked out of the palace towards the trees to leave.

"Did you move me to my bed last night?" I asked Ash.

"Yeah, you kept kicking me." He laughed.

"Sorry." I blushed.

"You've been blushing a lot more here lately. I think you need more training on that poker face.” He teased me.

"I can do it when it's most important and that's what matters.”

We went through the tunnel, holding our breath most of the way. We stepped out and started walking towards the school. I could see a lot of kids walking towards the campus like us. Although what I noticed quickly was the jeep speeding down the road, acting crazy.

Leti was crossing the street, looking down at her phone, blissfully unaware of said jeep. The jeep didn't slow down as it approached her. I noticed the driver was looking down at his phone, not looking at where he was driving. Ash and I shared a look before running full speed towards her. I grabbed Leti as Ash stopped the Jeep slamming his hand down on the hood. The jeep's back wheels lifted up for a second before crashing down.

The driver, Micheal of course, looked equally surprised and angry. Leti looked at us horrified as she realized what almost happened to her. She clutched onto me tightly as she caught her breath. "You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Yes. No. I don't know." She said all at once.

"Ash, take her to the nurse's office for me." I ordered him.

Ash, who was beyond pissed at Micheal, took a few deep breaths before walking away from the jeep. He scooped up Leti, his face serious with that poker face of his. He usually used it when he was feeling murderous. Letti had a deep blush on that gold undertone of hers as she looked up at Ash. Well she's now in love with him. I slapped my forehead, before getting up and walking over to Micheal.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled at him through his window.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with your brother? Look at my hood!" He was mad.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" By now a crowd had assembled on the sidewalk. "Your careless driving could have killed Leti just now and you're worried about the small dent on your hood? I guess it's a good thing you don't have a person sized dent then." I yelled at him waving my hands around angrily.

What a fucking asshole.

He stepped out of the car and walked to the front, looking at the hand printed dent on his hood and assessing the rest of his car.

"Your brother is paying for this.” He told me, as if he had a right to make demands. I walked to him ready to bash his face in.

An arm wrapped around my waist, sending those familiar fireworks through me. Toni leaned his mouth beside my ear.

"You'll kill him if you attack right now." He whispered.

"Good." I deadpanned

"Ember, take a breath. I'll take care of him on the football field. You don't want to get arrested for assault. His dad is the sheriff here.” His lips tickled my ear as he told me.

Goosebumps were running through me. I was still so mad though and I could slightly feel Talia stirring in me from my anger. She still felt far away though.

I took a couple deep breaths, but it didn't help. Toni used his hands around my waist to turn me around and face him. His dark hair was tied in a small bun behind his head, showing me more of his handsome face. His chocolate eyes studied my face closely.

Before I knew it he pulled me into an embrace, only this time he had my head resting at the nape of his neck. I clutched his shirt, taking a few deep breaths of his intoxicating scent. The mint and wet earth filled my lungs, helping to soothe my anger. I took a few deep breaths before pulling away, and pushing past him.

I could hear Toni and Micheal arguing more as I walked, still a bit mad, towards the nurse's office. I want to check on Leti. I pushed my way past the crowd that had been watching and they were all giving me curious looks.

"Ash?" I called his name as I got closer.

"In here, Ember" he called me towards the back.

I opened the curtain and found Leti sitting up on the bed and the nurse bandaging the scrapes on her hands. I had tackled her with too much force earlier. Damn it. I'm a terrible savior.

"I'm sorry Leti.” My voice was soft, barely above a whisper.

"Are you kidding me? You saved my life. Both of you. Thank you." She said through misted eyes. We both nodded our heads.

"Leti, I called your parents to let them know what happened. They want you to text them and let them know if you want to be picked up or if you would like to stay at school today.” The nurse told her.

"Okay thank you Ms. Terri."

"We're gonna head to class. We'll see you at lunch if you stay.” I told her.

"Thanks again.” Her light hazel eyes showed me a deep appreciation.

"Don't mention it." We both said in unison. Twin moment.

"Jinx!" Ash yelled and I sighed. Such a child. "You can't say a word till I say your name." He pretended to laugh evilly and Leti let out a sweet giggle.

"You guys are cute. I wish my brother and I were that close.” She sighed.

We left the office and headed toward class. I poked Ash's side in hopes he would say my name to make me stop. He just laughed instead.

"You can only talk to the teachers, but you're under my jinx.” He told me as we went our separate ways. I'll keep his jinx, just because I know he'll be really sad if I don't.

Ms. Williams called on me often. I guess she wanted to see how much I knew. I answered all her questions correctly. I think it made her a bit mad. She even tried to trick me. What kind of teacher is she? The bell rang releasing me from this hell of a class and I headed to the gym.

"Ember!" Rachel's voice called from behind me. I stopped, letting her catch up. "I heard what happened this morning. I can't believe you and Ash saved Leti. Michael is such an idiot." She spoke quickly, very energized.

I nodded my head, unable to speak to her because of Ash's jinx. She didn't seem to notice as she kept the conversation going all on her own.

We headed down to the locker room. I grabbed my things out of my backpack and placed it in my own gym locker now. I had brought a pair of yoga pants and a workout shirt with a built in sports bra. It's like the clothes I use when I train with Charles.

Myra slammed my locker door closed after I stuck my clothes in it. I really don't need this right. "What's going on with you and Toni?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes and just pushed past her. She grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"Hey I'm talking to you!"

I peeled her hand off me, twisting her arm and then shoving her away. I gave her a death stare all the while not saying a word. I turned and walked away, Rachel right behind me.

"Damn girl!" Rachel smiled. "So happy you're my friend."

Friend. A word I've never really been able to use before. Others have called themselves my friends before, but they never were. They've always used me for something and then thrown me to the side when they got what they wanted. The only friend I've ever truly had is Ash, and I'm not sure that really counts since he's my twin.

We ran laps around the court while the boys played basketball. I found myself looking at Toni often He was very athletic and really good at basketball it seems. He could feel anytime I would look at him. He would smirk and show off when he knew I was looking. I just shook my head at him.

P.E. was over and all the humans were panting and heaving with exhaustion. They all complained about their legs hurting. It's no wonder vampires can kill them so easily. They are so slow and weak and lack stamina.

"Hey, Toni's gonna walk you to class again. Don't faint this time.” I nodded my head at him, rolling my eyes at the same time. "Thanks for keeping the jinx. I'll let you out of it soon.” He smiled playfully and I couldn't help, but let it melt my annoyance.

He ran down the hall and walked to his class. Myra pretended to trip in front of him and Ash being his kind self, helped her up. She then started to talk to Ash.

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