The Ember In The Dark

Chapter Ch. 10

"That's not good." Toni said from beside me. I wasn't sure when he got there, but he saw the same thing 1 did. Myra worming her way into Ash's life.

I nodded my head in agreement. I really wish Ash would have said my name already. This is going to be awkward.

"I'm sorry about this morning. I just figure I've done it to you so many times now that you could do it to me once.” He didn't look at me as he spoke. He was embarrassed and it was really cute. I couldn't help the teasing smile on my face. "I figured it would help calm you down and it seems like it worked."

He looked up at me then, waiting for me to respond. I just smiled and nodded.

"Are you mad at me?"

I took a second to think about it. I should be, but I'm not. What he did was kind of sweet. He was keeping me out of trouble and trying to soothe me.

I shook my head at him, letting him know I wasn't mad.

"Good." He smiled sweetly at me.

My heart rate elevated with that smile. He was so handsome and sweet. His intoxicating scent permeated the air around him, only drawing me closer to him. His pinky grazed against my hand purposefully and it sent those fireworks through me. I didn't move my hand, actually enjoying the feeling this time.

"Good morning Ember. How are you feeling today?" Mr. Black asked me as we got to his class.

"I'm good. I'm sorry about yesterday.” I was still embarrassed about passing out in class. I'm glad Ash at least let me speak to teachers.

"Don’t be sorry. I'm glad you're okay." He smiled at me.

Toni and I took our seats together and finished up yesterday's lab while Mr. Black played a video for the rest of the class. When we finished we sat silently watching. I laid my head on the desk with my left arm stretched out in front of me. Toni leaned forward with his right arm stretched out, and I could tell what he was trying to do.

I smirked to myself as he inched his arm closer to mine. I didn't move though, neither encouraging or discouraging him. His arm gently touched my own. The more he touched me the stronger my want for him grew. It was starting to feel impossible to be away from him.

The bell rang, breaking our moment and I headed to my fourth period before Toni could catch up. I don't want him to consume all my thoughts. I barely know him.

I made my way to art, which I had missed yesterday due to my fainting. I walked in, finding the teacher busy with another student at his desk. I hung back waiting for them to finish.

"Hey yo!" I heard an excited familiar voice. I turned to find his hair down to the side instead of in his small Mohawk. "You can come sit by me. There's a free art station at my table.” Josh told me.

"That sounds perfect to me. Thank you, Josh. You must be Ember. I am Mr. King." The teacher told me, hearing Josh's offer. "Go ahead and follow Josh to your seat.”

I signaled for Josh to lead the way.

"Follow me, muh lady.” He joked and I smiled at his playfulness.

I admire Josh for being so true to himself. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone's opinion. We took a seat at the back and Josh showed me where to collect all the supplies and where to clean it and put it up when 1 am done. Mr. King was adamant that we clean our own messes apparently, and I fully understand that.

"It's free paint, in a way, but we're in the blue period so everything's gotta have some kind of blue hue in it." Josh told me and I nodded, grabbing my supplies.

Art was always my favorite. Mom had gotten me started early as a way to relieve my stress. She would take me with her out in nature and we would just silently paint together. I treasure those moments with mom the most. I was half way through when it was time to start cleaning up.

"Damn Ember. You're a fucking artist." Josh told me as he looked at my canvas.

"Watch your language Josh. We're still in school.” Mr. King reminded him.

I let the blush reach my cheeks. I wanted Josh to see how happy his compliment made me, since I can't talk.

"Wanna walk to lunch together?” He asked me as we washed our brushes and I nodded my head. He smiled at me. If he didn't have a girlfriend I would think he might be flirting with me. I could see his lip ring moving, letting me know he was playing with it in his mouth. I wonder what he's thinking.

“Dawn is probably going to kill me when she sees me walking with Ember. God that woman tires me, but she's such a good lay.

His voice entered my mind and I almost jumped back in surprise.

How's that even possible? I shouldn't be able to hear his thoughts. Also, Ew! I didn't need to know she was a good lay. Josh lost some of my respect just now.

His thoughts entering my mind had me a little on edge. That's not normal. I need to talk to Ash. The bell rang and Josh and I walked towards the cafeteria. He was humming a familiar tune and banging his fingers against his thighs as we walked. He playfully bumped into my shoulder and I smirked, bumping him back.

"What are you doing?" Dawn asked from outside the cafeteria doors. She was furious, glaring at the two of us.

"Ember!" Ash's voice rang, finally releasing me from the jinx. "Come on!" He called me from inside the cafeteria.

"I'll catch you later.” I told Josh.

"So you haven't lost your voice then?" Josh smiled.

"It was only a jinx." I spoke back to him, passing by a fuming Dawn. I rushed toward Ash. "We really need to talk. I'll link you while we eat." I whispered to him.

He could hear the urgency in my voice and nodded his head. We grabbed our food and headed to our tables. The group was together except Josh and Dawn who were off to the side having a heated discussion.

'Ash! I freaking heard a human's thoughts!" I linked him, practically yelling in his mind. He started choking on his food and Toni had to pat him on the back a bit.

'What do you mean?’ He got serious. “No one can do that.’

'I know that, why do you think I'm freaking out?" I deadpanned.

'We need to tell mom." I rolled my eyes. "Ember, this is serious. No more keeping it from mom.’

I sighed so loud.


Lunch went by quickly. I stuck around by the fountain, just wanting some peace outside in the sun. I like having a free period after lunch, it gives me some peace in the middle of the day.

I finally get my wolf, but she tells me there's a barrier to keep me safe. Now she's still resting and I can't get any more answers. On top of that I'm getting new abilities that don't make any sense. Reading people's minds isn't a dragon, werewolf, or elf thing. What's going on with me?

I sighed real heavy, lifting my legs up and holding them tightly against my chest. I may not have had anything before, but I at least knew who I was. I'm so confused about how to feel about this too. I thought I would be so happy when I finally got my wolf.

"What's wrong?" Toni's voice came from beside me.

"Throwing a pity party." I told him.

"Can I join?" He smiled at me, a slight look of sadness cast on his face.

"Only if you tell me why you need a pitty party too?" I was curious why this boy that seems to be so happy, and have it all, looked so sad all of sudden. He scoffed.

"I'll tell you if you tell me." He sat in front of my feet. His hands were in his pockets and he crossed his ankles, looking up at the clouds. He looked delectable like this

"I'm just confused and I don't feel like anyone could really understand what I'm going through.” I admitted, not really going into detail

"I don't think anyone can understand what someone is going through exactly. Even if someone is in the exact same situation, how they feel and act about it are completely different. People can relate, but they can never fully understand.” He said, still staring at the clouds.

"That's depressing." I sighed, tucking my face into my arms.

"Sorry." He sighed. "I'm in a mood."

"I can tell." I peeked up at him.

He was looking down at his feet now. I scooted closer to him. I pinched the sleeve of his black hoodie with my fingers and tugged on it. When he turned to look at me I flicked his forehead. He scrunched his brows and rubbed the spot.

"What was that for?" He asked me.

"You didn't tell me what's bothering you." I really did it to try to distract him from whatever sadness he's feeling

"It's just my mom. She wants me to come visit her soon, but I really don't want to see her. We've got a complicated relationship.” He admitted... sounds familiar.

"So your mom doesn't live in Charles’ pack? Who are your parents anyway? I thought that I knew everyone there, but apparently not." I hadn't realized I was still holding onto his hoodie, so I let it go finally and he seemed sad by the action.

"She's not a werewolf. She lives down south, by the ocean. My dad's the beta Gabe.” My mouth was agape at the news and he chuckled lightly.

"Wait, but Gabe has a mate. Lana, no?" I remember meeting her when I was little.

The face Toni made had me feeling bad for having asked the question. He seemed so ashamed and hurt.

"My mom's a siren. She lured my dad when he was down south on Beta business. When he found out about me he had me brought up here."

Sirens can manipulate people's emotions and thoughts. If he's part siren, he could easily manipulate my feelings for him

"Mom didn't want me to go, at least not at first. After she found out I had a wolf and no siren abilities, she let me go.”

"I'm sorry." Those were the only words I had to offer him. I mean what do you say to that? "Thankfully Lana doesn’t hold a grudge against me. She says the sin lies with my mom and not me." "Lana is a pretty sweet lady." I recalled. "Well that explains the complicated mother relationship. Can't you just tell her no and not go?” I shrugged.

"I mean she's my mom, even if we don't get along. I have to respect the woman that brought me to this world.” He sighed again.

Well damn Toni. Now I respect you even more.

"Then bring someone with you to buffer between you and your mom. Ash is my buffer most of the time.” I let my legs hang over the fountain side again, getting ready to get up.

"Are you offering?" He arched an eyebrow and I froze. He laughed at my reaction. "I'm just kidding. Relax. I mean it's a good idea, but I don't want to take anyone with me. Sirens are scary. You never know when you're being manipulated by one.”

"Doesn't that put you in danger too?" I stared into those sweet chocolate eyes of his. A slight flutter of my heart had me looking away quickly.

"Sirens can't manipulate other sirens so I'm safe.” He bumped my shoulder then, sending sparks through me. "I appreciate you listening to my problems. I hope you're not judging me too harshly." He kinda slunk a little.

I sighed feeling bad for him. I hate to see people sad. I bumped his shoulder back and then leaned against it. He smiled that sweet smile of his, showing me almost all his teeth.

"I'm not judging you. I think I'd be a big hypocrite if I did.”

I turned to face him and found he was just a few inches from me. He stared at my lips causing me to bite down on them. The need to place my lips against his own was starting to consume me.

I need to stop letting him touch me.

He lifted his hand and took a strand of my hair in his fingers. He played with it a moment before tucking it behind my ear. His hand lightly grazed my face and I almost lost all my resolve. I grabbed his hand and placed it on his lap, standing up real quick.

"I'm gonna head out. I'll see you later.” I told him quickly heading inside.

"Toni, you idiot." I heard him mumble to himself, causing me to smile a little.

Yes Toni, you idiot.

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