The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heir’s Series 5)

The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): Chapter 16

Presley Estates, Wesbury

‘He’s finally asleep, but who knows for how long,’ I say into the phone, cradling it between my ear and shoulder as I slap together a sandwich. There’s a weariness in my voice I can’t mask.

Daphne’s light laughter filters through from the other end. It’s comforting, in a way.

I comment, ‘Babies and their sleep, it’s a mystery. They say ‘sleep like a baby,’ but honestly, my little guy is up every few hours.’

Daphne’s quick to agree. ‘Totally. It’s one of those sayings that doesn’t hold up in real life.’

I switch the topic, curious about her current state. ‘So, how’s life? Settling into your new apartment?’

There’s hesitation in her voice. ‘It’s okay, I guess. Not really feeling it yet.’

‘I’ve got to check it out for myself,’ I insist, imagining her in a place that doesn’t quite suit her.

She downplays it. ‘It’s not horrible. Just… doesn’t feel like home.’

I sigh, empathizing with her. ‘Why not give it a personal touch? A bit of decor can do wonders.’

She’s noncommittal. ‘Maybe.’

I probe a little deeper. ‘Is it the vibe? The lighting?’

She admits, ‘It’s fine. Just not me.’

My advice comes naturally. ‘Then maybe it’s time to look elsewhere. If it doesn’t feel right…’

She reveals her plans. ‘I’m thinking about it. Saving up to check out some new, modern places soon.’

A yawn escapes me, unbidden. Daphne catches it. ‘Sounds like you’re beat.’

‘Exhausted is an understatement,’ I admit.

She wonders, ‘What’s been keeping you so busy?’

My response is a half-laugh. ‘Everything. This baby is a full-time job.’

‘But you’ve got your mom there, right? To help out?’ She reminds me.

I smile, despite the tiredness. ‘Yeah, she’s a lifesaver. But it’s still a lot.’

The conversation drifts on, the rhythm of late-night chats a familiar comfort.

‘I’m still doing a lot around here,’ I find myself saying, a bit defensively.

‘But why should you have to?’ Her question is pointed.

I sigh, feeling the weight of my responsibilities. ‘Mom’s not doing well. Her back’s a mess, and she can’t help much.’ I pause, adding, ‘Wait till you’re here, you’ll see.’

I try to shift to something more hopeful. ‘We’re seeing a doctor next week in Spring City. Hopefully, they can do something for her. And, you know, the christening’s coming up.’

I venture, a bit tentatively, ‘Are you coming down for a week? Could really use your help.’

She hesitates, and my heart sinks a bit. ‘I’m not sure I can stay a whole week…’

‘Daphne…’ I let her name hang in the air, a silent plea for her to understand.

She offers a compromise. ‘Maybe a few days, but not a week.’

I can’t hide my disappointment. ‘Why not a week? Aisling managed to get away for her brother’s baby’s ceremony. She’s been gone since Friday.’

Daphne’s quick to remind me. ‘I’m not Aisling. My situation’s different.’

I counter, ‘But Aisling’s café is bustling, and she still took off.’

‘She has staff,’ Daphne points out. ‘She could stay away for weeks if she wanted to.’

‘But why can’t you come for a week?’ My voice softens.

The conversation takes an unexpected turn. ‘Speaking of which, did you hear about Simone moving?’

‘She’s moving? Where to?’ I’m caught off guard.

Daphne’s not sure. ‘Don’t know yet, but it sounds soon.’

I’m curious now. ‘Why’s she moving? Did you ask?’

Daphne sounds skeptical. ‘She mentioned work, but I’m not buying it.’

‘Me neither,’ I agree, suspicion creeping into my voice. ‘I bet Duke’s involved.’

Daphne’s in agreement. ‘I was thinking the same.’

My gut feeling grows stronger. ‘I think he’s moving her to hide something… maybe their affair?’

‘Sounds about right,’ she says, her tone echoing my disbelief.

I can’t help but add, half-jokingly, ‘You’ve got some detective work to do for me.’

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