The Ember In The Dark

Chapter Ch. 26

Dad was a great flier. He knew how to fly so that I felt safe in his arms. I've always called him my shadow protector. He's always there but unnoticed until you need him. He gives Ash and I space to discover ourselves while still staying involved. He doesn't pressure us into anything and lets us decide what's best for us. I'm definitely a daddy's girl.

I enjoyed the flight over the ocean. I had no idea it was so far. I realize why Eric said I would be gone for a while. Dad let me touch the ocean water as we flew by. It was really nice. I could tell dad was getting a bit tired from carrying me so long though. Usually when you bring your child they are small and not an almost fully grown adult.

We approached an island that looked like it was glowing red. I could see dragons flying around it. The largest dragons I had ever seen. Their scales shone so brightly under the sunlight that they almost blinded me. I got a little nervous as we approached.

I could see a volcano in the center of the island and it looked active. The heat radiating from this place could be felt a mile away. I was sweating by the time we got there.

"Dad, how can you stand this heat?" I asked him as we landed on the shore. The sand was as black as obsidian.

"I don't feel it. Haku keeps me from getting hot. I was hoping maybe Lien could still help cool your body even behind a barrier." Dad pursed his lips a little disappointed.

'I can have Lien give me some of her magic through the barrier and maybe that will help?" Talia offered.

“Might as well try." I didn’t know that was a possibility.

My body started to feel cool suddenly, like ice had just been poured over me. The sweat on me dissipated into steam.

"It worked." I said out loud a big smile on my face.

"What did?" Dad looked at me puzzled.

"Talia was able to give me a little of Lien's magic to help cool my body.” Dad and I were smiling real big at one another.

He seems so excited about me having a dragon. I hadn't realized how sad he was that I didn't have one before. He never let on about how he felt and I appreciate that.

"Come on. It's this way." Dad took my hand and led me down a path.

Large trees I'd never seen before shaded the path. The trees looked almost like leather. They were dark, giving off the appearance that they were burned, but they were shiny and thick. Down below grew wild dragon lilies that were all set ablaze in the center. The further down the path we went the darker it got and oddly enough colder.

When we reached the end of the path we came upon a fork. There were three paths in front of us. Dad stopped right in front of them and let go of my hands.

"Alright my little ember of fire. From here on you lead us. Your dragon may be in a barrier, but knowing she's there you should be able to focus and feel her if even the slightest. She will tell you which way to go. Listen closely.” Dad pushed me a little, making me take a step forward.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus. I could feel Talia and I could feel this sort of muted part of me. I focused on that part listening closely.

'Let us out’ A dark voice rang, almost making me lose focus.

“Ember, be careful.” A voice I didn't recognize sounded. It was majestic yet extremely powerful. Her voice sent a calm air about me, a confidence I hadn't felt before. “Don't focus on this part of yourself for long." She warned.


'Yes my girl. You found me. It's so wonderful to meet you.’ She sounded so emotional. I mean I was pretty emotional myself. “Listen Ember, I'll tell you which way to go now. Do not focus on this part of yourself again. It's dangerous. You give the darkness power when you do."

I felt my chest tighten at her words. I want her to be out here with us. She shouldn't be locked away. “Okay. I'm listening.

"You'll take the path to the left. From there you will go off trail. Your father will question you, but tell him that is the way. You'll go off trail when you see a light blue tree. Follow the blue trees to a cave. The cave will be covered in ice. Enter it. When Yukina asks you why you disturbed her from her sleep, tell her that her daughter has found her way. She will bless you with her magic. After that you will head up to the volcano, with her blessing and magic, you'll ice your hand and grab the magma from the volcano. Turn the magma to ice and eat it."

There was so much information to remember. So many questions to ask, but I could tell that I had no time. It felt like Lien was being pushed aside by the darkness. I snapped back and looked back at Dad, trying hard to remember everything she said. Thank God I have a good memory.

I took the left path like she said, but I was worried I went the wrong way when I didn't see the blue tree. After about 10 minutes I saw it in the distance, a deep contrast against the dark trees. It was the lightest blue, like ice. It was smaller than me. More of a sapling than a tree.

"Wait Tot. We can't go that way." Dad sounded nervously.

"She told me this was the way and that you would say that. Trust me dad. She said to follow the blue trees.” I gave him a reassuring grin and he nodded his head. His face looked worried, like he knew where we were headed.

"What else did she say?" Dad was suddenly curious.

"Um that we'll come upon a cave in ice and I need to enter it." I started recalling, dad seem to tense at my words. "She said to tell Yukina that her daughter has found her way or something like that.” "Her daughter?" His voice sounded surprised but also amazed.

"Yeah, that's what she said. I am supposed to receive her magic and her blessing then go to the volcano and turn the magma into ice and eat it." I was proud of myself for remembering it all. "Ember, I don't think you realize what this means.” Dad stopped walking for a moment and I turned to look at him, a bit confused. "Yukina is an original dragon. No human side in her. From what your dragon said it sounds like you have Yukina's daughter in you. Ember that's a very powerful dragon. An old dragon spirit from an original dragon. I can't believe it!" Dad was giddy with excitement and pride.

"Really?" I had no idea Lien was so powerful.

“That explains her arrogance.’ Talia laughed inside me.

"Let's go! Lead the way, my powerful daughter.” Dad smiled so wide.

We continued walking till we saw the next tree and turned toward it. After about 15 minutes we made it to the icy cave. It was cold and odd compared to the heat of the island. It was light amongst the black and red of this place.

Dad waited outside the cave, he said it wasn't for him to enter. I crept in slowly and carefully. I didn't want to slip on the ice. There was nothing to hold onto. The entire cave was ice, walls and ceiling. It got darker as I ventured deeper. Talia's sight was the only thing making it possible for me to walk right now.

"Hello?" I called out. I heard a rumble and some rocks shifted. The ground shook under me and I knew Yukina was moving.

Her large body came into few as she stepped towards me. Her scales were white and light blue like the trees that led me here. She was a different kind of dragon than dad. She made me think of the kinds that the Japanese draw. No long wings, just a long slender body that coiled on the ground under her. She looked down at me, her intense light blue eyes stared angrily at me.

"A wolf dares come to this place and disturb my peace. Do you have a death wish?" Her voice was smooth and deep. It was beautiful even when it was angered. I cleared my throat trying to get rid of any weakness it held.

"Your daughter has found her way." I repeated the words Lien told me to say.

Yukina's face bent down quickly in front of me so quickly the air blew around me. She huffed at me, freezing the air around me. I felt a coldness I had never felt before deep in my bones awe.

"If what you say is true, why do I not sense her?" Her chest rumbled with suspicion.

"She's stuck behind a barrier inside me. She placed it there to protect me from dark magic, but got caught in it.” I explained.

Yukina circled her body around me. I was surrounded by her. Her head was floating above me, looking down. Her large teeth showed and for a moment I feared she would eat me.

"That won't do." She spoke through gritted teeth.

Her talon came to my forehead, touching it lightly with the tip. Her talon and forehead glowed so brightly that I had to close my eyes. I could feel her in my mind searching for Lien. I heard a pop, feeling darkness encase me. I began to feel an immense pain as the darkness started to take me over. She had let Lien and the magic out.

I felt Yukina's body squeezing me tightly as I wiggled around trying to break free. I was feeling such dark urges, something I have never felt before. I want to kill. I want to fuck around. I want to cause pain for the fun of it.

"Let me go!" My voice didn't sound like mine. It was deep and raspy, seductive yet dark.

"Hold still child!" Her voice echoed off the cave walls.

Two of her talons shone again only this time she placed it over my forehead and heart. I could feel her gathering all the darkness inside me. She was turning it back to light magic, turning me back to myself. My heart felt right again. Only I felt so powerful. I had so much power right now. I could feel everything and everyone around me. I could hear dad's thoughts from outside and even Ash's all the way in the kingdom.

I felt my muscles growing too. Every part of me felt bigger. Yukina had released Lien and all the magic and converted it all to light magic at once. Yukina was extremely powerful, and I see why dad was nervous. Yukina then added to my power by giving me and Lien part of her magic. It felt like ice had entered my veins, prickling my skin. A cold fell over me.

"Now go child, take care of my daughter.” Yukina let me go, pushing me out of the cave back to dad.

'Seems we just needed to visit your mom this whole time." Talia spoke.

'lt wouldn't have been that simple. I'm just glad I'm out here now.’ Lien came in.

"Dad." I started to cry. Everything that just happened had my mind reeling. I was so unbelievably happy right now and yet deeply overwhelmed.

"Ember, my baby girl! What's the matter?” He held me tightly against him, rubbing the back of my head soothingly.

"She let Lien out. I have her now dad. I have them both and even all my magic.” I cried harder into his chest. I felt such a rush of emotions.

"Ember you're freezing!" Dad pulled back away from me looking into my eyes. "Your tears are ice and your lips are blue." He was worried.

'We need to hurry to the volcano. Shift into me Ember.’ Lien instructed

"How?" I had never shifted into her before.

“The same way you do with Talia, only focus on me instead.’ Lien's voice was so soothing it helped calm my nerves.

I listened to her and shifted to her easily. Shifting into her caused me no pain at all. She was the same kind of dragon as her mother. She had light blue scales and white whiskers, like the ones on koi fishes. Lien pushed off the ground and began to run up in the air getting higher and higher until she started to slither our body in the air toward the volcano. Dad had shifted entirely as well. His large red dragon followed closely behind us

When we got to the volcano we shifted back. Well damn, I wish I could keep my clothes like this every time. What's up with that anyway? Why are werewolves the only ones that lose their clothes when they shift. It's stupid.

'Use the ice magic that my mother gave you. Encase your hand and grab some magma. When you have it, focus and turn it to ice."

It wasn't hard to focus on the ice magic as I was pretty much turning to ice already. I did as she said. The magma didn't even feel hot against my hand. Dad watched astonished beside me. I turned the magma into ice and it was so clear it was almost like glass. I stuck it in my mouth and ate it just as Lien said to do.

After I ate the magma my body started to warm up. The ice I felt in my veins was gone and my lips were no longer blue.

“The magma will help keep you warm now. It will also allow you to breathe fire." Lien explained.

I ran to dad and hugged him tightly, feeling the happiest I have ever felt before.

"Ready to head back home?" Dad asked.

"Yes. Thank you so much for taking me here!" I squeezed him again.

"I am glad we came. Ember I am so proud of you and honestly very impressed. I can't believe the dragon you host." Dad shook his head in disbelief as he stretched his wings out.

"You don't have to shift all the way to fly if you don't want to.” Dad told me."Focus on the part of her that makes her fly and use that.”

"She doesn't have wings though so I'm not sure what makes her fly like that.” I don't mind shifting with her though.

'I use magic to fly." Lien told me.

After a short explanation from Lien I jumped off the volcano. Heights no longer seem so scary. I soared through the air, controlling it around me.

"That's pretty amazing, Ember. It's crazy to see you flying without any wings. There aren't many dragons left like that." Dad explained.

"What does Ash have?" I realize that to spare my feelings Ash never told me what happened when he came.

"He has the same kind as you, which is actually pretty rare too. You are your mother's children. He has a lightning dragon though.” He told me, he held pride for Ash in his voice.

"I had no idea. We never really spoke about it." Because of me Ash was never really able to celebrate these big moments. I need to do something for him.

"He took the middle path and received his blessing and his fire from the base of the volcano. That's usually how it goes. You get your fire and blessing from one of the 3 dragons at the volcano. The top, base and middle.” Dad started explaining what usually happens.

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