The Elven Princess

Chapter 23 ~ Front Row Seats

It’s been three days since Aaron and I woke from our nap. Andrew’s warriors had arrived to train.. Tremaine has taken over teaching them how to avoid and avert Elfen magic. Aaron doesn’t need to train.. he is immune to it, now.

I am sitting on the floor of our closet. I have my handheld mirror open to my Father’s castle.. I have to be in the dark.. or my shimmer will be too easy to spot. I watch as Galbhor and Hildy complain and argue… until Galbhor says “The portal will open tomorrow. Scouts will go out first.. as soon as word comes back Tremaine is spotted.. assassins will be sent out to retrieve him.” And Hildy goes stark white “Assassins? Why assassins?”

Galbhor growls “A precaution, Mother! And to kill the little bitch! I know she took him!” I shut the portal and ran to find Aaron. He was at the training center and I told him what I had heard. He asked if a location was mentioned but I shook my head.. “If it’s within a hundred miles of our territory, I will feel when it opens.. Just like with the other one. I can locate it fairly quickly, if you want.. the scouts are harmless.. the assassins after that.. not so much! I’d like to locate it and capture the assassins as they come through.. That’d be fun!”

Tremaine joined us and we told him about Galbhor.. He had the same thought as me.. Let the scouts pass.. and find Tremaine.. and let them return. Capture the assassins as they come through. That will deplete the amount of specialized warriors DullenDirk has!

Aaron asks “Did you think it odd that none of the council members showed to your ascension ceremony? Nor were we even congratulated by the Kingdom. I believe we should call the King.. It’s time I speak with him, anyway. We headed to the office.. I’ll admit.. he brought up a good point and I am curious, now!

He called and informed the secretary who he was..and was put through right away “Alpha Steele! What’s it been…at least a year, right?” Aaron chuckled back “About that long, yes, King Roland.. I’m checking with you to see if the council had updated you?”

Roland’s voice grew stern “Updated me how? I haven’t spoken to any of those old reprobates in over three months.” Well, that’s informative.. Aaron tells him “They are back to pushing their own agendas, again. They were pushing me to take a chosen.. when I refused.. they threatened me.. with… well… You! I refused again, and told them I will withdraw my support from the Kingdom. But, I found my mate.. so I haven’t done that.”

Roland laughed and said “Good for you! When is her ascension? I will try to make it!” Aaron explained it was last week.. but that explains why we hadn’t heard from him. Then Aaron asked what he can tell us about the upcoming war with the Elves. Roland didn’t know what he was talking about!

I asked “How did the council know about the portal? It had sat.. undisturbed for nearly a year… then all of a sudden ‘BAM!’ gotta fix this?” Roland replies “The council have a few witches on payroll.. so I would assume that’s how it was found. But, I am still concerned I wasn’t made aware of the Elves until just now. What of Corellan? Is he taking affirmative action?”

I replied “Corellan is losing his Lord status.. A new Lord has just come of age. No one has seen Corellan in a couple months. He’s not taking calls. King Callan and the Blood Elf King are leading this hostile action against our realm.”

Roland sputters “What? What do you mean? How do you know? Have you been in DullenDirk?” I assure him I have not… not for five years. But my brother was there until two weeks ago…and his intel is valid!

Aaron tells him “I simply wanted to apprise you of the situation. I will not require council interference… they couldn’t aid me out of a wet paper bag.. so, I will not request assistance. Starry Moon and our pack will handle it. If the monarchy or the council try to capitalize on this war… without participating… there will be retribution!”

Roland assures Aaron that he bows to his expertise in the matter…and his people were going to look a little more deeply into the council’s recent activities! Aaron agrees and said something has been different about Jeffrey lately.

We went down to dinner and found Amy sitting beside Evan. He had a ‘Save me’ look on his face. I smiled and asked “Amy, are your parents here?” Her eyes slanted to the side table in the back. I nodded “Best get your ass back to them! This table is for ranks and guests.” She snarled at me and Aaron snapped his fingers. She shot a look at him and he ordered “Check the attitude!”

Once she was gone, Evan shivered “There is something wrong with that girl! She is fixated on you, bro.. Obsessed, even. Wanting to know about the two of you.. when you’re not together.. crazy talk!”

I said “I warned her… I gave her a reprieve and didn’t kill her. Looks like that might have been a mistake!” Aaron laughed and told me “If she keeps up with this bullshit, you can follow through on your warning!”

Evan says “I want front row seats!”

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