The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heir’s Series 5)

The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): Chapter 15

Spring City

Geneva’s perched at the kitchen island, phone to her ear, while I’m sprawled on the sofa, laptop open and heart racing.

Her eyes flick to me. ‘Elena, did you see the email?’

I nod, ‘Yeah, it’s right here. Open and staring back at me.’

‘Is his signature there?’ Her voice is tense, filled with an urgency that makes my stomach churn.

I stare at the screen, disbelief and dread mingling. ‘It’s his, Geneva. No doubt about it.’

She hurries over, her gaze flitting across the email. A moment later, she’s back to her call, confirming we’ve got what we need. Then she’s back, sinking into the couch beside me.

‘Duke,’ she breathes out, disbelief coloring her voice.

We sit in silence, the enormity of what we’ve uncovered hanging heavily between us. Words feel inadequate, clumsy.

After a moment, I gather myself to speak, my utterance just a breathy whisper. ‘How do we break this to Aisling?’

Geneva’s face is etched with solemnity. ‘We’ll find a way,’ she says, but her eyes are troubled.

The thought of Aisling hearing this news twists my insides. ‘This will devastate her, Geneva. The thought of telling her… it’s unbearable.’

Geneva’s resolve hardens. ‘Elena, we need to do this right, and we need to do it now.’

My head spins, the weight of responsibility pressing down on me. ‘I don’t even know where to start,’ I admit, feeling utterly lost.

Geneva’s eyes are steady, determined. ‘We don’t have time to waste. Her procedure is next week, and he’ll be there. We can’t let this go any further.’

Her words echo in my head, a call to action that we can’t ignore. We have to move fast, for Aisling’s sake.

‘So, when should we tell her?’ The words fall heavily from my lips, laden with a sense of impending doom.

‘Tomorrow night?’ Geneva proposes, but her voice wavers, unsure.

I can’t help but shoot her a look of disbelief. ‘Tomorrow night?’

She’s adamant, though. ‘We can’t delay, Elena. It’s critical we stop this now.’

My body feels like it’s made of lead, my mind a whirlpool of chaos, as Geneva grabs the laptop and heads to the kitchen. I follow, my heart hammering, trying to grasp at any rational thought. ‘Wait, Geneva. Tomorrow’s too soon. We can’t just spring this on her,’ I stammer, the words catching in my throat.

She stops, turning to face me, her eyes ablaze with determination. ‘Elena, she needs to know what kind of man she’s dealing with.’

I plead with her. ‘But can’t we wait? Maybe till Saturday? We need time to plan this properly.’

‘No, Elena,’ she’s resolute.

‘Friday, then?’ I’m grasping at straws, desperate for a little more time.

She concedes, ‘Alright. Friday.’

The weight of what we’re about to do settles over me, heavy and suffocating. ‘How? Where do we even start with something like this?’

‘Here,’ she says firmly. ‘We bring her here.’

‘And then?’

‘We’ll make dinner,’ she suggests.

‘Okay,’ I agree, though the idea feels surreal.

Geneva’s expression softens as she looks at me. ‘Why are you so scared, Elena?’ Her voice is kinder now, probing the fear that I can’t quite hide.

I let out a shaky breath, the weight of what we’re about to do pressing down on me. ‘He’s everything to her. Her whole world. How is Aisling going to handle this? I’m just… falling apart.’

Geneva’s reply is stark, a cold dose of reality. ‘Well, he’s not her world anymore.’

I whisper, my voice breaking, tears threatening to spill. ‘How can I even sleep tonight, knowing what we know?’

Geneva takes a deep, calming breath. ‘We should have someone else here on Friday. Support.’

‘Kari?’ I suggest, the idea bringing a faint glimmer of hope.

‘Perfect,’ she agrees.

But then another worry hits me, my anxiety spiking again. ‘Shouldn’t we talk to Duke first? Get his side?’

Geneva’s patience is wearing thin. ‘To hear what excuses? Why he’s fathering a child with someone else?’

I’m grasping at straws. ‘Maybe he has a reason. We should know.’

‘It’s pointless, Elena.’

‘Are you sure?’


My voice quivers with fear. ‘I’m scared for Aisling, Geneva. This is going to break her.’

Geneva opens the laptop, getting down to business. ‘Why are they even doing IVF?’

I shake my head, clueless. ‘No idea.’

She muses, ‘Could the problem be with him?’

I nod slowly. ‘Maybe. Why else would he do this again with someone else? Maybe the doctors aren’t looking into his case properly.’

‘Or maybe,’ she adds, ‘he’s got some deal with this other woman. An agreement for the IVF.’

I slump into the chair opposite her, a heavy sadness enveloping me. ‘I can’t believe Duke would do this.’

Geneva is more pragmatic. ‘Pressure does strange things to people, Elena. I’ve always said that.’

I watch her, lost in thought. ‘What are you searching for now?’

‘I’m trying to find out who this other woman is,’ Geneva replies, her fingers flying over the keyboard. The reality of our situation sits between us, heavy and undeniable.

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