The Ember In The Dark

Chapter Ch. 25

I woke up, with a massive headache, at the nurse's office. Toni was holding my hand, and Ash was hovering behind him. They both looked so concerned and deep in thought. They hadn't noticed me come to yet.

"What happened?" I asked my throat raspy.

"I was hoping you could tell me." Ash responded a bit snappy. He was scared.

"I remember being in art and then.” I thought about it a moment and then it all rushed to me at once. "Dex." I whispered his name.

Toni tensed up beside me.

"What did he do?" Reep was near the surface, traces of his grow! in Toni's voice.

"I mind traveled by mistake. I have never done that before and I didn't know how to leave. He took advantage of that and got me under his spell again. I only broke away because I heard mom's voice tell me to think about..." I paused for a moment a bit embarrassed.

"Think about what? What do you mean you heard mom?" Ash asked a bit inpatient.

"I don't know. Her voice just popped into my head like she was there with me. She told me to think of Toni." I blushed starring Toni straight in the eyes.

"Did he do anything to you?" Toni was concerned. Although he was mad he tried to keep the anger from his voice while he asked me.

"He kissed me." I couldn't look at Toni when I said this. I felt guilty. If I would have just been more careful or if I would have known how to get out on my own

"I'm so sorry Ember." He told me, but hearing that only hurt me.

"I should be the one apologizing. I kissed someone else." I shook my head in disgust.

"It wasn't you. It was him. He made you feel that. He made you do that. You did nothing wrong.” He reached for my hand, but I pulled away. I feel gross right now, even if he told me not to.

"Mom called the school and had us checked out. She wants us home.” Ash interjected, and I nodded my head getting up.

"Ember..." Toni's voice sounded worried.

"I'm fine. 1 just...” I sighed. "I feel gross right now. Just give me a little while."

He nodded his head. I could see the hurt in his face and it only made me feel worse. He may forgive me, but I'm having a hard time forgiving myself. I would have given Dex all of me at that moment if mom hadn't stopped me. How can he still be okay with me? I should be stronger than this

Ash and I headed out together, leaving Toni behind in the nurse's office. I felt Talia getting anxious in me. She was worried for our mate bond.

"Hey, it's going to be okay.” Ash elbowed my arm lightly, trying to comfort me.

I just nodded my head still deep in my thoughts. We arrived home rather quickly, walking in a peaceful silence.

"Ember, thank God. I saw you snap out of it, but I'm not sure what got you out. I'm just happy you didn't go through the same thing as... I'm just happy you're okay.” Mom embraced me tightly and a faint emotion of trauma rang in her mind. Who's Luke?

"Mom, you're the one that helped me." I scrunched my eyebrows tightly.

"What do you mean? The tree just had me project to you and all I could do was watch in terror at what was happening. I've told you before, when I project I have no control of the person. I can think to myself and pray they hear me though." She squeezed my shoulder, still looking at me with a mixture of strong emotions. The tree of life always had mom project into people at important moments. Things she needed to see or feel through that person.

"I heard you mom. I heard you tell me to stop. I heard you tell me to think of Toni. Mom, I've never traveled before. I didn't know how to leave." I felt the fear seize me then.

"Oh my baby. I'm so sorry. I should have told you how to do that. I realized I only ever talked about how to get there, but not how to leave. That's my fault, and we are going to fix that this evening.” Mom was determined. She didn't want to leave us vulnerable like this again. She told me about how she was sexually assaulted in college by a man named Luke. He was her highschool boyfriend. She never wants that to happen to me. I had no idea mom had gone through something like that. She never really speaks about life before us. She always says how life before us isn't worth mentioning. We spent the afternoon training our minds. Mom taught me how to place a strong barrier over my mind and my soul. She then taught me how to get out of people's minds. She had me practice on her several times.

Mom had a very warm and welcoming mind. It was really beautiful where Heli stayed when she wasn't in control. The colors were very vibrant which worried me about my own gray drab mind. Evening rolled around and mom finally let us go. We had about an hour before it was time to train with Eryn.

"You want to grab a snack before training?" Ash gave me that big childish grin of his.

"You know it. I'm starved."

We headed to the kitchen and grabbed a couple snacks. I decided to check my phone while I ate them.

Josh: Hey, you okay? My weak ass couldn't carry you to the nurse's office. Dex had to. I hope he didn't bother you. I hope you're okay now. You really have me worried

Of course Dex carried me to the nurse's office. I just assumed it was Ash or Toni for some reason. I think my head might still be a little muddier than usual. I don't remember him holding me.

Me: Yeah I'm okay. I am sorry I worried you. My mom's taking care of me. You probably don't know, but she's a doctor, so I'm in very good hands.

I sent him a few emojis to lighten the mood and let him know I really am okay.

Toni: Ember please don't pull away from me. I know it wasn't your fault and I don't blame you for any of it. Sirens only ever want power and you exude that by the millions.

I read his text a few times over. I wasn't sure how I felt. I know I don't want to hurt Toni, and I don't want to pull away from him. I just can't help the feeling of guilt that is weighing my heart down.

Me: I'm sorry. I'm just struggling with how to feel about it. I know you don't blame me, but I blame myself.

I responded to him after a while. I still don't feel like 1 got my words exactly right, but it'll have to do. He responded almost immediately.

Toni: The only person to blame is Dex. Never blame yourself for falling for a siren's voice. It can't be helped. Their words are weapons.

I read his text a few times, trying to engrave them to memory. Trying to tell myself, and my heart, that is what it was. He made my soul think I wanted him. I know what real want feels like. It feels like it did when I was with Toni last night. That is what I really want. Not what happened with Dex.

Me: Can I come see you tonight? Around 8?

I need to feel him on me again. I want to kiss Toni so much that I forget the feeling of Dex's lips on my own. I want to feel totally engulfed in Toni.

Toni: I can't. I have patrol duty today. Can I come see you after that? If you're still awake.

I sighed wishing I could see him sooner. I do have training tonight anyway.

Me: Yeah okay. Do you know how to get here?

I know technically the pack and this kingdom are tied together, but I'm not sure how many of Charles’ pack even really know how to get here.

Toni: Yeah, my father showed me once before. I'll text you after patrol.

I didn't respond after that. I was just happy I would get to see him at all tonight. I'll sneak off from my room to meet him.

"Ash, I need you to come with me. I want you to learn how to do some of these royal duties. Ember no training today. I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I should have been more accepting." Eryn told us, his face was sullen as he spoke.

"Yes, you should have." I won't be quick to say it's okay, because it's really not. "I forgive you though.”

"Thank you. Head up to the roof. Nate wants to talk to you and Eric is up there with something from me." He smiled that gentle smile of his and I nodded my head.

Ash gave me his big bear hug before following Eryn.

“Save me.’ He joked.

'You wanted this." I reminded him.

“Meh, I know." He walked off with Eryn

I headed up to the roof. I wonder what dad wants to talk about. Usually roof time is dragon training. We know that I have my dragon, but I can't access her or her magic.

When I got to the roof I saw Eric sitting beside Dad. They were talking about something, but I couldn't catch what they were saying, as they stopped when they saw me. Eric beamed that adorable little smile of his at me. He ran to me and gave me a big hug around my waist.

"Hey little guy. Or should I say big fella? You've grown!" He was always worried about his height. He's shorter than most of the elves right now.

"You noticed! I grew a centimeter!” He said so excitedly and my mouth widened in a large grin. "Yup, I knew it. I can see it." I held my hand out measuring him against myself. "You'll outgrow me in no time." I shook my hand in his hair and he squirmed trying to get away.

"Quit it." He said annoyed. I laughed, putting my hand down at my side. "Here dad said to give this to you. He said he was sorry."

Eric handed me a gold necklace with a large pearl strung through it. The pearl wasn't white though under the light it reflected different hues of pink and blue in circles. I'd never seen anything like it. "He asked that you wear it everyday. He said mom told him what happened today and he found this. It's supposed to be an amulet that lessens the effects of a siren’s voice on you" Eric explained, looking down at the necklace curiously. I hope that's true. I don't want to ever fall under Dex's spell again.

"Thanks." I squeezed his shoulder. "Wanna watch a movie with me when I'm done here?" I asked him.

"That sounds nice, but you won't be done here for a while and I like to have a good night sleep on school nights.” He was poking fun at my late night habits.

"Fine then. Be that way." I flicked his forehead and he rubbed it, pouting. He was cute when he pouted

"I'll watch a movie with you Friday night." He promised.

"Okay I'll hold you to that.” I smiled at him. He gave me another big hug before heading back inside.

"Come here Tater Tot." Dad patted the spot beside him on the edge of the roof. He was sitting with his legs dangling over the edge. He can fly, but I can't. Sitting here puts my nerves on edge. "I want to take you somewhere. I know you can't access your dragon yet, but now that we know she's there, I want to take you to Mount Ignis.”

Mount Ignis was where dragons go to get their flames when they are young. I'm not sure how that will work with Lien still locked away. Dad seemed really excited though. He always felt bad not being able to take me when he took Ash. I do want to see it though.

"Um okay. If you think that will work then I would love to see it." I smiled at him.

Only dragons can get to Mount Ignis so only they know what it's like there. Dad's wings spurted out spreading wide behind us. He grabbed me from under my arms and we jumped off the roof. My stomach dropped out of my ass when we were falling, quickly going back to its place when we started flying.

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