The Dragon's Keeper

Chapter 2 Flame

Curtsying low, I try to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest. I keep my gaze low; but manage to see the smirk on Steven's face. He is only a few years older than me. I also see the disgust on Michelle's. She is my age. Both of them are children of the Master and I am making it a point to avoid them at all costs. I don't know why, but it seems their life's mission is to make me more miserable than I already am.

However, Daniel's face only shows pity. He is the oldest at eighteen. My face flames red when I see it.

"Milord? You sent for me?" I pant.

I could feel his eyes assessing me, and my heart pounds louder.

I'm not sure what he is looking for, but apparently I don't meet his expectations.

"Well, for my little kitchen waif, I guess I cannot expect too much..." he mumbles to himself.

"Yes, child. I was told that my dragon, Flame has called for you. Although, for the life of me, I cannot understand why. You are filthy," the Master says as an afterthought.

Steven and Michelle snicker at me.

"But never mind that. You are excused from your chores for the rest of the day. Run along and tend to my dragon," he commands.

"Thank you, Milord!" I manage tightly.

I made another deep curtsy and turn to dash from the room.

I almost trip in my haste to make my exit. But catch myself, just in time. That would be the last thing I need, to make more of a fool of myself than I already feel.

Running through the hallways, I pass several servants, and hear their grumbled complaints as I pass by.

"Sorry!" I shout over my shoulder.

Rounding a corner, I literally run into Jefferson.

He is fifteen and tends to the horses. He also has slimy hands that he can't seem to keep to himself!

"What's your hurry, Tasha?" he asks in a deep voice.

He grabs me by the waist and pushes me up against the wall and leans into me. "If you want fast, I might be willing to oblige," he whispers into my neck.

"Get off!" I shout and try to shove him off me. But he is well built and at least twice as heavy. But it is all muscle. All my squirming did is make him chuckle, and he starts kissing my neck again.

"I know you like it, Tasha. Why pretend you don't want me?" he asks as he put his calloused hands all over my body again.

By this time, tears start streaming down my face. "Please stop!" I choke out. I am trembling all over.

"See? I knew you liked it!"

Suddenly, the door to the servant's exit flies open.

James takes one look and in half a breath he is on Jefferson, then throws him against the other wall. While he pins Jefferson down, he looks over his shoulder.

"You okay, Tash?" he growls.

I know he isn't mad at me. If anything he would be mad at himself for not protecting me sooner.

That's why I love my best friend!

He is always looking out for me, when my own mother wouldn't give me the time of day.

"Yes. I'm fine. Thank you, Jamie!" I sigh.

Jefferson may be two years older than James, but because James works in the horse stalls, he is stronger.

James turns back to Jefferson. "If I ever catch you touching her again, your pretty blue eyes will end up black!" he growls again.

"What good is a kitchen wench if I can't have a little fun with her?" Jefferson whines.

"She didn't look like she was having that much fun!" James shouts. Then he shoves Jefferson down the hallway.

"So, why are you out of the kitchen? It's dangerous out here without me!" asks James, giving me his full attention.

"The Master called to see me and said Flame needs me. I was running to see her, when I bumped into Jefferson..." my face flames again in embarrassment at having Jamie see me in such a position.

Jamie threw his arms around me and whispers in my ear, "It's going to be okay. I won't let that creep touch you ever again!" he promises.

I slide my arms around his waist and let him hold me for a few minutes while I get my emotions under control. It feels so wonderful to have someone value me the way he does.

He would have made an amazing big brother, if his mother hadn't died giving birth to him. But he is the BEST, best friend.

I grab his hand and pull him along with me.

"Come with me! But we need to hurry..." I tell him.

We dash out the back entrance and continue through the valley and finally make it to Flame's cave.

We enter the dark, cool stone hollow. Our breathing is heavy and ragged from our taxing journey. My side has a stitch from running.

"Flame! We're here!" I call out.

"Back here," comes a low sleepy voice.

We follow her voice to her nest.

Turning a corner to face her, in her cozy little nook, my breath catches in my chest.

Pure joy replaces all of my emotional problems from this morning as my eyes fall on a bundle of midnight blue scales.

"Oh! How beautiful!" I exclaim.

"His name is Midnight, Tasha. And he is why I sent for you.," whispers Flame.

I dash to the adorable sleeping baby dragon.

"Tasha, I feel my magic leaving my body as we speak..."

"What!?!" I exclaim. "How can I help you, Flame? We need you to keep your magic! You just had a baby! You can't die now!" My voice has become more shrill as my panic rose.

"Tasha, my time is at hand. I will not be here much longer. But I trust you and James more than anyone else. Tasha, do you remember the story of the Island of Dreams?" she asks.

"Yes. But why-"

"You must take my baby there!" Flame cuts me off. "He is the only one who can restore the magic to the land. If you don't, even he will die soon. I can't have that for my little one. Take him now! I am begging you. Save my baby..." she asks weakly.

As she spoke her form became less solid and closer to a thick smoke.

I panick. "I promise, Flame! I will save your baby!" I screech, as she fades further.

"Thank you..." she whispers, as she turns into red sparkly dust.

Tears leak out of my eyes and I throw my arms around Jamie's neck.

"I'm going to miss you..."

"No!" shouts James. "I can't let you go without me. You are the only thing that matters to me, Tash. If you left me, I would have nothing! You are my everything, and I will protect what is mine! I am coming with you!" he states.

"Of course!" I giggle.

I have never heard him speak like that. Like I am all he is living for. It makes me feel so special!

"I would love for you to go with me. But what about your father?"

"I doubt he will even notice I'm gone!" he assures me, but he doesn't sound sad about it.

I smile up at James, then gently grab the sleeping dragon in my arms. "Let's go!"

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